
WWE NXT (1/3/2023) Results: Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes & More to Kickoff The First Show of 2023.

Results for the 1/3/2022 edition of NXT on the USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 1/3/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show:


WWE NXT (1/3/2023).

Extreme Resolution Match: Isla Dawn vs. Alba Fyre.

– Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes.

– Trick Williams vs. Axiom.

– Grayson Waller Hosts The Grayson Waller Effect with NXT World Heavyweight Champion Bron Breakker.

– Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker.

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Live Coverage. 

– After a video recap of the best moments from NXT in 2022, Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Apollo Crews.

The two locked up before Crews hit two shoulder tackles and flipped over Hayes before connecting a dropkick to start the match. Crews got a headlock on Hayes before Hayes off the hold and hit the springboard lariat on Crews. Hayes hit an enziguri kick on Crews before hitting a springboard leg drop on Crews as he was hanged from the middle rope for a near fall. Hayes hit a chop on Crews, but Crews fired away with three chops before hitting a delayed vertical suplex on Hayes before hitting a springboard senton, a corner splash, and a tilt-to-world backbreaker on Hayes for a near fall. Crews hit a chop on Hayes in the corner before Hayes walked to the other corner and hit a forearm strike to the head, one to the back. Hayes went for a back suplex on Crews, but Crews landed on his feet and hit two German Suplexes before hitting an overhead toss on Hayes. Crews clotheslined Hayes to the outside of the ring before hitting a Moonsault Press off the apron onto Hayes on the outside. Crews got Hayes on the apron and laid in the strikes on Hayes before the two got back in the ring. Crews got Hayes in the corner & hit a body shot followed by a snap-mare elbow drop on Hayes for a near fall. Crews got Hayes in a headlock for a lengthy while. Hayes reversed the hold by locking in the head scissors while holding Crews’s left arm in torque, but Crews rolled over and locked in another headlock on Hayes. The two got up before Crews attacked Hayes and locked in a bear hug on Hayes, but Hayes hit a series of back elbows on Crews’s neck to reverse it into a Guillotine before Crews leaned Hayes to the corner. Hayes tossed Crews into the apron with a Bandera before he hit Crews’s leg to send him crashing into the floor. Hayes slammed Crews into the stairs before the two got back in the ring, with Hayes targeting Crews’s left leg. Crews got off the corner, but Hayes caught him with a shotgun dropkick before hitting a Liger Bomb on Crews for a near fall, to which he transitioned rapidly into a Single Leg Crab on Crews’ left leg. Crews rolled over and hit an up kick on Hayes to break the hold before hitting a leaping enziguri kick on Hayes. Crews hit a lariat, a mid-section thrust kick, a pump kick, another lariat, and a back-stabber on Hayes before connecting a leaping lariat on Hayes. Crews hit an enziguri kick in the corner before Crews got Hayes and hit a deadlift Superplex on Hayes for a near fall. Crews went for an Angle Slam, but Hayes rolled over and hit a pump kick. Crews hulked up and hit a pump kick of his own before going for a suplex, but Hayes reversed it into a cutter before going for a top-rope leg drop, but Crews evaded and. Williams pulled Hayes off the corner, but Williams ate a lariat from Crews before Crews hit a Gorilla Press Slam and went for a Standing Moonsault, but Hayes evaded and hit a code breaker. Hayes got to the top rope and hit a Top Rope Leg Drop on Crews for the pinfall win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams).

– Axiom attacked Williams & Hayes after the match, hitting a cross-body on Williams & Hayes inside the ring before hitting an Asai Moonsault on the two on the outside before the commercial break. 

Axiom vs. Trick Williams (w/ Carmelo Hayes).

After the commercial break, Williams got Axiom in a chin lock before firing away with chops in the corner on Axiom. Williams went for another chop, but Axiom evaded and hit chop. Williams hit a double kick on Axiom before hitting a running lariat on Axiom. Williams went for a pop-up strike, but Axiom reversed it in mid-air with a. shotgun dropkick before hitting a series of strikes, a dropkick, a running corner enziguri kick, and a diving crossbody on Williams for a near fall, but Axiom quickly responded with a Yuji Gatame before Williams got a rope break. Williams hit a kick on Axiom before hitting a snap-neck breaker on Axiom for a near fall. Williams went for a spinning Roundhouse kick on Axiom, but Axiom rocked him with a forearm strike before hitting the Golden Ratio on Williams for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Axiom.

– Hayes & Williams attacked Axiom after the match before Apollo Crews came in to make the save.

– The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) came with Joe Gacy & Ava Raine to confront NXT Tag Team Champions The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) backstage for evading them and called the Schism a real family. Kingston told Joe Gacy that if they had a problem with him, they can solve it in the ring, to which Gacy responded by accepting Kingston’s challenge. 

– There was a vignette of a bruise & beat-up Channing “Stack” Lorenzo before being interrogated by Dijak. Stacks told Dijak that he did whatever “The Don” Tony D’Angelo tells him to do, but Dijak told him his actions had consequences. Dijak told Stacks that he was looking at the face of fear before launching a forearm strike on Stacks. Stacks told Dijak that if he wanted to be a man, to solve the issues in the ring, leading to a match between the two after the commercial break.  

– Drew Gulak hosted. seminar for Chase University before Andre Chase came in and interrupted Gulak. Hank Walker told Chas that Gulak did not mean his words, but Chase responded by telling Waker he would give him an ass-whooping

Dijak vs. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (w/ Tony D’Angelo).

The two began the match exchanging strikes before Stacks hit a series of knee strikes on Dijak, but Dijak hit a choke and a thrust kick on Stacks into the abdomen before hitting a knee strike to the ribs on Stacks for a near fall. Stacks hit a series of kicks on Dijak while laying on the mat, but Dijak stomped away at Stacks’s ribs before hitting a rib breaker and tossing Stacks across the ring for a near fall. Dijak went for a corner spear, but Stacks evaded to slam Dijak onto the ring post. Stacks hit four corner uppercuts on Dijak, but Dijak caught him with a vicious Big Boot for a near fall. Dijak went for another slam, but Stacks reversed it with a schoolboy for a near fall. Dijak hit a thrust kick on Stacks before hitting the Feast Your Eyes on Stacks while staring daggers at Tony D’Angelo for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Dijak. 

– Dijak went for another Feast Your Eyes on Stacks, but D’Angelo attacked Dijak to make the save & challenge Dijak to a Street Rules Match. 

– Oro Mensah was interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell backstage but was interrupted by Javier Bernal promoting his Christmas Album. Mensah rightfully called the idea cringe before challenging Bernal to a match for later in the night. 

– Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne were in the ring to cut a promo, saying that it was time to leave 2022 in the past as they show the crowd how they cut through the roster. Jayne said that they only watched and aimed at NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez, but they were interrupted by Indi Hartwell, who said that she was tired of Toxic Attraction, but Cora Jade walked down the crowd to interrupt Hartwell and said that no one cared about Hartwell. Nikki Lyons was across the crowd to interrupt Jade and tell her that she deserved a kick to the head. Zoey Stark interrupted and said Perez’s run would be short, but Wendy Choo interrupted and called Jade a biatch. Thea Hail came from out of nowhere and demanded to cause a fight, causing a donnybrook in the middle of the ring with the entirety o the roster, including Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn to brawl to the outside of the arena. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez revealed to everyone that there would be a 20-Woman Battle Royale to determine the #1 Contender for the title next week. The roster continued to brawl in the ring as Fyre & Dawn brawled out of the Capitol Wrestling Center ahead of their match. 

Extreme Resolution Match.

Isla Dawn vs. Alba Fyre.

Prior to the official start of the match, The two brawled in the backstage area, with Dawn launching Fyre onto a ladder. Dawn then launched Fyre onto a giant X before Fyre hit a body slam on Dawn onto the rainbow X. Dawn launched a painting on Fyre’s head before swinging at Dawn with a lead pipe, but Dawn evaded and launched a trash can on Fyre’s face. Dawn tried to attack Fyre with a lead pipe, but Fyre hit a forearm strike Dawn before slamming a ladder onto the route of Dawn, but Dawn evaded. Dawn & Fyre brawled over a pod with a bunch of ringside equipment before Fyre hit three forearm strike and launched Dawn onto a stack of Wooden stacks & chairs. Fyre pulled Dawn and placed her in a chair before they made their way across backstage before bitting Dawn in a little cart and walking her to the ringside area. Fyre launched Dawn onto the broadcast table before Fyre got a steel chair. The match officially began with Fyre launching Dawn to the corner with a chair. Fyre went for a suplex, but Dawn hit a series of body shots and hit a snap suplex on Fyre onto the corner for a near fall. Dawn targeted Fyre’s left hand, specifically stomping the hand before hitting a chair shot to the rib. Dawn went for another chair shot, but Fyre hit a big boot on the chair and fired away with chops and forearm strikes on Dawn before going for a DVD, but Dawn evaded before Fyre hit a Thrust Kick into the KLR Bomb on Dawn for a near fall. Fyre hit a chair shot on Dawn’s back before placing the chair on Dawn’s ribs and climbing to the top rope, but Dawn yeeted the chair onto Fyre’s face to drop her to the outside. Dawn hit a Meteora on Fyre onto the outside. Back in the ring, got an English corkscrew and twisted Fyre’s middle finger, but Fyre dropped Dawn with a snap-mare. Fyre & Dawn exchanged forearm strikes before Fyre hit a facebuster, a chest kick, and went for another chest kick before Dawn got a schoolboy on Fyre for a near fall. Fyre hit a Thrust kick on Dawn to send her to the outside. Fyre hit a Tope Suicida on Dawn to the outside before pulling a table to the outside. Fyre set up the table, but Dawn slammed Fyre into the stairs before she squashed Fyre’s hands with a toolbox. Dawn tried to hammer the toolbox, but Fyre pushed the box onto Dawn. Dawn went for an inverted DDT, but Fyre evaded and hit a headbutt on Dawn to place her to the table on the outside. Fyre climbed to the top rope and hit a Swanton Bomb to the table. After the table said “I am the table”, Fyre hit the KLR bomb on Dawn onto the table, finally breaking the table. Back in the ring, Fyre got Dawn in a single-leg hook on Dawn for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Alba Fyre. 

– Grayson Waller was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, with Waller saying that Bron Breakker having that dog in him did not make him immune to the Grayson Waller Effect. 

– There was a vignette recapping the feud between Indus Sher (Veer Mahan & Sanga) & the Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed). Sanga detailed his career as an actor in India while Veer highlighted his career as a Baseball player on the Pirates. The Creed Brothers said that they did not believe Indus Cher did not care about respect, with them saying that the only way they can get respect is by beating them.

Oro Mensah vs. Javier Bernal. 

Bernal attacked Mensah before the match. Bernal hit a lariat on Mensah before firing away with the punches on Mensah. Mensah got up and hit a series of punches, but Bernal hit a punch before hitting a back suplex on Mensah for a near fall. Bernal hit a Bulldog into a lariat on Mensah for a near fall. Bernal hit a back elbow strike on Bernal for a near fall. Mensah hit a chop, a forearm strike, and a dropkick on Bernal, but Bernal hit three elbow strikes and a DDT on Mensah for a near fall. Bernal went for a DVD, but Mensah evaded and hit a back-drop on Bernal. Mensah hit two lariats, a forearm strike, a Springboard Asai Moonsault, a spinning heel kick, and locked in a sleeper hold on Bernal on the ropes before hitting an exploder suplex on Bernal. Bernal hit a corner leg Lariat on Bernal for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Oro Mensah. 

– Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley were backstage before Kiana James interrupted. James congratulated Henley on her win last week and told Henley that she would see her later. James told Jensen to text her later, which bamboozled Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley. 

Andre Chase (w/ Duke Hudson & Thea Hail) vs. Drew Gulak (w/ Hank Walker).

The two locked up before Chase got a wrist lock on into a hammerlock on Gulak, but Gulak got on the ropes for the rope break. After the two shook hands, the two locked up before Gulak got a front ankle lock on Chase, but Chase evaded before Gulak got a Chicken Wing on Chase before Chase got a rope break. Gulak got a wrist lock on Chas before Chase leaped over Gulak and hit an arm drag on Gulak. Gulak evaded Chase and hit a back suplex before locking in a nerve hold on Chase before hitting a suplex with a bridge on Chase for a near fall. Gulak got a cravat on Chase, but Chase ran the ropes and hit a sliding dropkick & a Russian Leg Sweep on Gulak. Chase hit the Chase U Stomps on Gulak before locking in a Figure Four, but Gulak got a rope break to break the hold. Gulak fired away with a Kobashi slap, three headbutts, an axe handle, a body slam to the ropes, and locking in the “Gu-Lock” Dragon Sleeper for the submission win. 

Winner: Drew Gulak (w/ Hank Walker).

– NXT North American Champion Wes Lee was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, saying that the winner of Dijak & D’Angelo should challenge him for the title. 

Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods) vs. Joe Gacy (w/ Ava Raine, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid).

Kingston & Gacy locked up before Gacy hit a shoulder tackle on Kingston. Kingston leaped over Gacy twice and hit a spinning back elbow on Gacy for a near fall. Kingston hit a diving cross-body Gacy for a near fall. Raine dropped Kingston in his nards on the top turnbuckle before Gacy hit a superplex on Kingston for a near fall. Gacy punched Kingston in the head before tossing Kingston into the corner, but Kingston responded with a dropkick. Kingston went for a corner splash, but Gacy responded with a backbreaker before hitting a side backbreaker on Kingston for a near fall. Gacy went for a Camel Clutch on Kingston, but Kingston evaded the hold. Kingston hit a double hammer strike, a standing dropkick, and went for the SOS, but Gacy pushed Kingston to the corner. Kingston hit a boot kick on Gacy before hitting a Frog Splash to the back for a near fall. Kingston hit the Boom Drop and went for Trouble in Paradise, but Gacy took a step back and hit a Spike DDT on Kingston for a near fall. Kingston hit Gacy in the gut and hit the Murphy’s Law on Gacy for a near fall. Kingston attacked Jagger Reid, but Gacy caught Kingston with a forearm strike. Woods argued with The Dyad, but Kingston hit a Tope Con Giro on Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler on the outside. Kingston evaded Gacy’s lariat before hitting the Trouble In Paradise for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods).

– Drew Gulak & Hank Walker were confronted by Charlie Dempsey, who said that Walker would be next. Gulak told Dempsey that Walker would rip Dempsey’s arm off his socket, which bamboozled Walker. 

– Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) were backstage with New Day and told New Day that they would run the gauntlet to prove their worth and get a title shot at the tag titles.

– There was a vignette promoting NXT New Year’s Evil, with a mysterious blonde figure saying that she would make an impact in NXT. 

– Grayson Waller hosted a new edition of The Grayson Waller Effect in the Main Event of the broadcast. Waller promoted the show as the last of Bron Breakker’s NXT Title Run as he promised to end Breakker’s reign. Breakker came to the ring for the segment. Breakker admitted that Goldberg was an inspiration of his, and admitted that Waller outsmarted him doing the Bret Hart-Goldberg callback. Waller was admittedly bamboozled by Breakker’s calm demeanor, but Breakker said that Waller’s antics were just distractions while he focuses on reality. Breakker said he did not care about what Waller said.  After Waller annoyed Breakker, Breakker hit the Gorilla Press Slam on Waller to send him to the outside. Breakker hit a Tope Con Giro on Waller to the outside to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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