
WWE NXT Results for 6/10/20 NXT Takeover: In Your House Fallout, Cole Stops Lumis, Balor Victorious

Witness the fallout from NXT Takeover: In Your House tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by a non-title match between the NXT champion Adam Cole and Dexter Lumis! Be sure to stick around for the post show podcast once the show ends and check out Fightful Select for exclusive content!

– We open the show with a video package recapping NXT Takeover: In Your House before Undisputed Era come out to the ring to celebrate Adam defending his NXT championship against The Velveteen Dream.

Mia Yim & Keith Lee vs Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae

Mia and Keith go right after Johnny and Candice before they slam them into each other and clothesline before the match actually starts and Mia tosses Candice by her hair once it does. Johnny drags Candice out of the ring and saves her before Keith grabs them both and they get out of the way before Keith catches Mia when she misses a suicide dive. Mia and Keith then drop Johnny and Candice across the edge of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Candice in control of Mia until Mia comes back with Soul Food and gets the tag to Keith who drops Johnny several times when he comes in and Keith drops Johnny with an open hand palm strike to the chest. Keith tosses Johnny across the ring and Candice gets the blind tag before Keith has both Candice and Johnny on his shoulders and Candice rakes the injured eye of Keith before Johnny hits an enzuigiri and Candice a DDT. Mia hits a shotgun dropkick and a clothesline into a dropkick before chopping her across the chest and hitting a bridging dragon suplex for a near fall that Johnny breaks up. Mia lays into Johnny with strikes before Candice saves him from a suplex and Mia superkicks Johnny before suplexing he and Candice and Candice hits her with a soul food of her own into an asai moonsault for a near fall. Johnny and Keith come back in and Mia low bridges Johnny and sends him out onto the floor before Keith runs over Johnny who knocks into Candice who knocks Mia off of the apron.

Johnny then hits a slingshot DDT and Keith lands on top of Candice before Keith picks up Candice and Johnny rolls him up when he’s checking on Candice and Candice flies out of the ring and falls onto the mat lifeless while Johnny gets the three count for the win.

Winner: Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae defeat Keith Lee and Mia Yim via pinfall.

– After the match we get a recap of Finn Balor defeating Damian Priest before we get a WWE Network exclusive interview with Priest and then go backstage to a live interview with Cameron Grimes before Priest shows up behind him and lays him out with a forearm as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package recapping the NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat Match in which Io Shirai defeated the champion at the time, Charlotte and Rhea Ripley to become the new champion as Io narrates.

Indus Sher w/Malcolm Bivens vs Local Team

Saurav drops one of his opponents with a boot before dropping his other opponent off of the apron and tags in Rinku who hits several running splashes in the corner before IS hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Indus Sher defeat a local team via pinfall.

– After the match we get an update on Cameron Grimes who we’re told has a broken jaw before William Regal says that he’d rather talk to Grimes himself before we get a graphic for El Hijo Del Fantasma as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to the referee walking up on Grimes outside talking to two women before he turns around and sees that William Regal is on the tablet and he quickly fakes a hurt jaw, but Regal isn’t having it and says that his match against Finn Balor is still on. We then go to a video package for the NXT Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders, Breezango before we get a recap of Karrion Kross’ victory over Tommaso Ciampa before we see Ciampa get into his car and leave when he’s attempted to be interviewed before we get a graphic for Balor and Grimes up next as we go to back to commercial.

– We come back to an interview with Rhea Ripley where she’s asked about her losing the women’s triple threat for the title and about Io becoming the new champion before she’s interrupted by Robert Stone who mocks her and gets put through a pile of chairs.

Finn Balor vs Cameron Grimes

Finn immediately takes control and goes after Cameron before he backs him into the corner and is forced to back off before Cameron comes back with clubbing blows and shoulder thrusts in the corner. Finn hits a snap mare and kicks Cameron in the spine before locking in a rear headlock and chops him around the ring before Grimes catches a kick and slams Finn down and hits a sliding knee. Cameron drops Finn with a chop and steps on his hand before Finn counters a sunset flip into a basement shotgun dropkick and Cameron rolls out of the ring, but Finn is right after him and chops him at ringside. Back in the ring Cameron then hits a lariat out of nowhere for two as we go to commercial.

We come back to Grimes still in control before Finn catches him coming in with a kick and hits a clothesline into a jumping stomp and a sling blade into a shotgun dropkick. Finn climbs to the top and misses the Coup De Grace before Grimes rolls him up for a near fall and hits a superman forearm that nearly knocks Finn out before Finn goes for 1916. Finn then hits a reverse DDT before Grimes hits a spinning sit-out uranage for a near fall. Finn then hits 1916 for a near fall before hitting the Coup De Grace into another 1916 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Finn Balor defeats Cameron Grimes via pinfall.

– After the match Finn cuts a promo into the camera and says that he’s coming for the NXT North American Championship next as we go to commercial.

Kacy Catanzaro vs Dakota Kai w/Raquel Gonzalez

Kacy starts things off with a series of fast paced moves before hitting a sunset flip for a two count and Kai misses a running splash in the corner before Kacy hits her with right hands and a running clothesline in the corner. Kai then catches Kacy coming in and gets her into a fireman’s carry before she hits the GTK for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai defeats Kacy Catanzaro via pinfall.

– After the match Kai tells the camera that she’s coming for Io Shirai’s Women’s championship before she and Gonzalez attack Kacy before Kayden Carter comes out and tries to save Kacy only to be powerbombed by Raquel before we get a graphic for El Hijo Del Fantasma up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package where Timothy Thatcher is coaching off camera before the NXT Cruiserweight Champion El Hijo Del Fantasma comes out to the ring before he’s interrupted by Drake Maverick. Drake congratulates Fantasma and says that he deserves the title before telling Fantasma that he knows he can beat him if he gets another shot at the title before the two masked men come out and surround the ring. Fantasma then drops Drake with a headbutt before all three of them attack Drake and it’s revealed that they are Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde before Fantasma takes off his mask and says that he is Santos Escobar. We then go backstage to UE trying to hunt down Dexter Lumis ahead of Adam’s match against him before they leave and we see that Dexter was watching them through a slit in a door the entire time as we go to commercial.

Adam Cole vs Dexter Lumis

Dexter backs Adam into the corner before dropping him with a back elbow and Adam rolls out of the ring before Adam gets back in and locks in a standing side headlock before Lumis tosses him across the ring. Dexter hits Adam with an uppercut before catching a boot and dropping Adam with a right hand and Adam rolls out onto the apron before Adam roundhouse kicks him off of the apron and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

Adam hits a back stabber for two as we come back to the action in the ring before hitting Dexter with right hands in mount and hits him with forearms when he gets to his knees before hitting a DDT. Adam chokes Dexter in the ropes and hits a neckbreaker before Dexter comes back with a bulldog out of the corner into a clothesline and a rebound suplex for two. Dexter hits a German suplex for two before countering The Last Shot and Adam superkicks him for two before Dexter ducks The Last Shot and hits a spinebuster. Dexter punches Adam in mount before Adam sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor before Dexter slides back into the ring behind Adam and hits a spinebuster for two. Dexter drags Adam over to the corner and goes for a swanton bomb, but Adam gets his knees up before Dexter counters the Panama Sunrise into an arm triangle choke.

Roddy then hits Dexter from behind when Bobby distracts the referee before Adam hits The Last Shot for the pin and the win.

Winner: Adam Cole defeats Dexter Lumis via pinfall.

– After the match Adam mocks Dexter who snatches him up and chokes him until Fish and Strong stomp him to make him break it and they’re ran off by The Velveteen Dream. The lights then go out and Scarlett comes out to the ring and sets an hour glass in the ring before turning it over and letting it start counting down as Karrion Kross’ graphic shows on the big screen and she leaves as Adam hugs his belt closely as we go off the air.

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