
Deonna Purrazzo Says Women’s Wrestling Has Come Far

Deonna Purrazzo says wrestling has caught up to her goals. 

Women of Honor Championship tournament participant Deonna Purrazzo said the tournament is a manifestation of what she has worked for in her career. In an interview with Crave, she said it was amazing to have a company like Ring of Honor to feature women's wrestling in such a way. 

"It’s a really fulfilling time for me and WOH in general because all of our hard work is paying off right now. For them to really be giving us an opportunity on every show we’re doing and to have multiple women’s matches filmed for television and this culmination will be the first ever Women of Honor Champion is such an amazing feat because it was never supposed to happen this way,” said Purrazzo.

As a fan since her childhood, Purrazzo has always wanted women's wrestling to advance. She said the events in 2017 and 2018 have shown her how far it has come. 

“I had this vision as a kid of what women’s wrestling could be and it’s everything that we’re seeing today. It was my goal to be a wrestler and help change the way women are viewed in wrestling. Last month they had the first ever women’s Royal Rumble, they had the Mae Young Classic and now we’re doing the first ever Women of Honor champion. All of these great moments in women’s wrestling have happened in the last three years. It’s really fulfilling to see all of these people come together and work toward this common goal that we all had,” said Purrazzo. 

In the rest of the interview, Purrazzo talked about Ronda Rousey making the transition to professional wrestling and the influence she takes from Japanese wrestling

The tournament started in January. The first round still has not finished. Purrazzo faces Holidead in her first round match. 

The entire interview can be see at CraveOnline.com

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