
AEW Dynamite 3/4/20 Results: Jake Roberts Debuts, Death Triangle Forms & The Inner Circle Attacks

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts off with highlights from AEW Revolution.

– AEW World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley makes his way to the ring, Moxley says the AEW World Championship belt is a beautiful thing due to what it represents. Moxley says the belt never belonged to Chris Jericho or himself, but to all the fans of AEW in the arena or watching around the world. Moxley says that AEW and the fans brought pro wrestling back, Moxley says he will defend the belt with his life. Moxley says there is nobody in the pro wrestling industry that will take the belt from him, Moxley says things still aren’t over between himself and The Inner Circle. The Inner Circle interrupt and they make their way onto the stage, Chris Jericho says he doesn’t need a belt to be Le Champion. Jericho says everything Moxley did paid off because the Moxley Era has begun, Jericho says the Moxley Era sucks. Jericho says Moxley’s title win was based on a lie, Jericho says he spent months training for somebody with one eye and Moxley actually had vision in both eyes.

Jericho says Moxley’s title win has turned The Inner Circle into a hit squad and the entire AEW roster is on notice, Jericho says Moxley will not leave AEW Dynamite tonight walking on his own two feet. Jericho says if Moxley can walk out of AEW Dynamite tonight on his own two feet, then Jericho will leave AEW for two months. Jericho says he always has a plan and Moxley’s not as smart as he thinks he is, Moxley says he will send Jericho packing for sixty days tonight.

Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

The match begins with Cabana cracking Grayson with a few strikes, Grayson fires back and a striking exchange breaks out. Cabana then drops Grayson with a head scissors takedown, Dark Order jumps Cabana to gain control. Uno tags in and he double teams Cabana with Grayson for a near fall, Silver tags in and he cracks Cabana with some strikes. Daniels helps Cabana with Silver before tagging in, SCU then triple teams Silver before Cabana joins in on the attack. Sky stays in the ring and he nails Silver with some strikes and a drop kick for a near fall, Daniels tags back in and Silver corners him before landing shoulder thrusts. Uno interferes and Grayson lays out Daniels behind the ref’s back, Uno drags Daniels out of the ring before throwing him into the ring post. Uno gets Daniels back into the ring before tagging into the match and kicking away at Daniels, Grayson tags in and he stomps away on Daniels. Reynolds tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Daniels, Reynolds rakes the eyes of Daniels before Uno tags in.

Daniels fights back and Uno uses a ref distraction to hit him with a neck breaker, Grayson tags in and he double teams Daniels with Uno for a near fall. Silver tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Daniels, Uno tags in and he works over a cornered Daniels with some stomps. Reynolds tags back in and he double teams him with Silver, Silver nails Daniels with a German suplex for a near fall. Grayson tags in and he cracks Daniels with an enziguri, Daniels fights back and he nails Grayson with a flat liner. Kazarian tags in and Reynolds gets a tag as well, Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Kazarian slams Reynolds and Silver before nailing both with a springboard leg drop, a huge brawl breaks out between both teams. SCU stays in the ring and they triple team Uno before everybody else returns to the frey, Daniels then takes out Grayson with a suicide dive. Kazarian then hits Reynolds with a slingshot cutter for a near fall, Cabana tags in and he attacks everybody with a ton of strikes.

Cabana then hits Uno and Silver with a springboard moonsault, Reynolds then gets triple teamed by the opposition. Sky takes out members of Dark Order with a suicide dive, Cabana nails Reynolds with a Chicago Skyline for a three count.

Winners: Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian)

After the match, Evil Uno gets the microphone to say that heads will roll when the exalted one arrives.

– Highlights are shown of Kenny Omega & Hangman Page vs. The Young Bucks from AEW Revolution.

Big Swole vs. Leva Bates w/Peter Avalon

The match begins with Swole shoving Bates to the mat below, Swole throws a book from Bates away before getting slapped in the face. Avalon distracts Swole so Bates can hit her with a book and a back stabber, Swole recovers to hit Bates with a slam and knee strike. Swole then hits Bates with a head kick and springboard cutter, Swole follows up by hitting Bates with Dirty Dancing for a three count.

Winner: Big Swole

– Highlights are shown from MJF vs. Cody at AEW Revolution.

– Cody makes his way to the ring to address what went down at AEW Revolution, Cody says he doesn’t know if he can take everything after losing to MJF. Cody demands that MJF come to the ring to tell him that he won fair and square, Jake “The Snake” Roberts interrupts and makes his way to the ring. Roberts says he got tired of listening to Cody cry and bitch about the loss to MJF, Roberts says Cody has to understand that he got his ass kicked at AEW Revolution. Roberts says he is here to slay Cody and he has a client and the dark side is coming to AEW, Roberts says it took him twenty years to get clean and right. Roberts says he won’t be a nice boy and play right, Roberts says he’ll be outside of the ring when his client faces him. Roberts says he came to AEW to take Cody’s share of it, Roberts turns his back on Cody before leaving the ring.

– Highlights are shown of Orange Cassidy vs. Pac from AEW Revolution.

Chuck Taylor w/Trent & Orange Cassidy vs. Pac

The match begins with Taylor backing Pac into the ropes before letting him go free, Pac gets Taylor in a headlock before taking him down. Taylor gets free and Pac gets him down with another headlock, Taylor gets free again and Pac drops him with a shoulder tackle. Taylor gets back up and Pac knocks him out of the ring with a hurricarana, Pac leaves the ring to confront Cassidy and Taylor attacks him. Taylor gets Pac back in the ring and Pac nails him with a jaw breaker, Taylor then nails Pac with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Taylor follows Pac around the ring while landing some strikes, Taylor then drops Pac with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Pac fights back and Taylor nails him with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Taylor goes to the top rope and Pac makes him leap off before knocking him out of the ring. Pac leaves the ring and he throws Taylor into the barricade a few times, Pac follows up on that by nailing Taylor with a suplex on the arena floor.

Pac waits for Taylor to get back in the ring before stomping away on him, Pac traps Taylor in the corner before choking him. Pac holds Taylor down while wrenching away on his arm, Taylor fights back and he nails Pac with a clothesline. Taylor gets Pac to the ring apron and Pac recovers by faking him out, Taylor recovers and he nails Pac with a drop kick. Taylor knocks Pac out of the ring before taking him down with a dive, Taylor gets Pac back in the ring and he lands a falcon arrow for a near fall. Pac avoids a charging Taylor before landing a slingshot cutter, Taylor fights back and he nails Pac with an Awful Waffle for a near fall. Taylor goes to the top rope and he misses a moonsault attempt, Pac immediately gets Taylor in the Brutalizer and a tap out follows.

Winner: Pac

After the match, The Lucha Brothers hit the ring to attack the Best Friends and Orange Cassidy, Pac grabs the microphone to declare himself and The Lucha Brothers the Death Triangle.

– Shawn Spears & Tully Blanchard appear to say that one person will have a chance to become Spears’ tag team partners because they are searching for the perfect tag team partner.

QT Marshall w/Dustin Rhodes & Brandi Rhodes vs. Jake Hager w/Santana & Ortiz

The match begins with Hager scoring a takedown on Marshall before slapping him, Hager corners Marshall while landing a few strikes. Marshall fights back and he nails Hager with a drop kick, Hager recovers and he nails a leaping Marshall with an elbow strike. Hager then hits Marshall with a power slam and an Oklahoma Stampede, Marshall fights back and Hager nails him with a knee strike. Hager looks for the Vader Bomb and Marshall gets his feet up, Marshall then cracks Hager with a series of strikes. Marshall follows up by nailing Hager with a handspring enziguri, Marshall goes to the top rope and he lands a swanton bomb for a one count. Marshall sets up for a tornado DDT and Hager avoids it before landing a lariat, Hager gets Marshall in the standing arm triangle choke and a tap out follows.

Winner: Jake Hager w/Santana & Ortiz

After the match, Dustin Rhodes goes to help his partner from a post-match attack and he gets beat up by The Inner Circle members until Cody makes the save. Ortiz nails Cody with a chair shot and The Inner Circle works him over, Matt Jackson hits the ring and he lights people up with super kicks. Hager eventually takes out Jackson with a power slam, Hangman Page comes out and he attacks The Inner Circle before dropping Hager with a Buckshot Lariat. Page then flips off Jackson before leaving the ring.

– Highlights are shown of Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander from AEW Revolution.

– MJF and Wardlow appear, MJF says he went from protege to prodigy after defeating Cody at AEW Revolution. MJF says he has a lot of ink left for his legacy and he’ll become the greatest world champion in pro wrestling history, MJF says he doesn’t care who gets in his way and he’ll remain undefeated in AEW.

– A bunch of masked people attack Jon Moxley during his entrance before the match begins, the masks are removed and the men are revealed to be the rest of The Inner Circle. Moxley continues getting attacked in the atrium, Hager grabs the top of a garbage can and he attacks Moxley with it. Moxley continues trying to fight back and The Inner Circle overwhelms him each time.

Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara)

The match begins with Allin aniling Guevara with a springboard elbow strike, Allin then knocks Guevara out of the ring with a drop kick. Allin attacks Guevara on the arena floor and he throws him into the barricade, Allin then sends a charging Jericho into the ring steps. Allin gets back in the ring and Guevara cracks him with a knee strike, Jericho tags in and he attacks Allin with a series of strikes. Jericho follows up on that by nailing Allin with a back suplex, the rest of The Inner Circle and they attack Allin behind the ref’s back. Jericho misses a charge in the corner and Allin rolls him up for a near fall, Allin then hits Jericho with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Jericho recovers and he gets Allin in the Walls Of Jericho, Allin eventually gets to the ropes and Jericho knocks him out of the ring. Jericho leaves the ring and he throws Allin into the crowd, Jericho gets Allin back into the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt.

Guevara tags back in and he works over the arm of a downed Allin, Guevara sets up for a suplex as Jericho tags in and Jericho completes it. Guevara tags back in and he double teams Allin with Jericho, Jericho tags back in and he cracks Allin with more strikes. Allin fights back and he attacks Jericho with a ton of strikes before knocking him out of the ring, Allin then nails Jericho with a suicide dive. Guevara tags in and he attacks Allin with shoulder thrusts in the corner, Guevara then hits Allin with a pop up kick for a near fall. Jericho tags back in and Allin attacks him with strikes until Jericho drops him. Jericho goes for a Lionsault and Allin gets his knees up, Guevara tags in and Allin nails him with a code red for a near fall. Allin knocks Guevara out of the ring before taking out The Inner Circle with a Coffin Drop, Allin gets Guevara in the ring to land a stunner and a Coffin Drop for a near fall.

Jericho hits the ring and Allin knocks him out of it, Allin goes for a suicide dive and Jericho nails him with a Judas Effect. Jericho gets Allin back in the ring and Guevara gets a three count on him.

Winners: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara)

After the match, Jon Moxley comes to the ring with a steel chair and he attacks The Inner Circle. Moxley nails Guevara with a Paradigm Shift, Hager attacks Moxley from behind and the rest of The Inner Circle attack Moxley before getting him on the entrance ramp. Hager then power bombs Moxley off the stage and through a table on the arena floor.

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