
IMPACT Wrestling (11/10/22) Results: Jordynne Grace Defends Knockout’s Title Against Gisele Shaw.

Results for the 11/10/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership).

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 11/10/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– IMPACT Knockout’s Championship Match: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Gisele Shaw.

– Mickie James vs. Chelsea Green.

– IMPACT Digital Media Championship Match: Brian Myers (c) vs. Joe Hendry.

– X-Division Tournament – Second Round Match: Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel. 

– Bhupinder Gujjar vs. G Sharpe.

– Zicky Dice (w/ Johnny Swinger) vs. Bully Ray.

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IMPACT Wrestling (11/10/2022) Live Coverage.

– After a recap of the 11/3/2022 episode of IMPACT Wrestling, Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

IMPACT Digital Media Championship Match.

Brian Myers (c) (w/ Matt Cardona) vs. Joe Hendry.

Hendry cut a promo running down on Myers before saying that he would be a force for good once he beat Brian Myers to become the new Digital Media Champion. The title match began with Hendry & Myers locking up before Hendry drove Myers to the corner. The two locked up again before Hendry got Myers in a wrist lock before running the ropes and hitting two shoulder tackles and a stalling suplex on Myers for a near fall, to which Myers proceeded to roll out of the ring. Myers got back in the ring and caught Hendry with an enziguri kick before laying in the stomps on Hendry. Myers got Hendry in a sleeper hold but Hendry broke the hold with an uppercut. Hendry tried to run the ropes but Myers slid out of the ring to trip Hendry onto the mat before getting a lateral press on Hendry for a near fall. Myers locked in another sleeper before locking in a Guillotine Choke on Hendry, but Hendry reversed the hold with a deadweight suplex on Myers. Hendry hit two back elbow strikes and a trust fall (Fireman’s Carry Toss) on Myers for a near fall. Myers hit a flat liner on Hendry for a near fall. Myers tried to attack Hendry, but Hendry caught him with a Pop-Up Powerbomb for a near fall. Hendry and Myers got outside before Hendry slammed Myers’ face onto the apron. Cardona tried to get involved, but IMPACT Tag team Champions Heath & Rhino attacked him to lead him out of the equation. Hendry got back in the ring, but Myers hit the Implant DDT on Hendry for a near fall. Myers got back up and went for a spear, but Hendry caught him with the Standing Ovation (One-Hand Spinebuster) on Myers for the pinfall win, becoming the new Digital Media Champion. 

Winner & New IMPACT Digital Media Champion: Joe Hendry.

– Gisele Shaw was shown a video package backstage by ​Jai Vidal, with an ad-lib video of members of the IMPACT Roster thanking Gisele Shaw. Eddie Edward, Deonna Purrazzo, Lance Storm, Scott D’Amore, Sami Callihan, and more were shown in the video. 

– There was a video vignette of Eric Young, Alan Angels, Kon & Deaner emphasizing that they are violence. Young said that he warned Sami Callihan that the world belongs to Violence that he taught him a lesson for not seeing the vision. 

X-Division Tournament – Second Round Match.

Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel.

Bailey and Miguel evaded each other’s kicks before Bailey hit the machine gun side kicks on Miguel. Bailey & Miguel took turns getting and out of the ring before Bailey flipped over Miguel. Miguel slammed Bailey’s arm into the top rope before hitting a dropkick and connecting an arm-drag takedown on Bailey. Miguel got a wrist lock on Bailey, but Bailey broke the hold with an arm drag before evading Miguel’s offense with two back flips and connecting a kick to Miguel’s chest as Kenny King strolled on the ramp to watch the match before the commercial break. Miguel & Bailey exchanged strikes before Bailey kicked Miguel for a near fall. Miguel hit a kick to the chest and a double stomp on Bailey’s back for a near fall. Miguel went for a suplex on Bailey, but Bailey laid in the chops on Miguel. Bailey hit a pump-fack thrust kick and a forearm strike on Miguel, but Miguel responded with a rebound Enziguri kick on Bailey. Miguel and Bailey each other’s offense before Bailey went for the Ultimate Weapon, but Miguel evaded and nearly went for the spiral on Bailey. Miguel hit a Poison Rana to send Bailey out of the ring. King talked trash to Bailey before Miguel kicked Bailey in the head. Miguel got on the apron, but Bailey got him with a pump kick before hitting a Triangle Moonsault on Miguel to the outside. Bailey laid in the forearm strikes, but Miguel caught him with a forearm strike before getting back to the ring. Miguel went for a Sunset Bomb on Bailey to the outside, but Bailey reversed it with a moonsault Meteora on Miguel. King threw popcorn at Bailey, but Bailey disregarded him. King responded by tossing Miguel to the stairs, costing Bailey the match and giving Miguel the disqualification win.

Winner (via Disqualification): Trey Miguel.

– Jessicka was confronted by Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary backstage after she lost against Savannah Evans. Rosemary said that she should use her anger and take it all out on Tasha Steelz before recommending she bite Steelz face off. Jessicka responded by saying she would get a drink.

– Kenny King cut a promo backstage explaining his actions on the match between Bailey & Miguel. King said that he cannot focus on the X-Division Championship & World Championship until he exposes the Fake tricks in the Matrix like Morpheus.

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. G Sharpe.

Gujjar and Sharpe locked to begin the match before Sharpe got Gujjar in a headlock. Gujjar leaped over Sharpe before connecting a dropkick on Sharpe. Gujjar evaded Sharpe before connecting a tilt-to-world backbreaker on Sharpe. Sharpe dropped Gujjar before stomping down Gujjar. Sharpe hit a snap-mare dropkick on Gujjar for a near fall. Sharpe laid in the Anvil elbow strikes on Gujjar before locking in a headlock, but Gujjar broke the hold and hit two punches and a lariat on Sharpe. Gujjar leaped over Sharpe before hitting a Sling blade, a pump kick, a ripcord knee strike, and a Samoan Drop on Sharpe for a near fall. Sharpe gauged Gujjar’s eyes before hitting a high kick on Gujjar’s head. Sharpe hit a chop on Gujjar, but Gujjar responded with a pop-up Powerslam before connecting the Spear from the middle rope for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Bhupinder Gujjar.

– IMPACT Tag Team Champions Heath & Rhino cut a promo on Matt Cardona & Brian Myers. Heath told Cardona that he was a madman for trying to team up with Myers. Rhino noticed IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander and told him to be weary of Bully Ray because he is a piece fo shit. 

– Jessicka was confronted by Alisha, which Jessicka that she would go down under to see the real Aussie Open. Alisha then confronted Eddie Edwards in regard to Honor No More. Edwards emphasized that he buried Honor No More when he buried PCO last week, but Alisha was doubtful about it. 

Mickie James vs. Chelsea Green (w/ Deonna Purrazzo).

The two began the match locking up before James did a snap mare headlock on Green, but Green reversed it with a wrist lock before kicking James’ arm. Green got James in a waist lock, but James turned it into a waist lock of her own. James got a headlock on Green before transitioning into a hammerlock on Green. Green climbed to the middle rope while on the hammerlock to get a rope break before James slammed Green to the mat. Jams and Green slapped each other before hitting a snap-mare into a running kick on Green for a near fall. James ran the ropes, but Purrazzo distracted James enough to allow Green to hit the Back Stabber on James for a near fall. James pushed Green to the corner before kicking Green in the head. Purrazzo got Green’s hand on the rope, but the referee caught her. The referee responded to Purrazzo’s actions by kicking her out of the match. Green hit a flat liner on James for a near fall. Green hit a ripcord lariat on Green for a near fall, to which Green responded by locking in an S-Grip Headlock. James broke the hold and hit a wrist lock takedown on Green before getting Lateral Press on Green for a near fall. Green took down James and locked in a Single Leg Crab on James, but James rolled to send Green out of the ring. James went for the baseball slide to the outside, but Green caught her with a slap. James hit a Hurricanrana on Green to the outside. James and Green got on the apron and exchanged strikes before the two hit stereo Thrust Kicks on each other. The two got backing the ring at the count of nine before exchanging strikes while sitting down. James fired away with forearm strikes before hitting a Thesz Press, two clotheslines, and a neck breaker on Green for a near fall. James went for the DDT on Green but Green tossed James into the referee. Green accidentally hit a big boot on the referee before James hit a flapjack on Green. Purrazzo got back in the ring to interfere, but Taylor Wilde attacked Purrazoo to send them off the ramp. James hit a Top rope Thesz Press on Green before connecting the Mick-DT on Green, but the referee was out. Green punched James before connecting the Unprettier on James, but only got a near fall. Green lost it in the ring and fired away with punches on James before climbing to the top rope. Green went for a top rope Shotgun Dropkick, but James took a side step and got Green in a Jack-Knife Cover for the pinfall win.

Winner: Mickie James. 

– Steve Maclin tried to talk to Scott D’Amore, but Tommy Dreamer confronted him for his actions. Dreamer told Maclin to wait on Alexander vs kazarian and become the locker room, but Maclin refuted to by saying he wanted to be champion, not a leader. Dreamer challenged Maclin to a match, to which Maclin accepted before promising that he would end Dreamer. 

Zicky Dice (w/ Johnny Swinger) vs. Bully Ray.

The match began with Swinger and Dice doing the “Get the Tables” taunt to Ray, to which Bully Ray was unphased. Dice got a table to the ring, but Ray hit the Bully Bomb on Dice for the quick pinfall win. 

Winner: Bully Ray.

– After the match, Moose hit a low blow on Ray before putting through a table in the corner with a vicious spear. The crowd chanted for Moose as he put his suit back on and walked back to the ramp. 

– Sami Callihan cut a recorded promo on Violent By Design, putting over the faction for being bigger and better than ever before. Callihan pulled a man with a yellow hoodie and blamed him for ruining the match between him and Young. Callihan challenged Young to a match but wanted to do it in the bloodiest fashion possible. Callihan challenged Young to Deaht Machine’s Double Jeopardy.

– IMPACT Knockout’s Champion Jordynne Grace cut a promo backstage saying that she hoped Gisele Shaw kept that photo of her with the title as that would be the only scene she would have as champion.

– Chelsea Green got her luggage and told Deonna Purrazzo that she was going home after losing her match against Mickie James. Hannifan did a troll face to Rehwoldt as he was distraught by Green’s action. 

– After Moose’s attack from earlier, Bully Ray challenged Moose to a tables match. The match was made official. 

– There was a video package highlighting Frankie Kazarian’s IMPACT Career ahead of his match against World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander on Overdrive. Scott D’Amore, Chris Sabin, Gail Kim & Traci Brooks (Kazarian’s wife) were a part of the package. Kazarian promised to win the championship and said that he needs the title more than anything, emphasizing that he has to win.

IMPACT Knockout’s Championship Match.

Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Gisele Shaw (w/ Jai Vidal).

Grace kicked Shaw in the abdomen and punched Shaw to begin the match. Grace leaped over Shaw and hit a spinebuster on Shaw for a one-count kickout on Shaw. Shaw got out of the ring and talked strategy with Vidal, but Grace hit a sliding kick on Vidal. Shaw slammed Grace off the ropes to the ringside floor. Shaw and Grace got back in the ring and laid in forearm strikes on Grace before launching her to the corner and hitting two corner uppercuts and a diving uppercut on Grace for a near fall. Shaw went for a suplex on Grace, but grace reversed it and hit a snap suplex on Shaw. Shaw popped back up and hit a vicious forearm strike on Grace’s neck before hitting two corner spears on Grace. Shaw hit a chop on Grace before taunting the crowd. Grace laid in the punches on Grace and went for a suplex, but Grace punched Shaw in the abdomen. Shaw hit another chop on Grace, but Grace slammed Shaw’s face to the corner and hit a vicious strike on Shaw before the commercial break. Shaw & Grace exchanged forearm strikes before Grace hit a body slam on Shaw. Grace hit a back fist on Shaw before hitting a reverse Meteora, a sliding elbow strike, and a Vader Bomb on Shaw for a near fall. Grace hit vicious strikes to the back of Shaw’s neck and on the jaw, but Shaw caught her with a spinning heel kick and an enziguri kick for a near fall. Shaw place Grace in the middle rope and hit a spin kick on Grace’s neck before hitting a draping DDT on Grace for a near fall. Shaw climbed to the top rope and taunted Grace, but Grace attacked Shaw in the top rope and hit a Stalling Superplex before rolling into a Jackhammer on Shaw for a near fall. Shaw and Grace exchanged Full Nelson Holds before Grace hit a knee strike followed by, of all things, a Vertabreaker on Shaw for a near fall. Grace went for the Made in Japan Driver, but Shaw reversed it and hit a back-breaker into a flatliner on Grace for a near fall. Shaw went for a running knee, but Grace got her in a roll-up for a near fall. Shaw got a jack-knife cover on Shaw for a near fall, to which Grace quickly responded with a vicious Powerbomb followed by the Grace Driver (Pump-Handle Driver) on Shaw for the pinfall win. 

Winner & Still IMPACT Knockout’s Champion: Jordynne Grace.

– After the match, Masha Slamovich viciously attacked Grace from behind with a chair and hit the Snowplow on Grace onto a stack of chairs. Slamovich stood tall on the ramp holding the IMPACT Knockout’s Championship. 

– There was a close-up shot of the place where Edie Edwards buried PCO. From out of nowhere, PCO’s hand popped out of the dirt, showing a frightening image to end the broadcast.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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