PFL 7 Results: Smealinho Rama, Sean O’Connell, Caio Magalhaes, Paul Bradley, Mike Kyle & More In Action!

Welcome to’s live coverage & discussion for Professional Fighters League 7. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Main Card (9pm EST., NBC Sports Network)

Smealinho Rama def. Jamie Abdallah by TKO via doctor stoppage (5:00, R2)

Bozigit Azaev def. Sean O’Connell by TKO via strikes (3:30, R1)

Alexandre Bezerra def. Magomed Idrisov by KO via flying knee strike (3:24, R1)

Handesson Ferreira def. Paul Bradley by TKO via strikes (0:20, R1)

Caio Alencar def. Mike Kyle by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Preliminary Card (6:30pm EST., Facebook Watch)

Sadibou Sy def. Caio Magalhaes by KO via strikes (2:06, R1)

Omar Nurmagomedov def. Saidyokub Kakharamonov by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Emiliano Sordi def. Jason Butcher by KO via punch (0:16, R1)

Ramazan Kuramagomedov def. Robert Hale by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Muhammed Dereese def. Leroy Johnson by KO via knee strike (2:25, R1)

(Note: There was no live coverage for the preliminary bouts between Omar Nurmagomedov & Saidyokub Kakharamonov and Emiliano Sordi & Jason Butch due to a power outage in my area. I apologize for an inconvenience this has caused, quick results of both bouts can be found above.)

Muhammed Dereese vs. Leroy Johnson

Round One: The round begins with Dereese attacking Johnson with some leg kicks, Johnson pops a kicking Dereese with a counter right. Johnson starts attacking Dereese with some leg kicks of his own, Dereese nails an incoming Johnson with a knee strike to the midsection. Dereese backs Johnson into the cage wall while landing another knee strike, Dereese destroys Johnson with a third knee strike to the head and Johnson goes out cold.

Official Result: Muhammed Dereese def. Leroy Johnson by KO via knee strike (2:25, R1)

Ramazan Kuramagomedov vs. Robert Hale

Round One: The round begins with Kuramagomedov attacking Hale with some leg kicks, Hale starts taking some swings against Kuramagomedov. Kuramagomedov nails an incoming Hale with a kick to the midsection, Kuramagomedov nails Hale with a head kick. Kuramagomedov continuously attacks Hale with a variety of kicks, Kuramagomedov then hits Hale with a kick to the midsection. Hale cracks a kicking Kuramagomedov with a counter right, Hale looks to keep Kuramagomedov at bay by throwing jabs. Kuramagomedov kicks away at Hale as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Kuramagomedov 

Round Two: The round begins with Kuramagomedov attacking Hale with a variety of kicks, Kuramagomedov goes back to attacking Hale with some leg kicks. Hale occasionally catches a kicking Kuramagomedov with a counter right, Hale comes forward and he attacks Kuramagomedov with a punching combination. Kuramagomedov catches a swinging Hale with a two punch combination of his own, Kuramagomedov comes forward and he swings away at Hale as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Kuramagomedov (Overall Score: 20-18 for Kuramagomedov)

Round Three: The round begins with Kuramagomedov continuously attacking Hale with leg kicks, Kuramagomedov also attacks Hale with a few jabs to keep him at a distance. Hale looks to catch the swinging Kuramagomedov with a counter strike, Kuramagomedov comes forward and he attacks Hale with an uppercut. Kuramagomedov scores a takedown on Hale and hale gets right back up, the fighters separate and Kuramagomedov kicks away at Hale. Kuramagomedov goes for a high kick and Hale blocks it, Kuramagomedov and Hale swing away at each other as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Kuramagomedov (Final Score: 30-27 for Kuramagomedov)

Official Result: Ramazan Kuramagomedov def. Robert Hale by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Sadibou Sy vs. Caio Magalhaes

Round One: The round begins with Magalhaes attacking Sy with some leg kicks, Sy backs up Magalhaes while taking a few swings at him. Sy then nails Magalhaes with a kick to the midsection, Sy keeps Magalhaes at a distance while attacking him with kicks. Sy rocks Magalhaes with a head kick before dropping him with a combination that puts him out cold.

Official Result: Sadibou Sy def. Caio Magalhaes by KO via strikes (2:06, R1)

Caio Alencar vs. Mike Kyle

Round One: The round begins with Alencar attacking Kyle with a high kick, Alencar nails Kyle with a front kick to the midsection. Kyle drops Alencar with a left hook and Alencar gets up a few moments later, Alencar grabs Kyle and he gets him against the cage wall. Alencar scores a takedown on Kyle and he gets the half guard, Alencar transitiosn to the full mount against Kyle. Kyle eats some strikes as he scramble and gets Alencar in his full guard, Alencar gains side control while nailing Kyle with more strikes. Alencar regains full mount and he applies an arm triangle choke, Alencar releases the choke and regains full mount. Alencar rolls for the Ezekial choke and Kyle escapes to get top position, Kyle attacks Alencar with ground and pound as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Alencar

Round Two: The round begins with Alencar attacking Kyle with a few kicks, Alencar charges at Kyle and he swings away at him. Kyle responds by cracking Alencar with a left hook, Alencar scores a takedown on Kyle and he gets the half guard. Alencar transitions to the full mount against Kyle, Kyle scrambles and he gains top position against Alencar. Kyle starts attacking Alencar with some ground and pound, the referee stands up the fighters for inactivity. The action resumes with Kyle swinging away at Alencar, Alencar scores another takedown on Kyle and he gets the full mount. Alencar looks for the arm triangle choke as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Alencar (Overall Score: 20-18 for Alencar)

Round Three: The round begins with Alencar swinging away against Kyle, Alencar grabs Kyle and he gets him against the cage wall before scoring a takedown. Alencar quickly transitions to the full mount against Kyle, Alencar attacks Kyle with a few strikes while on the ground. Alencar holds Kyle down while in the full mount and the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Alencar (Final Score: 30-27 for Alencar)

Official Result: Caio Alencar def. Mike Kyle by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Paul Bradley vs. Handesson Ferreira

Round One: The round begins with Ferreira nailing Bradley with a kick to the midsection, Ferreira drops Bradley with a punching combination and he pounces on him with more strikes until the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Handesson Ferreira def. Paul Bradley by TKO via strikes (0:20, R1)

Magomed Idrisov vs. Alexandre Bezerra

Round One: The round begins with Idrisov attacking Bezerra with some leg kicks, Idrisov then cracks an incoming Bezerra with a right. Bezerra responds by kicking Idrisov in the midsection, Bezerra eats a right before kicking Idrisov in the midsection. Bezerra stuns a swinging Idrisov with a counter left hook, Bezerra destroys Idrisov with a flying knee strike and Idrisov goes out cold.

Official Result: Alexandre Bezerra def. Magomed Idrisov by KO via flying knee strike (3:24, R1)

Sean O’Connell vs. Bozigit Azaev

Round One: The round begins with Azaev cracking O’Connell with a few jabs, O’Connell respods by kicking Azaev in the midsection. Azaev drops O’Connell with a four punch combination, Azaev holds O’Connell down while landing some more strikes. O’Connell gets up and Azaev nails him with a knee strike to the head, Azaev rocks O’Connell with a short left hook. O’Connell grabs Azaev and he gets him against the cage wall, the fighters separate and O’Connell lands a left. The referee halts the fight so a doctor can check a cut on O’Connell, the action resumes with Azaev rocking O’Connell with a spinning back kick to the midsection. Azaev pounces on O’Connell with more strikes until the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Bozigit Azaev def. Sean O’Connell by TKO via strikes (3:30, R1)

Smealinho Rama vs. Jamie Abdallah

Round One: The round begins with the fighters immediately swinging away at each other, Abdallah nails Rama with a trio of rights. Rama grabs Abdallah and he gets him against the cage wall, Abdallah nails Rama with a few knee strikes while in the clinch. The fighters separate and Rama nails Abdallah with a straight left, Abdallah comes forward and he swings away at Rama. Abdallah nails a swinging Rama with a counter right, Rama responds by nailing Abdallah with a few lefts. Rama gets Abdallah against the cage wall while landing knee strikes, the fighters separate and swing wildly at each other. Rama gets Abdallah near the cage wall as they swing away at each other, Rama backs Abdallah up while catching him with lefts. Abdallah charges at Rama while landing a counter right and the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Rama

Round Two: The round begins with Rama rocking Abdallah with a right, Rama looks for a guillotine choke and Abdallah escapes to get the fight standing again. Rama drags Abdallah back to the ground and he gets back control, Rama attacks Abdallah with ground and pound. Rama transitions to the full mount against Abdallah, Rama regains back control after landing a few strikes. Rama gets the full mount again and he nails Abdallah with more strikes, Abdallah scrambles to his feet and Rama drags him to the ground again, the fighters get back to their feet and separate. Rama backs Abdallah into the cage wall while swinging away at him, Rama scores another takedown on Abdallah and he gets back control. Abdallah escapes a rear naked choke attempt to get the fight standing, Abdallah attacks Rama with a ton of knee strikes as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Rama (Overall Score: 20-18 for Rama)

In between rounds, the doctor deemed Jamie Abdallah was unable to continue and the fight is stopped.

Official Result: Smealinho Rama def. Jamie Abdallah by TKO via doctor stoppage (5:00, R2)

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