
WWE NXT (1/31/2023) Results: Creed Brothers vs Indus Sher, New Day Invitational, Cora Jade Competes.

Results for the 1/31/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 1/31/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show.


New Day Invitational Match – Winner Gets Added To The NXT Tag Title Match at NXT Vengeance Day: Mailk Blade & Edris Enofe vs. Duke Hudson & Andre Chase vs. The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid).

– Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile) vs. Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga) (with Jinder Mahal).

– Cora Jade vs. Lyra Valkyria.

– Stevie Turner Debuts

– NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez Calls Out Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne. 

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

– Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile) vs. Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga) (with Jinder Mahal).

Julius & Veer began the opening match locking up before Julius evaded most of Sanga’s offense before doing a leapfrog and exchanging strikes with Veer. Veer slammed Julius into the corner, but Julius tagged in Brutus. Brutus & Sanga locked up before Sanga slammed Brutus to the mat. Sanga & Brutus exchanged strikes in the corner before Veer tagged in and hit a jab on Brutus. Sanga hit a shoulder tackle on Brutus before Veer hit a leaping elbow drop on Brutus. Brutus leaned Veer in the corner before Julius hit a diving forearm strike on Veer before the two brothers hit a double-hip toss before hitting an assisted gut-wrench into a splash on Veer for a near fall. Sanga tagged in and locked in a Camel Clutch on Julius on the ropes before Mahal hit a punch on Julius while the referee was distracted. Veer hit a leapfrog senton on Julius abdomen after Mahal’s distraction. Veer & Sanga double-teamed Julius in their corner before Sanga hit the Snake Eyes on Julius. Julius hit a takedown on Sanga, but Veer immediately stomped down Veer before Sanga tagged back in. Veer & Sanga hit double shoulder tackles on Julius before Sanga locked in a chin-lock on Julius, but Sanga broke the hold before hitting a corner splash and hitting a delayed STO on Julius for a near fall. 

Sanga continued to attack Julius’s neck & back before Veer tagged in and got a modified ankle lock on Julius, but Julius hit an enziguri before Brutus tagged in. Brutus hit the hammer strikes, a cannonball on Sanga, a sideslam on Veer, a hammer strike on Sanga on the outside, the smashing blows on Veer in the ring, and hit a Standing moonsault press before Julius hitting a running Shooting Star Press on Veer for a nearf fall. Julius got Veer and hit a deadlift Gut Wrench Powerbomb on the former Pittsburg Pirates pitcher Veer for a near fall. Mahal tried to get involved before Ivy Nile confronted him on the apron, but was launched immediately to the ring floor accidentally after Julius ran the ropes. Veer hit a wicked lariat on Julius before Sanga tagged in and hit a stalling Chokeslam on Julius for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga) (with Jinder Mahal).

– Axiom was with Tyler Bate watching footage of A-Kid. Bate told Axiom that he reminded him of A-Kid before Axiom challenged him to a match. Damon Kemp told Axiom & Bate that friendly competition was trash and that everyone in NXT UK was soft. Bate stated that Kemp was a “Pendejo (Dumbass in Spanish)”.

Indi Hartwell vs. Zoey Stark.

The two locked up to begin the match before the two exchanged pushes. Hartwell & Stark exchanged strikes before Stark rolled out of the ring. The two brawled on the outside before Hartwell pulled Stark onto the apron and hit a pump kick on Stark for a near fall. Hartwell hit two ripcord lariats, but Stark responded by gauging the eyes before hitting a snap-mare into a basement lariat on Hartwell for a near fall. Stark got a modified chin lock on Hartwell, but Hartwell tossed Stark to break the hold. The two exchanged chops before Stark hit two Irish Whips on Hartwell. Hartwell returned the favor and hit an Irish Whip into a sideslam on Stark for a near fall. Stark slammed Hartwell’s neck into the top rope before hitting a springboard tornillo splash on Hartwell for a near fall.

Stark hit a snap-mare into a Cravat on Hartwell & transitioned into a guillotine, but Hartwell slammed Stark into the corner. The two exchanged strikes before Hartwell hit a jab, three lariats, and a spinebuster on Stark for a near fall. Stark hit a Roundhouse kick into a German Suplex on Hartwell for a near fall. The two evaded holds before Stark sent Hartwell into the apron. Hartwell hit a forearm strike and went for a Springboard move, but Stark moved the rope before hitting the Belly-to-Back GTS on Hartwell for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Zoey Stark.

– Zoey Stark attacked Lumis after the match before Sol Ruca came to make the save for Hartwell. 

– Schism (Joe Gacy, Ava Raine, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) cut a promo ahead of The Dyad’s match to determine the winner of the New Day Invitational. They insulted their opponents ahead of their match. 

– Back from the commercial break, Apollo Crews was in Charlotte, North Carolina ahead of his 2-out-of-three falls match against Carmelo Hayes on NXT Vengeance Day. Crews stated that the past will dictate the future of NXT. 

– NXT North American Champion Wes Lee came to the ring to cut a promo. Lee said that he may take an ass-whooping, but admitted that the cardiac kid (himself) will rise as North American Champion, but Dijak interrupted him before saying that his speech will not make a damn difference. Dijak said that Lee had every chance to gift him the title, but instead he will face the toughest man in NXT and would take the title off Lee’s prone hands. Lee said that he did not win the title by accident and said that Dijak would not just be fighting him, but he was fighting the entirety of the Wes side. Of all people, Von Wagner & Mr. Stone interrupted Dijak & Wes Lee before Wagner told Dijak to take his sunglasses off in the indoor setting. Lee was enough of an instigator to make a match between Dijak & Von Wagner.

Dijak vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone).

The two began the match exchanging punches before Wagner hit a leaping scissor kick followed by a Fall-Away Slam on Dijak before the picture-in-picture break. During the break, Dijak hit a Falcon Arrow on Wagner before laying in the stomps and strikes on Wagner. Dijak locked in a Cravat on Wagner before Wagner slammed Dijak to the corner and hit a takedown on Dijak. Wagner went for a lariat, but Dijak evaded and hit a drop toe-hold on Wagner onto the middle rope. Dijak locked in a Cravat again on Wagner, but Wagner laid in the punches to break the hold.

After the break, Dijak hit a lariat on Wagner for a near fall. Dijak hit a kick & a back elbow strike on Wagner, but Wagner responded and hit a suplex on Dijak into the middle turnbuckle. Wagner hit a corner splash followed by an Irish Whip, but Dijak hit a big boot on the corner before hitting a back elbow on Wagner. Wagner hit a knee strike before the two exchanged strikes. Wagner hit a thrust kick on Wagner, but Wagner responded by hitting a big boot on Wagner for a near fall. Wagner went for a chokeslam on Dijak, but Dijak did a flip to evaded the move before hitting a sit-down chokeslam on Wagner for a near fall. Dijak placed Wagner in the corner before he got himself & Wagner on the top rope. Wagner hit a series of elbow strikes on Dijak before he hit an Avalanche Double Under-hook slam on Dijak. Wagner went for an Angle Slam, but Dijak evaded and locked in a sleeper hold on Wagner before hitting the Feast Your Eyes on Wagner for the decisive pinfall win. 

Winner: Dijak. 

– Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo talked about Dijak’s match afterwards, before Stacks said that he took care of some things as the Underboss.

– There was a closer look from McKenzie Mitchell after Nikkita Lyons was injured in the NXT Parking Lot, going through the footage of what happened when Nikkita Lyons was attacked. Mitchell said that if she had any updates about who attacked Lyons, she will keep the fans updated. 

– There was a video vignette recapping the feud between Grayson Waller & NXT Champion Bron Breakker ahead of their Steel Cage match for the title on NXT Vengeance Day on 2/4/2023. 

Tyler Bate vs. Axiom.

The match began with the two locking up before Bate leaned Axiom into the corner. The two locked up again before Bate evaded Axiom and got him in a roll-up for a near fall. Bate hit a snap-mare before hitting an arm drag on Axiom into a wrist lock, but Axiom reversed it with a Guillotine choke before Bate broke the hold and locked in a wrist lock again. Bate maintained control on Axiom’s left arm before Axiom used the referee’s shoulder to break Bate’s hold, but Bate got him and locked in a wrist lock again. Axiom finally evaded and hit a springboard arm drag into a dropkick on Bate for a near fall. Axiom got a Guillotine choke on Bate, but Bate reversed IT with a pin for a near fall. Axiom tossed himself & Bate out of the ring before the picture-in-picture break. 

During the break, Bate & Axiom got back in the ring before Bate locked in a headlock on Axiom, but Axiom reversed it with head scissors before Bate got off the hold, but Axiom locked in the head scissors again. Bate continued to escape the head scissors, but Axiom kept finding ways to lock them in before Bate broke the hold and hit a basement dropkick on Axiom. Bate hit a knee strike into a middle-turnbuckle uppercut on Axiom for a near fall. Bate hit three uppercuts before locking in an abdominal stretch, but Axiom broke the hold and hit an exploder suplex into the Yuji Gatame on Bate.

After the break, Bate broke the hold and got Axiom in a spinning Fireman’s Carry before squatting down and spinning around Axiom into a Death Valley Driver on Axiom for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before Axiom hit a dropkick into a vicious PK kick on Bate for a near fall. Bate hit a knee strike and went for another diving uppercut, but Axiom caught him mid-air and locked in a sleeper on Bate. Bate got on his feet and broke the hold before hitting a pimp slap on Axiom, but Axiom responded with a thrust kick before attempting a Schoolboy, but Bate reversed it with a sit-out pin for a near fall. The two evaded each other’s offense before Bate hit the Bop & Bang followed by a rebound lariat on Axiom. Bate went for the Tyler Driver, but Axiom reversed it with a pin for a near fall thanks to Bate doing a bridge to break the pin. Bate went for another Tyler Driver 97, but Axiom reversed it with a Hurricanrana for a near fall, but Bate immediately rolled over and hit the Tyler Driver 97 for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Tyler Bate.

– Damon Kemp attacked Axiom & Tyler Bate after the match before Kemp hit a Uranage Backbreaker on Axiom. 

– Isla Dawn cut a vignette in front of a bonfire before revealing Alba Fyre with Isla Dawn. Dawn initiated Fyre to join her, teasing a tag team of the two. 

– Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams were interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, with Williams saying he was shaking because he was freezing. Hayes told Crews that he can never be him until Crews managed to beat him at Vengeance Day. 

– Vic Joseph & Booker T interviewed Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne & NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez ahead of their Triple Threat Match on NXT Vengeance Day. Perez reminisced over her participation in the 2023 Women’s Royal Rumble, but Jayne & Dolin interrupted her consistently. Jayne told Perez that she peaked at 21 before Dolin promised that her 15 minutes of fame were over. Perez stormed out of the interview thanks to Jayne & Dolin. Perez immediately attacked Jayne & Dolin in the Toxic Lounge before many producers, including Norman Smiley & Steve Corino came to stop them from fighting.

Stevie Turner vs. Dani Palmer.

Turner & Palmer locked up before Turner got a wrist lock on Palmer. Palmer did a back flip to break the hold before Palmer got a waist lock, but Turner hit a back elbow into a headlock before hitting a series of boot kicks on Palmer. Turner hit a gut kick and a series of strikes before hitting a reverse stunner on Palmer. Turner got a Nerve Hold on Palmer. Palmer broke the hold and hit two diving lariats on Turner, a chin breaker, and a Thesz Press on Turner. Palmer tried to run the ropes but Turner caught her with a Pump Kick into a Spike DDT on Palmer before hitting a Side Effect on Palmer for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Stevie Turner.

– Kiana James was on a telephone call with someone named “Zack” and saying that she loved him. Fallon Henley & Kiana James argued backstage before NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Kayden Carter & Katana Chance that they would retain the tag titles. 

Charlie Dempsey vs. Drew Gulak (w/ Hank Walker).

The match began with the two technicians locking up before Gulak got a headlock on Dempsey before transitioning into a front-face lock. The two evaded each other’s holds before the picture-in-picture break. 

The two did a Greko-Roman Lock Up before Dempsey hit a Monkey Flip into a headlock on Gulak. The two tried to get on pin attempts before Gulak hit a shooter slam on Dempsey. Dempsey got up and hit an uppercut on Gulak, but Gulak strikes Dempsey down for a near fall. Gulak locked in a High-Torque STF on Dempsey, mainly torquing Dempsey’s back. Dempsey somehow escaped the hold before Gulak hit a series of kicks on Gulak. Dempsey hit a modified Dragon Screw on Gulak for a near fall.

Dempsey hit a Butterfly Suplex into a Double Under-hook Guillotine on Gulak before transitioning into a Crucifix for a near fall. Dempsey hit another Double Under-hook suplex for a near fall, to which he responded by hitting a deadlift German Suplex on Gulak for a near fall. Dempsey hit two Dragon Screws on Gulak before locking in a heel hook on Gulak, but Gulak booted Dempsey in the head before hitting Discus Lariat on Dempsey for a near fall. Gulak went for another Lariat, but Dempsey caught him and hit a back-breaker on Gulak for a near fall. Gulak hit a slap on Dempsey, but Dempsey powered up before locking in a sleeper on Gulak, but Gulak rolled over and went for the Penta Arm Breaker, but Dempsey rolled over and locked in a Cross-face Chicken Wing on Gulak, but Gulak tossed Dempsey onto Walker by accident. Dempsey was dizzy after colliding heads with Walker, to which Gulak responded by getting Dempsey in a deep Schoolboy Roll-Up for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Drew Gulak (w/ Hank Walker).

– Mr. Stone criticized Von Wagner for being one-dimensional and told him to help Stone help him. 

New Day Invitational Match – Winner Gets Added To The NXT Tag Title Match at NXT Vengeance Day.

Mailk Blade & Edris Enofe vs. Duke Hudson & Andre Chase (w/ Thea Hail) vs. The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Joe Gacy & Ava Raine).

Hudson & Fowler began the match locking up before Fowler tried to slam Hudson with an Irish whip, but hudson hit a body slam. Chase & Hudson hit a drop toe-hold into an elbow drop on Fowler for a near fall. Enofe got tagged in after Fowler chopped Enofe’s chest. Enofe & Chase exchanged pins before Enofe hti a dropkick on Chase. Enofe & Blade hit a dropkick/ knee strike/ diving lariat combo on CHase for a near fall. Reid did a blind tag and slammed Chase onto the mat. Fowler got Chase on the outside before he & Reid hit an assisted Tombstone on Chase on the outside. Fowler tagged in and hit a release back suplex on Chase for a near fall. Fowler hit a lariat on Chase for two consecutive near falls. Fowler got a nerve hold on Chase before hitting a ripcord back elbow on Chase. Fowler went for a suplex, but Chase hit a suplex on Fowler before Reid tagged in and hit a dropkick on Hudson. Chase hit a back-drop and a side-step before trying to tag in Enofe, but Fowler & Reid took down Enofe & Blade before Reid & Fowler hit a Powerbomb/ Back Stabber combination on Chase for a near fall. Chase leaped over Reid before tagging in Hudson. Hudson came in for the hot tag and laid out both Fowler & Reid before hitting a big boot to send Reid tot he outside. Back in the ring, Hudson hit a Spring-rope leap into a German Suplex on Reid for a near fall. Hudson went for a boot, but Blade tagged in and hit a springboard plancha on Reid before hitting a Hurricanrana on Hudson to the outside. Enofe & Blade hit consecutive splashes on Reid before hitting a Samoan Drop/ Neck Breaker combo/ but Chase University & Fowler came in to break the pin. Chase University & Dyad were sent to the outside before Enofe & Balde hit Stereo Topes Con Giro on Dyad & Chase U. Back in the ring. Reid & Blade were on the top rope before Chase came in and hit a Tower of Doom on Blade, Enofe & Reid. Chase hit the Chase U Stomps on Reid, but Ava Raine distracted Chase. Hail slammed Raine into the apron, allowing Hudson & Chase to hit a Gory Bomb/ Flatliner combo on Reid for the pinfall win. They will join the Fatal-4 Way for the NXT Tag Team Championships on NXT Vengeance Day.

Winners: Chase University (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) (w/ Thea Hail).

– NXT Tag Teams Champions the New Day cut a promo from the titantron to say that they will see all the tag teams involved in the Fatal-4 Way on Vengeance Day. Chase University stood.

– The broadcast ended with a video package promoting NXT Vengeance Day and the card for the show. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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