
WWE NXT Results for 11/27/19 NXT Tag Team & Cruiserweight Championship Matches

It’s a stacked edition of WWE NXT as both the NXT Tag Team Championships and the Cruiserweight Championship are on the line!

Good evening Fight Fans, and happy Thanksgiving eve! It’s time for NXT from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida featuring two huge championship matches! Enjoy the show and be sure to stick with us afterwards for the post-show podcast and I’ll see you back here tomorrow night for a special edition of MLW Fusion live on YouTube on Thanksgiving night!

-We open the show with nearly everyone on the roster celebrating with the NXT Universe to a musical performance before they’re interrupted by the Undisputed Era, Adam saying that NXT only won because of them and that should be thanking them. Adam says that none of them are NXT and that the Undisputed Era are NXT and that they dominated at WarGames and Survivor Series and they’re just getting started. Tommaso Ciampa interrupts Adam and says that WarGames was the beginning of the end for the Undisputed Era and that the collapse will continue tonight when Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic take the tag titles. Ciampa then says that Strong’s days are numbered before saying that he wants his NXT Championship back and that there’s no one in Undisputed Era standing in his way before Finn Bálor comes out onto the stage and walks passed UE. Finn says that he’s standing in Ciampa’s way and they set up a match between Finn and Tommaso for later tonight.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Undisputed Era (c) vs Keith Lee & Dominik Dijakovic

UE attack their opponents before the bell rings and send Dom out of the ring before doubling up on Keith until Keith clears the ring as we go to commercial.

We return to UE isolating Dom in their half of the ring before he tosses Kyle across the ring and Kyle locks in a headlock on Keith before Keith knocks both Kyle and Roddy over with ease. All four men exchange before Dom and Keith take out UE Dom suplexes Keith on top of Strong and O’Reilly before Strong chop blocks Dom and starts focusing on his leg. Strong then drags Dom to the corner after getting a quick two count as we go back to commercial.

Dom kicks Kyle away before Keith comes in and drops UE with a double clothesline before clearing the ring and Strong chop blocks Keith when he’s getting out of the ring. UE toss Keith back into the ring and Keith sends Kyle out before Dom hits Strong with forearms in the corner and turns him inside out with a lariat. Kyle tries to lock in a triangle, but Dom powerbombs him and chokeslams Roddy at the same time for a near fall before Kyle rolls Dom up when he goes for Feast Your Eyes. Roddy chop blocks Keith before Dom hits a flipping springboard senton and Dom hits a double chokeslam before Adam comes down to the ring and Keith launches him into the crowd. UE then retain off of the distraction by pinning Dom with the High Low for the pin and the win.

Winner: Undisputed Era retain their NXT Tag Team Championship by defeating Dominik Dijakovic and Keith Lee when they hit the High Low.

-We get a video recapping Dakota Kai’s attack on Tegan Nox at NXT Takeover: WarGames before we get a tweet by Tegan who says that she’s okay and going to get her revenge before we go to an interview with Candice LeRae who will face Kai later tonight as we go to commercial.

-We get a recap of the Cruiserweight Championship match between Lio Rush and Angel Garza before we see that Lio attacked Angel after his match this past weekend.

Shane Thorne vs Mansoor

Mansoor takes Shane down before the Aussie gets to his feet and backs him into the corner for a not so clean break before Mansoor dropkicks Shane out of the ring. Mansoor hits a suicide dive, but Shane immediately hits a Saito suplex before tossing him back into the ring for a two count. Shane then hits another Saito suplex for a near fall before Mansoor superkicks him out of the ring and hits a suicide forearm into a slingshot neckbreaker for the pin and the win once they’re back in the ring.

Winner: Mansoor defeats Shane Thorne via pinfall with a slingshot neckbreaker.

Dakota Kai vs Candice LeRae

Kai comes our to the ring with Nox’s knee brace before Candice counters a slap and a kick and hits Kai with a drive by before Kai rolls out of the ring when Candice teases an Asai moonsault. Candice hits a suicide dive and rolls Kai back into the ring before hitting a senton for a quick two count before Kai sweeps Candice and sends her into the ring post and the apron. Kai plays to the crowd and rolls Candice back into the ring for a two count before trapping her in the ropes and hitting her with a running kick as we go to commercial.

Kai misses a helluva kick and powerbombs Candice for a two count before Candice hits a back suplex onto the apron and rolls Kai back into the ring before hitting her with a flurry of strikes and a running back elbow into a diving tornado DDT for a near fall. Kai hits the running boot before Candice catches her with a roundhouse kick and a powerbomb for a near fall before missing a springboard moonsault. Kai hits a code red back stabber for a near fall before Candice locks in the Gargano Escape and Kai rolls out of the ring before hitting Candice with the knee brace when she goes for a suicide dive for the disqualification.

Winner: Candice LeRae defeats Dakota Kai via disqualification when Kai hits Candice with the knee brace.

-After the match Kai attacks Candice before she’s ran off by Rhea Ripley and we go to an interview with Tommaso Ciampa ahead of his match against Finn Bálor in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Cameron Grimes before we get a recap of the matches NXT were involved in at Survivor Series.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

Lio Rush (c) vs Akira Tozawa

Lio tries to take Akira down before Akira hits a huricanrrana and misses a senton before Akira catches Lio up top and drops him with a stiff jab. Akira then hits a jumping stomp on the apron as we go to commercial.

Akira teases a suicide dive and hits a cannonball off of the apron before hitting a missile dropkick once they’re back in the ring for a two count. They duck each other’s kicks before dropping each other with a boot and they end up on the apron where Akira hits a German suplex off of the apron. Back in the ring Akira hits a dead lift German suplex for a near fall before Lio gets his knees up when Akira goes for the high angle diving senton and Lio hits a frog splash. Lio then hits the Final Hour for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lio Rush retains his NXT Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Akira Tozawa via pinfall with The Final Hour.

-Finn Bálor is interviewed backstage about his match against Tommaso Ciampa in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

-We get highlights recapping the NXT Championship match at Survivor Series between Adam Cole and Pete Dunne.

Xia Li vs Vanessa Borne

Vanessa backs Xia into the corner and hits her with forearms before she misses a spear and goes shoulder first into the ring post before Xia powerbombs her. The Horsewomen then come out as Xia pins Vanessa after knocking her out with a kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Xia Li defeats Vanessa Borne via pinfall.

-After the match the Horsewomen take out Xia and Shayna talks about her victory in the triple threat match at Survivor Series before Rhea Ripley comes out to the ring. The Horsewomen then leave as soon as Rhea gets into the ring and Rhea says that she has something to tell Shayna face to face before they get in each other’s faces. Rhea congratulates Shayna for defeating Bayley and Becky, but when they faced each other Rhea won and she’ll win next time and it will be for the NXT Women’s Championship. Shayna says that she’s heard it all before and that Rhea will be tapping or napping just like everyone else before Rhea tells her to do it now. Shayna then leaves before Rhea days that Shayna knows that if she gets back in the ring she’ll drop her as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Killian Dain before Dain versus Damian Priest is announced for next week.

Tommaso Ciampa vs Finn Bálor

They lock up before Ciampa shoves Finn and Finn takes him down with a side headlock takeover before Ciampa gets back to his feet and drops Finn with a back elbow. Ciampa suplexes Finn for a quick two count before Finn sends him out of the ring and hits a baseball slide and they counter each other until Ciampa slingshots Finn into the ring post as we go to commercial.

Ciampa sends Finn into the apron and the barricade before rolling him back into the ring and chopping Finn in the corner before Finn sends Ciampa out of the ring and hits a running dropkick into the barricade. Ciampa counters 1916 into an air raid crash onto the floor before they get back into the ring and Ciampa hits Project Ciampa for a near fall. Finn counters the Fairytale Ending into a jumping stomp and a shotgun dropkick before Ciampa hits a diving air raid crash for a near fall before Adam Cole comes out and Ciampa knocks him from the apron. Finn then goes to hit Ciampa with Adam’s belt before hitting 1916 onto the belt for a very close near fall before Adam kicks Ciampa from ringside and Finn hits 1916 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Finn Bálor defeats Tommaso Ciampa via pinfall with 1916.

-After the match Finn lays Adam out before leaving as we go off the air.

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