
Bully Ray: WWE Won’t Allow Stars To Get To The Level Of John Cena, Steve Austin, Or The Rock

Bully Ray believes there is a ceiling that limits the potential of WWE superstars.

Speaking to Jim Ross on the Ross Report, Ray and Ross were discussing the potential of a guy like Seth Rollins. Rollins has been universally praised for his work in the ring this year and, as the Intercontinental Champion on Raw, is one of the faces of the brand. Despite Rollins having the look, talent, and momentum to be the top guy in the company, Rollins hasn’t broken through. And, according to Bully Ray, there’s a reason for that.

“You know damn well that you never get to go to the top of the mountain, or stay at the top of the mountain unless you’re chosen to be there. That’s not the way it was,” said Ray. “One of your best friends is a guy named ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin — he was told to never talk. What what have happened if he would have never grabbed that microphone and said, ‘Austin 3:16 means I just whipped your ass’? Back then it worked. Now, if you’re not told to say something like that, how can you ever get to the top of the mountain? Seth Rollins has done it all, and can do it all. But how come is Seth Rollins not at Cena level? How come he’s not at Rock level. At Austin level? It’s because I don’t think they will allow people to ever get to that level again.”

Ray continued by discussing the leverage guys like Austin, Rock, and Cena have and how Vince McMahon doesn’t want to give up that leverage if he can help it.

“WWE just went to Saudi Arabia, right? John Cena told Vince, ‘I’m not going to Saudi Arabia.’ Correct? Do you think Vince McMahon likes to be told ‘no’? If you take the three biggest stars of the past 20 years, would you say Cena, Rock and Austin would be the three biggest ones?” Ray asked. “Those three guys in their own way, could do what they wanted to do without Vince’s approval. Steve was able to walk out and still come back and have a job. Rocky was able to become the biggest star in Hollywood, and John, he just won the Muhammad Ali, he’s granted more wishes than anyone on the planet. He walks on water when it comes to WWE. He was able to tell Vince, ‘I’m not doing something.’ I don’t think they’re ever gonna let someone get to that level again, where they have control or say.”

Ray then shared a story about a discussion he once had with Vince about the boys having leverage over him.

“I learned a very important lesson from Vince McMahon one day,” Ray recalled. “He taught me one-on-one. We were in a hallway and he said, ‘Bubba it’s very rare when the boys have leverage on me. But when they do have leverage on me, and they don’t use it, shame on them.’ I apply that lesson to what’s going on in WWE. They’re creating their stars, they’re letting them get as big as they want them to be, but there’s a ceiling. Roman (Reigns) , Ronda (Rousey) and Charlotte (Flair) are at the top of that ceiling. I’m not sure who will get past that.”

In the same interview, Bully Ray said about WWE, “At the end of the day, this billionaire dollar company is still a mom-and-pop fruit stand,” referencing how Vince McMahon oversees and has his hands on everything. 

Bully Ray will be competing tonight in an I Quit match against Flip Gordon as part of ROH Final Battle.

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