Cody McKenzie Accuses NSAC Official Of Sexual Harassment

UFC veteran Cody McKenzie was recently handed a four year suspension by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) for providing fake urine for a drug test.

McKenzie says he was sexually harassed by a NSAC official when that person demanded a drug test from the fighter.

“They said if I didn’t piss in a cup right before my fight — literally I was warming up — my fight was about to happen in five minutes and they’re yelling at me, telling me I need to take the piss test and I’m like, ‘No, I can’t take a piss right now. I’m warming up for my fight. I’ve never f*ckin’ taken a piss in my life before a fight. I’ve fought for 15 years. Leave me alone,’” McKenzie told MMA Fighting. “We start fighting back and forth, they started saying we’re not going to let you fight unless you f*ckin’ piss in the cup. So I f*ckin’ just went in the bathroom and poured something in the cup and it was funny because I was telling them I wasn’t going to let them watch me pee. And one of the [commission inspectors] whipped out his f*ckin’ dick, ‘cause he’s like, ‘Oh, it’s not that f*ckin’ hard.’ And he takes his dick out and shakes his dick at me. I was like, ‘Dude, that’s f*ckin’ sexual harassment.’ You can’t do that. That’s bullshit, you know? There was five or six witnesses standing right there. Nothing ever came out about it. I talked to the commission about it countless times, they just keep saying there’s an investigation going on, which I haven’t heard a thing about it, they won’t talk to me about any of it. I’m like, ‘You guys are ridiculous. You guys are f*ckin’ crazy.’ That’s nuts to me. You don’t pull your dick out and shake it at somebody, especially in this day and age.”

The former UFC fighter claims that other members of the NSAC were in the room when the official whipped out his business.

NSAC Executive Director Bob Bennett says that McKenzie’s accusations are false, but the commission is looking into the matter.

“[McKenzie’s] allegations are not accurate,” Bennett said. “We’re currently looking into the matter accordingly. At the current time, that inspector is no longer working events for us.”

A suspended McKenzie will not be able to fight again in the state of Nevada or any other place that recognizes the suspension until 2022.

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