
WWE Survivor Series 2019 Results: 4 Title Matches & The Battle For Brand Supremacy

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Survivor Series 2019. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Championship
No Holds Barred

Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman def. Rey Mysterio to retain the title

WWE Universal Championship
“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt def. Daniel Bryan to retain the title

WWE NXT Championship
Adam Cole def. Pete Dunne to retain the title

Triple Threat Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Shayna Baszler (NXT) def. Becky Lynch (Raw) & Bayley (Smackdown)

Triple Threat Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (Raw) def. The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) (Smackdown) & Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) (NXT)

Triple Threat Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Roderick Strong (NXT) def. AJ Styles (Raw) & Shinsuke Nakamura (Smackdown)

Women’s Survivor Series Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Team NXT (Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, Io Shirai, Candice LeRae & Toni Storm) def. Team Raw (Charlotte Flair, Asuka, Kairi Sane, Natalya & Sarah Logan) & Team Smackdown (Sasha Banks, Dana Brooke, Carmella, Lacey Evans & Nikki Cross)

Men’s Survivor Series Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Team Smackdown (Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, Ali, Shorty G & King Corbin) def. Team Raw (Seth Rollins, Ricochet, Kevin Owens, Drew McIntyre & Randy Orton) & Team NXT (Tomasso Ciampa, Walter, Keith Lee, Matt Riddle & Damian Priest)

NXT Cruiserweight Championship
Raw vs. Smackdown vs. NXT

Lio Rush (NXT) def. Akira Tozawa (Raw) & Kalisto (Smackdown) to retain the title

Cross Branded Tag Team Battle Royal
Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler win, last eliminating The Street Profits

– The kickoff show panel for hour one consists of The Coach, Charly Caruso, Booker T and David Otunga.

– The panel goes over the card for tonight’s event.

– A video package airs highlighting the rivalry between Becky Lynch, Bayley and Shayna Baszler, followed by analysis from Sam Roberts and John “Bradshaw” Layfield.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Brock Lesnar and Rey Mysterio, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Paul Heyman, who goes through his usual introduction while telling Schreiber how to do her job. Heyman says a miracle or massacre will take place tonight when Mysterio faces Lesnar.

– Highlights are shown from WWE NXT Takeover: War Games 2019.

– Sam Roberts & JBL return to talk about the NXT Wargames events from last night and tonight’s men’s Survivor Series elimination match.

Shawn Michaels joins the panel to discuss tonight’s event, HBK talks about how NXT has to survive and thrive tonight. HBK announces the NXT team for the men’s Survivor Series, who are Damian Priest, Matt Riddle, Tomasso Ciampa, Keith Lee & Walter.

– Cathy Kelley interviews Adam Cole, who says that he is nowhere no 100% for his bout against Pete Dunne tonight. Cole says Dunne was a great WWE NXT UK Champion, Cole says he and the Undisputed Era are the measuring stick for the industry. Cole says he’ll show Dunne which NXT brand is the best tonight.

– The panel and HBK provide analysis for tonight’s NXT Title Match.

– Highlights are shown of Triple H & Rhea Ripley announcing the NXT women’s team for tonight’s elimination match.

– Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir are shown backstage.

– The panel interviews Bayley, who says that her game plan is to takeover every show and brand tonight. Bayley says she has been looked at as an underdog for many years now, but things are different now. Bayley says everything Shayna Baszler and Becky Lynch get tonight is their own fault, Bayley says Lynch and Baszler are the same target to her. Bayley says she has respect for Baszler and what she has done, but Bayley says she is better than her.

Cross Branded Tag Team Battle Royal
The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs. The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. Breezango (Tyler Breeze & Fandango) vs. The Forgotten Sons (Wesley Blake, Steve Cutler) w/Jaxson Ryker vs. Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) vs. Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. The Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik) vs. Heavy Machinery (Tucker & Otis) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)

The match begins with an all out brawl between all the competitors in the match, Ziggler hangs out on the ring apron for a short time during the brawl. Dorado dumps Cutler out of the ring to eliminate The Forgotten Sons, Ford dumps out Dorado to eliminate The Lucha House Party. Breeze gets double teamed in the corner by The OC, The Revival and Ziggler attempt to eliminate Otis before Tucker makes the save. Barthel dumps Ryder out of the ring to eliminate Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder, Aichner tries dumping Ziggler out of the ring. The Revival work over Dawkins while Ford nearly gets dumped, Ziggler and Aichner battle to the ring apron. Roode knocks Aichner to the arena floor to eliminate Imperium, Ziggler eventually makes his way back into the ring. Otis picks up Ziggler and drops him with a spinning slam, Otis sets up for the Caterpillar and a bunch of people dump him out of the ring to eliminate Heavy Machinery. The Revival try eliminating Breeze and Fandango saves him from elimination, The Revival finally eliminate Breeze to eliminate Fandango.

The Revival try eliminating Ford and Dawkins saves him before drop kicking The Revival out of the ring for an elimination, Anderson and Roode go after each other. The OC then drop Roode with an elevated neck breaker, The OC goes for a Magic Killer on Roode and Ziggler makes a save. Ziggler knocks Gallows to the arena floor with a super kick to eliminate The OC, The Street Profits have a brawl with Ziggler and Roode. Roode eventually nails Dawkins with a spine buster, Ziggler goes for a super kick and he accidentally nails Roode. Ford is knocked to the ring apron before almost getting eliminated by Roode, Ford eventually nails a downed Ziggler with a frog splash and Roode sneaks up behind him for an elimination to eliminated The Street Profits and win the match.

Winners: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler

– The panel for hour two consists of The Coach, Booker T, Charly Caruso and Christian.

– The panel go over the card for tonight’s event.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship
Raw vs. Smackdown vs. NXT
Lio Rush (c) (NXT) vs. Akira Tozawa (Raw) vs. Kalisto (Smackdown)

The match begins with Tozawa and Kalisto working together to attack Rush, Tozawarolls up Kalisto after sumping Rush out of the ring. Tozawa and Kalisto brawl in the middle of the ring, Rush returns to knock Kalisto to the arena floor. Kalisto drags Rush out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade, Kalisto gets back in the ring after nailing Tozawa with a head kick. Kalisto attacks Rush before nailing Tozawa with a top rope arm drag, Rush attacks Kalisto before nailing both opponents with rights. Rush then hits both opponents with a handspring double elbow strike, Tozawa blocks a kick from Rush before nailing him with a right. Rush knocks Kalisto to the arena floor before getting nailed with a basement drop kick from Tozawa, Tozawa goes to the top rope and Rush meets him up there. Kalisto returns to nail Rush with a head kick, Kalisto also goes to the top rope and Rush takes them both down with a super double Japanese arm drag.

Rush gets up first and he attacks both opponents with strikes, a three way brawl eventually breaks out between the competitors. Rush drops Kalisto with a combination before eating a German suplex from Tozawa for a near fall, Kalisto gets Rush in a roll up for a near fall. Kalisto nails Rush with a sliced bread for a near fall, Tozawa knocks Kalisto out of the ring after landing a shining wizard. Tozawa goes to the top rope and he nails Rush with a senton bomb for another near fall, Tozawa and Kalisto have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Kalisto then nails Tozawa with a sliced bread, Rush then hits Kalisto with the Final Hour from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Lio Rush, still the NXT Cruiserweight Champion

– The panel discusses AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Roderick Strong before getting interrupted by Sami Zayn. Zayn demands the panel show the match the respect that it deserves, Zayn also talks about the greatness of Nakamura. Zayn says he has respect for both Styles and Strong as competitors, but says they aren’t artists like Nakamura.

– Kayla Braxton interviews The New Day, Kingston says that his head is in two different places right now. Kingston talks about the injured Xavier Woods, before talking about the hype behind The Viking Raiders and Undisputed Era. Big E says tonight is a reminder about how good The New Day are and how they are the greatest tag team in the WWE.

Triple Threat Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (Raw) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) (Smackdown) vs. Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) (NXT)

The match begins with O’Reilly attacking E and Ivar with some leg kicks, O’Reilly quickly gets dropped and he tags Fish into the match. Fish quickly gets double teamed before tagging O’Reilly back in, Ivar and E then knock O’Reilly and Fish to the arena floor. E and Ivar have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, E eventually drops Ivar with a running shoulder tackle. O’Reilly returns and he knocks E out of the ring, Erik tags in and he double teams O’Reilly alongside Ivar. Erik and Ivar then double team Fish, Kingston tags in and he attacks Ivar with a series of strikes. Kingston then drops Erik with a drop kick, Kingston keeps Fish cornered while landing more strikes. E tags in and O’Reilly gets double teamed by The New Day for a near fall, Kingston tags back in and he nails O’Reilly with an elevated senton for a near fall. Kingston and O’Reilly have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Kingston dumps O’Reilly out of the ring before The New Day and The Viking Raiders meet in the ring for a huge brawl.

Ivar and Kingston stay in the ring as Erik and E battle on the arena floor, Undisputed Era hits the ring and they double team Kingston. O’Reilly nails the leg of Kingston with a top rope knee drop before applying a knee bar, Ivar hits the ring to break everything up. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Kingston corners Erik while landing a few strikes. O’Reilly and Kingston exchange some strikes on the ring apron, E goes for his spear and O’Reilly gets out of the way. Kingston and O’Reilly eventually get knocked to the arena floor, Erik picks up Ivar and slams him onto both teams as they battled on the arena floor. Erik gets O’Reilly in the ring and he attacks him with some strikes, Fish returns and he nails Erik with a chop block. O’Reilly drops Erik before attacking him with kicks, Fish tags in and he attacks Erik with more strikes. Fish starts focusing his attack on the injured knee of Erik, O’Reilly tags in and he attacks Erik with a plethora of knee strikes. O’Reilly figure fours the legs of Erik before smashing them on the mat below, Fish tags in and he gets propelled into O’Reilly.

Ivar tags in and he cleans house against the Undisputed Era, Ivar nails O’Reilly and Fish with some avalanches. E returns and Ivar takes him out with a spinning head kick, Ivar goes to the top rope and Fish causes him to leap off. Erik tags in and he double teams Fish with Ivar until O’Reilly makes a save, Kingston returns and he nails Erik with a double stomp. E tags in and he nails both members of Undisputed Era with belly to belly suplexes, Erik returns to nail E with a drop kick. Erik mounts E in the corner before attacking him with strikes, Kingston nails Erik with a head kick. Kingston tags in and he nails Erik with a top rope double stomp for a near fall, E tags in and Kingston takes out some competitors with a dive. E follows up by knocking Erik to the arena floor with a spear, E gets Erik back into the ring before tagging Kingston in. Kingston goes to the top rope and O’Reilly knocks him to the arena floor, Erik then hits E with a knee strike. Ivar tags in and he double teams E with Erik, Kingston goes for Trouble In Paradise and winds up getting taken out by Undisputed Era.

Undisputed Era battle The Viking Raiders in the ring, Undisputed Era double team Erik and then focus on Ivar. Undisputed Era go for High/Low and Ivar escapes to nail them both with a handspring double elbow strike, The Viking Raiders hit Fish with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Winners: Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (Raw)

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between The Fiend and Daniel Bryan, followed by analysis from the panel.

Women’s Survivor Series Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Team Raw (Charlotte Flair, Asuka, Kairi Sane, Natalya & Sarah Logan) vs. Team Smackdown (Sasha Banks, Dana Brooke, Carmella, Lacey Evans & Nikki Cross) vs. Team NXT (Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, Io Shirai, Candice LeRae & Toni Storm)

The match begins with Evans knocking Logan down before dropping Storm a moment later, Storm and Logan then hit Evans with a double flapjack. Evans is dumped out of the ring as Cross tags in, Storm drops an attacking Cross with a clothesline. Logan then nails Storm with a back body drop followed by a double knee strike, Cross the jumps on the back of Logan before getting dropped on Storm. Storm then hits Cross and Logan with a double German suplex, Carmella and Sane are tagged into the match before Shirai gets a tag as well. Shirai and Sane decide to attack Carmella until Brooke is tagged in, Sane then takes Shirai down with a head scissors takedown. Shirai drops Sane before landing a basement drop kick, Sane recovers to hit Shirai with an Alabama slam for a near fall. Everybody exchanges roll ups for a few near falls, Brooke then hits Sane and Shirai with a double handspring elbow. Brooke then hits Sane and Shirai with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Evans interferes to double team Sane with Brooke.

LeRae tags in and she immediately goes after Evans, LeRae backs Evans into the corner after landing a few strikes. Asuka tags in and LeRae nails her with a senton bomb, LeRae then hits Evans with a middle rope flat liner for a near fall. Ripley tags in and she knocks Evans to the arena floor, Asuka gets Ripley in an arm bar and Belair breaks it up. Members of both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Flair tags in as LeRae and Shirai are being checked out by officials and taken backstage to be treated. Ripley gets back in the ring as Flair and Banks are tagged in, Belair is then tagged in a few moments later alongside Cross. Logan gets tagged in and she avoids a leaping Cross, Cross then hits Logan with a neck breaker. Cross attacks Belair before attacking the rest of the NXT team on the arena floor, Belair rolls up Cross for the three count and elimination. Carmella joins the match and she takes Belair down with a head scissors takedown, Belair then hits Carmella with her finisher. Belair backs Logan into the corner before landing shoulder thrusts, Logan recovers to hit Belair with a headbutt.

Logan then dumps Belair out of the ring before attacking the rest of the NXT team, Ripley interferes and that allows Belair to hit her with a standing moonsault a short time later. Belair drops Logan before going to the top rope, Belair nails Logan with a 450 splash for a three count and elimination. Flair hits the ring and she goes after Belair, Flair drops Belair with a clothesline before getting attacked by Carmella. Flair then uses a big boot to knock Carmella to the arena floor, Flair eventually nails Belair with a back breaker followed by a big boot. Flair goes to the top rope and Carmella meets her up there, Flair grabs Carmella and Carmella hits her with a super rana onto Belair for a few near falls. Carmella attacks Belair with a series of thrust kicks for a near fall, Flair nails Carmella with a Natural Selection for a three count and elimination. Banks joins the match and Sane also tags herself in alongside Storm, Banks and Sane work together to attack Storm. Storm fights back against both of her attackers before getting dropped, Sane goes to the top rope and she nails Storm with an Insane Elbow.

Banks nails Sane with a meteora for a three count and elimination, Asuka hits the ring and she attacks everybody. Brooke tags in and she eats a head kick from Asuka for a three count and elimination, Flair tags in and she gets into an argument with Asuka that turns physical. Evans comes in and she eats some strikes from Flair, Flair then nails Evans with an exploder suplex into the corner. Asuka returns and she mists Flair before leaving the ring to head backstage, Evans nails Flair with a Women’s Right for a three count and elimination. Natalya hits the ring and she rolls up Evans for a near fall, Storm hits the ring to drop kick Evans and then Natalya nails her with a clothesline. Natalya catches Evans in a roll up for a three count and elimination, Storm immediately goes after Natalya and Banks. Natalya gets Storm in a sharp shooter and Banks applies a Bank Statement to force a tap out and elimination, Belair gets in the ring and she gets double teamed by Natalya and Banks, Banks and Natalya nail Belair with a Hart Attack for a three count and elimination.

Ripley comes into the ring and Banks drops Natalya with a right for a three count and elimination, Ripley quickly attacks Banks with strikes. Ripley nails Banks with a front slam and drop kick for a near fall, Banks fights back and she attempts a tornado DDT. Ripley blocks it and Banks gets her in a sleeper hold, Ripley eventually gets free and Banks sends her into the corner. Banks follows up by nailing Ripley with a ton of knee strikes, Banks goes to the middle rope and she lands a meteora for a near fall. Banks then hits Ripley with another meteora before going back to the top rope, Ripley nails Banks with a head kick as she leaps off for a near fall. Ripley gets Banks in her submission hold and Banks rolls through to apply the Bank Statement, Banks then hits Ripley with a tornado DDT before LeRae and Shirai return to drag Ripley out of the ring. Banks then takes everybody out with a dive. Ripley recovers and she knocks Banks into the barricade and ringside edge, Ripley gets Banks back in the ring and Banks avoids Riptide before landing a knee strike.

Shirai and LeRae interfere again before so Shirai can hit Banks with a springboard drop kick, Ripley nails Banks with a Riptide for a three count.

Winners: Team NXT (Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, Io Shirai, Candice LeRae & Toni Storm)

– Highlights are shown from last nights NXT Wargames event.

– Kevin Owens is approached by Seth Rollins backstage, Rollins questions which team that Owens is a part of for tonight. Rollins wants to know if Owens is on Team Raw tonight and Owens says his appearance at War Games was about revenge, Owens says NXT doesn’t need him and Raw does. Owens then questions the loyalty of Rollins before walking away.

Triple Threat Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
AJ Styles (Raw) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura w/Sami Zayn (Smackdown) vs. Roderick Strong (NXT)

The match begins with Nakamura going after Strong before attacking Styles, Nakamura then drops Strong with a knee lift. Nakamura follows Styles around the ring while landing a bunch of kicks, Styles fights back and Strong jumps him from behind. Styles then nails a charging Strong with a drop kick, Styles attacks both cornered opponents with flying forearm strikes. Strong recovers to nail Styles with a back breaker, Strong then hits Nakamura with a back breaker and drop kick. Nakamura exits the ring and Strong nails him with a drop kick, Styles returns to knock Strong to the arena floor. Styles gets Nakamura back in the ring before attacking Strong, Styles goes for a springboard move and Nakamura trips him up before landing knee strikes. Nakamura traps Styles in the corner before choking him, Strong returns and Nakamura knocks him back to the arena floor. Strong gets back to the ring apron and Nakamura suplexes him back into the ring, Nakamura then hits Styles with a knee drop for a near fall. Nakamura places Styles on the top rope before nailing him with a running knee strike, Strong returns to nail Nakamura with a gut buster for a near fall.

Strong gets angry and he stomps away on a downed Nakamura, Nakamura gets up and Strong gets him in a bow and arrow stretch. Strong then hits Nakamura with another gut buster before Styles gets him in a sleeper hold, Styles releases the hold to throw Strong into Nakamura. Styles reapplies the sleeper hold to a downed Strong, Strong gets free and he attacks both opponents with strikes. Strong then drops Styles with a running clothesline followed by a knee strike, Strong then nails Nakamura with a back breaker. Strong traps Styles in the ropes while landing multiple forearm strikes, Strong then face plants Styles for a near fall. Styles gets up and he attacks both opponents with some strikes, Styles looks for a reverse DDT and Strong escapes. Strong propels Styles into a Nakamura knee strike for a near fall, Nakamura and Strong exchange strikes before Nakamura lands a knee strike for a near fall.

Styles gets up and he nails a charging Nakamura with a reverse DDT for a near fall, Styles follows that up with a ushigoroshi on Nakamura for a near fall. Styles gets up and he attacks Strong with a kick, Styles sets up for a Styles Clash and Strong breaks it up with a head kick. Zayn interferes and he drags Nakamura out of the ring, Strong then hits Styles with an Olympic Slam and tiger driver for a near fall. Strong corners Styles and he attacks him with a plethora of stomps, Strong places Styles on the top rope and he follows him up there. Nakamura returns and he gets knocked to the ring apron, Styles gets free and he gets Strong on his shoulders. Nakamura goes to the top rope and he nails Strong with a knee strike for a near fall, Nakamura then knocks an attacking Styles out of the ring. Zayn interferes again and he knocks Styles into the ring post, Strong then nails Nakamura with a knee strike for a near fall. Nakamura fights back and he nails Strong with a Go To Sleep, Styles returns and he drops Nakamura with a forearm strike. 

Nakamura recovers to attack both opponents with kicks, Styles then drops Strong with a clothesline before eating a back breaker from Nakamura. Nakamura then scores a takedown on Strong and he lands on Styles, Nakamura then hits Strong with a knee strike for a near fall. Strong rolls out of the ring as Nakamura and Styles recover, Nakamura and Styles have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Styles eventually nails Nakamura with an overhead kick, Nakamura recovers to hit Styles with a missle rope knee strike. Nakamura then hits Styles with a death valley driver for a near fall, Styles recovers and Nakamura nails him with a heel kick. Styles gets to the ring apron and he nails Nakamura with a Phenomenal Forearm, Strong knocks Styles out of the ring and he pins Nakamura for a three count.

Winner: Roderick Strong (NXT)

– The Miz approaches Daniel Bryan backstage, Miz says that The Fiend is pure evil and he cannot be stopped. Miz tells Bryan that he needs to put a stop to The Fiend tonight, Bryan tells Miz to get out of his face.

WWE NXT Championship
Adam Cole (c) vs. Pete Dunne

The match begins with Dunne dragging Cole to the ground while wrenching away on his arm, Cole gets free and he works over the arm of Dunne. Cole then gets Dunne in a headlock and Cole escapes before eating a clothesline, Dunne keeps Cole down while bending all of his fingers. Dunne bends the arm of Cole before stomping away on it, Cole exits the ring and Dunne follows him out there before stomping on his arm while it was on the ring steps. Cole gets back in the ring and he trips up Dunne as he gets back in the ring, Cole keeps Dunne down while stomping away on the injured knee and his head. Cole then nails Dunne with a neck breaker before applying a knee bar, Dunne fights back and Cole attacks his injured knee with a drop kick. Dunne fights back again and he eventually nails Cole with an x-plex, Dunne then nails Cole with a plethora of strikes. Dunne corners Cole before landing an enzaguri followed by a release German suplex and head kick, Dunne then nails Cole with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Cole leaves the ring and Dunne goes to the middle rope before taking him out with a moonsault, Dunne gets Cole back in the ring and Cole immediately attacks the injured knee. Cole goes for a German suplex and Dunne lands on his feet before landing another head kick, Dunne goes to the top rope and Cole gets his knees up on the moonsault attempt. Cole then nails Dunne with the Last Shot for a near fall, Dunne avoids the Panama Sunrise before leveling Cole with a clothesline. Cole recovers to hit Dunne with a modified neck breaker for a near fall, Dunne avoids the Last Shot and Cole still rolls him up for a near fall. Dunne then hits Cole with the Bitter End for a near fall, Cole and Dunne have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Cole and Dunne also exchange a few enzaguris, Dunne goes for a moonsault and Cole counters with a super kick for a near fall. Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise again and Dunne counters with a forearm strike, Dunne then hits Cole with a sit out x-plex for a near fall.

Cole exits the ring and Dunne follows him out there before getting kicked in the injured knee, Cole goes to the ring apron with Dunne and he attacks Dunne’s injured knee. Cole nails Dunne with a Panama Sunrise on the ring apron and both crash to the arena floor, Cole gets back in the ring and Dunne does so a short time later. Cole then hits Dunne with a thrust kick for a near fall, Dunne recovers and he snaps the fingers of Cole. Dunne goes for his finisher and Cole counters with a destroyer, Cole then hits Dunne with the Last Shot for a three count.

Winner: Adam Cole, still the NXT Champion

– King Corbin is backstage with Team Smackdown and he says that he should be the captain of the team.

WWE Universal Championship
“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

The match begins with Bryan immediately nailing Wyatt with a running drop kick and multiple follow up kicks, Wyatt recovers and nails a charging Bryan with a clothesline. Wyatt mounts Bryan before attacking him with strikes, Wyatt then knocks Bryan out of the ring after landing a headbutt. Wyatt follows Bryan out of the ring and he shoves him into the barricade, Wyatt follows that up by throwing Bryan into the ring post. Wyatt also nails a downed Bryan with a senton bomb, Wyatt gets Bryan in the ring and he follows him in there. Bryan fights back and Wyatt nails him with a uranage, Wyatt keeps Bryan down while attacking him with strikes. Wyatt follows that up by nailing Bryan with a suplex throw, Wyatt holds Bryan down while twisting away on his head. Wyatt ends that by snapping the neck of a downed Bryan, Bryan exits the ring and Wyatt follows him out there. Wyatt picks Bryan up before nailing him with a right, Bryan recovers and he sends a charging Wyatt into the ring steps. 

Bryan gets back in the ring and he goes for a suicide dive, Wyatt catches him and Bryan still manages to shove him into the ring post. Bryan then hits Wyatt with a knee strike from the ring apron, Bryan goes to the top rope and he dives onto Wyatt. Bryan waits for Wyatt to get back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick, Bryan goes back to the top rope to hit Wyatt with another missile drop kick. Bryan goes up again and he nails Wyatt with yet another missile suplex, Bryan follows that up by nailing Wyatt with a bunch of Yes Kicks. Bryan also holds Wyatt down while stomping away on him, Bryan then nails Wyatt with a running knee strike for a near fall. Wyatt gets up and Bryan nails him with a few strikes, Bryan goes to the top rope and Wyatt gets him in a mandible claw. Bryan gets free and he gets Wyatt in a rope assisted arm bar, Bryan goes back to the top rope and Wyatt nails him with a right as he leaps off. Bryan catches Wyatt in a roll up for a near fall, Wyatt recovers and he gets Bryan in the mandible claw for a three count.

Winner: “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, still the WWE Universal Champion

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Rey Mysterio, who says it has been 15 years since his first match with Brock Lesnar. Mysterio says Lesnar has never changed and he has, Mysterio says he will do things to Lesnar that the old Mysterio would never have done. Mysterio says he hopes that his son is watching when he faces Lesnar tonight, Mysterio promises to massacre Lesnar tonight.

Men’s Survivor Series Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Team Raw (Seth Rollins, Ricochet, Kevin Owens, Drew McIntyre & Randy Orton) vs. Team Smackdown (Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, Mustafa Ali, Shorty G & King Corbin) vs. Team NXT (Tomasso Ciampa, Walter, Keith Lee, Damian Priest and Matt Riddle)

The match begins with Rollins and Ciampa attacking Strowman, Strowman fights back and nails both with a drop kick. McIntyre tags in and Walter tags in a short time later, Walter and McIntyre work together to attack Strowman. McIntyre turns on Walter and they go after each other, Walter drops McIntyre with a big boot before landing a seated senton. Strowman returns to drop Walter, Walter recovers to hit McIntyre with a release German suplex. Walter eventually drops Strowman with a shotgun drop kick, McIntyre nails Walter with a Claymore Kick for a three count and elimination. Priest joins the match and he attacks McIntyre, Priest eventually drops McIntyre before battling Strowman. Priest then sends a charging Strowman into the ring post, G tags in and he nails Priest with a top rope moonsault. Ricochet tags in and G nails him with a chaos theory, Riddle tags in and he chain wrestles with G. Riddle catches G in an ankle lock and G gets free to apply one of his own, Riddle gets free and he goes after G again. 

Ciampa tags in and he kicks G right in the face, G fights back and Ricochet returns to take them both out. Owens tags in and he nails G with a top rope frog splash for a three count and elimination, Reigns enters the match and Corbin tags himself in. Owens nails Reigns with a super kick as he argued with Corbin, Corbin avoids a stunner and he leaves the ring. Owens leaves the ring to hit Corbin with a super kick followed by a cannonball on Reigns, Owens hits Corbin with a stunner before getting him back in the ring. Ciampa shocks Owens with an elevated DDT for a three count and elimination, Orton enters the match and he goes face to face with Ciampa. Ciampa avoids an RKO to knock Orton out of the ring, Ciampa looks for an elevated DDT and Orton avoids it to drag Ciampa out of the ring and throw him into the barricade. Orton then drops Ciampa back first on the ring apron to get him back in the ring, Orton follows that up by stomping away on the downed Ciampa. 

Priest tags in as Orton nails Ciampa with an RKO, Orton also nails Priest with an RKO for a three count and elimination. Riddle enters the ring and he rolls up Orton for a three count and elimination, Orton nails Riddle with an RKO before heading backstage. Corbin pins a downed Riddle for a three count and elimination, Lee enters the ring and Strowman gets tagged in. McIntyre enters the ring and he attacks Lee before going after Reigns, Strowman then nails McIntyre with a clothesline before attacking Team Raw. Strowman leaves the ring to attack a bunch of competitors with running shoulder tackles, Lee and Strowman collide with each other on the arena floor and both go down. McIntyre then  nails Strowman with a Claymore Kick on the arena floor, Strowman is counted out and eliminated from the match. Ricochet comes into the ring and he hits Lee with a missile drop kick, Ricochet also attacks Corbin before hitting Ali with a drop kick. 

Ricochet nails Corbin with a head kick followed by a springboard clothesline, Ricochet then hits Reigns with a suicide dive. Ricochet goes back to the top rope and Lee avoids a 450 splash, Corbin then hits Ricochet with End Of Days for a three count and elimination. Rollins and Ciampa enter the ring as Ali tags in a short time later, Ali drops Ciampa before battling Rollins. Ali gets launched into Ciampa and he still manages to land a face buster, Ali then hits Rollins with a tornado DDT. Ali clears the ring before taking people out with a suicide dive, Ali gets Rollins in the ring before laying out Ciampa. Corbin then argues with Ali on the arena floor, Ali gets back in the ring and Rollins nails him with a curb stomp for a three count and elimination, Reigns and Corbin argue on the arena floor before a brawl breaks out on the arena floor. McIntyre gets Ciampa back in the ring and he attacks him with elbow strikes, McIntyre then hits Ciampa with an inverted Alabama slam for a near fall. 

McIntyre goes for a Claymore Kick and Reigns catches him with a spear for a three count and elimination, Rollins rolls up Reigns for a near fall. Rollins then nails Reigns with an enzaguri before eating a right, Reigns also nails Rollins with a Drive By. Ciampa then hits Reigns with an elevated DDT before eating a superman punch, Corbin interferes and he knocks Lee off the ring apron. Corbin then tags himself into the match and he gives Reigns the business, Corbin goes for an End Of Days and Reigns nails him with a superman punch followed by a spear. Ciampa pins Corbin for a three count and elimination, Ciampa then attacks Reigns and Rollins before getting double teamed. Lee interferes before getting taken out by Reigns and Rollins, Rollins clears the ring before going working with Reigns to battle Team NXT. Rollins clears an announce table and he works with Reigns before Lee breaks everything up, Lee grabs Reigns and Reigns backs him into the ring steps. 

Ciampa gets Rollins in the ring to land a knee strike and Project Ciampa for a near fall, Ciampa looks for the Fairytale Ending and Rollins escapes to land super kicks. Ciampa avoids the stomp to nail a leaping Rollins with another knee strike, Reigns returns to hit Ciampa with a superman punch. Rollins then hits Ciampa with a stomp for a three count and elimination, Lee gets in the ring and he attacks both remaining opponents. Lee tosses Rollins across the ring before getting sent to the ring apron, Lee then takes out both opponents with a slingshot cross body block. Rollins recovers and he nails Lee with an enzaguri and thrust kick, Rollins then hits Lee with a frog splash for a near fall. Lee manages to hit Rollins with a jackhammer for a three count and elimination, Reigns returns and he goes face to face with Lee. Reigns nails Lee with a series of superman punches for a near fall, Reigns goes for a spear and Lee counters with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. 

Lee goes to the middle rope and he misses a moonsault, Reigns then hits Lee with a spear for a three count and the final elimination.

Winners: Team Smackdown (Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, Mustafa Ali, Shorty G & King Corbin)

– Becky Lynch is backstage and she talks about what has happened between the brands in recent weeks, Lynch says that Shayna Baszler has been preparing while she travels the globe. Lynch says that Baszler will have to destroy her to beat her tonight, Lynch also talks about the attacks Bayley has done against her. Lynch says that Bayley crossed the line with her and she didn’t want to hurt her. 

WWE Championship
No Holds Barred
Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul Heyman vs. Rey Mysterio

The match begins with Mysterio immediately leaving the ring to grab a pipe, Mysterio gets back in the ring and Lesnar exits it a few moments later. Mysterio chases Lesnar into the ring and Lesnar immediately attacks him, Lesnar nails Mysterio with a trio of clotheslines. Lesnar grabs Mysterio and he tosses him right out of the ring, Lesnar follows Mysterio out of the ring before throwing him over an announce table. Lesnar follows that up by suplexing Mysterio into a piece of the announce table, Lesnar puts the broken announce table piece onto Mysterio before stomping on him. Lesnar picks up Mysterio and he drives him into the ring post, Mysterio recovers to escape the grasp of Lesnar and shove him into the ring post. Mysterio goes for the pipe and Lesnar gets in the ring to stop him, Lesnar then nails Mysterio with a release German suplex onto the pipe. Lesnar follows that up by taking Mysterio to Suplex City, Dominic Mysterio hits the ring and he has a towel. Lesnar takes the towel and throws it out of the ring, Lesnar grabs Dominic and Mysterio nails him with a low blow.

Dominic follows up by nailing Lesnar with a low blow, Mysterio grabs the pipe and he attacks Lesnar with it. Dominic grabs a chair and he attacks Lesnar with it, the Mysterio Family nail Lesnar with a double 619. Dominic then hits Lesnar with a frog splash, Mysterio follows suit with another frog splash for a near fall. Lesnar recovers and he nails Dominic with a German suplex, Lesnar then catches a leaping Mysterio to land an F-5 for a three count.

Winner: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman, still the WWE Champion

Triple Threat Match (Raw vs. SmackDown vs. NXT)
Becky Lynch (Raw) vs. Bayley (Smackdown) vs. Shayna Baszler (NXT)

The match begins with Bayley shoving Baszler into Lynch before getting dropped by Lynch a short time later, Baszler and Bayley briefly double team Lynch. Baszler drops Bayley before attacking her with strikes, they continue exchanging strikes until they make it out of the ring. Lynch drops both opponents with a double drop kick from the ring apron, Lynch gets Bayley back into the ring before landing a flying forearm strike for a near fall. Lynch keeps Bayley down before landing a spinning leg drop, Bayley follows that up by nailing Lynch with a hair pull. Lynch recovers to attack Baszler and then go to the top rope, Bayley returns and she throws Lynch off the top rope to the mat below. Bayley nails Lynch with a sunset flip into the corner for a near fall, Baszler returns and she throws Bayley into the middle turnbuckle. Baszler bends the arm of Lynch before getting attacked by Bayley, Bayley then sends a charging Baszler into the corner before stomping away on her.

Bayley hits Baszler with a snapmare before getting a one count on a pin attempt, Baszler recovers to bend the arm of Bayley and then stomp on it. Baszler then nails a cornered Bayley with a running knee strike, Lynch returns to drop Baszler and attack Bayley. Baszler returns to drop Lynch and then land a head kick, Bayley then drop Baszler with a clothesline. Bayley follows that up by stomping away on a downed Lynch, Bayley also decides to choke Lynch on the middle rope. Bayley then corners Lynch before landing some shoulder thrusts, Bayley gets Lynch down afterwards to smash her face in the mat a few times. Baszler tries getting back in the ring and Bayley knocks her to the arena floor, Lynch fights back and Bayley drops her before landing some strikes. Bayley waits for Lynch to get up before landing a few seated sentons for a near fall, Lynch fights back and Bayley nails her with a rope assisted stunner for a near fall.

Baszler returns and bayley nails her with a rope assisted stunner as well, Lynch gets up and she attacks both opponents with exploder suplexes. Lynch follows that up by nailing both opponents with a double DDT, Lynch drags Bayley to the corner before going to the top rope. Lynch then nails Bayley with a guillotine leg drop for a near fall, Baszler recovers and Lynch tosses her out of the ring. Bayley shocks Lynch with a roll up and Lynch counters with a Disarmer, Baszler breaks it up before nailing Lynch with a gut wrench suplex. Bayley gets up and she nails Baszler with a knee strike for a near fall, Bayley then hits Baszler with a Bayley To Belly for another near fall. Baszler fights back and she is sent into the ropes by Bayley, Bayley then nails Baszler with another knee strike. Baszler gets angry and she drops Bayley before landing a multitude of strikes, Baszler then hits Bayley with a suplex for a near fall. Baszler and Bayley exchange strikes in the middle of the ring, Lynch returns to drop Baszler and Bayley with a missile drop kick.

Lynch and Baszler remain in the ring as Bayley falls to the arena floor, Baszler and Lynch have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Bayley returns and she drops both opponents with a running cross body block, Baszler corners Bayley before landing a few strikes. Baszler gets Bayley on the top rope and she follows her up there, Bayley knocks Baszler off the ropes and then Lynch gets Bayley to the ring apron. Bayley charges at Lynch and Baszler briefly gets her in a choke, Lynch knocks Bayley to the arena floor before nailing Baszler with a power bomb for a near fall. Baszler recovers and she gets Lynch in a rear naked choke, Lynch breaks it up by sending Baszler into Bayley. Lynch then gets Baszler in the Disarmer, Baszler escapes and she gets Lynch in the rear naked choke again. Bayley breaks the choke up before getting sent to the arena floor, Bayley recovers and drags Baszler out of the ring. Baszler and Lynch both drop Bayley before Baszler sends Lynch into the barricade and ring post, Baszler also throws Lynch into the ring steps a few times.

Baszler follows that up by sending Lynch face first into the ring steps, Baszler then nails Lynch with a power bomb onto the announce table. Bayley returns to drop Baszler with a clothesline before getting her back in the ring, Baszler recovers and she gets Bayley in the rear naked choke. Bayley gets free by nailing Baszler with a side suplex, Bayley goes to the top rope and she goes for a top rope elbow drop. Baszler catches Bayley in a rear naked choke and Bayley taps out.

Winner: Shayna Baszler (NXT)

After the match, Shayna Baszler celebrates on the announce table until Becky Lynch attacks her. Lynch throws Baszler off one announce table and onto another, Lynch then dives off the barricade and she puts Baszler through the announce table. Lynch then grabs her belt and she celebrates on the announce table.

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