
WWE Crown Jewel (11/5/2022) Results: Roman Reigns vs. Logan Paul, Brock Lesnar, Bayley Compete.

Results of the 11/5/2022 edition of WWE Crown Jewel from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Peacock.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 11/5/2022 edition of WWE Crown Jewel on Peacock. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match: Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Logan Paul (w/ Jake Paul).

– The Judgment Day (Finn Balor, Damian Priest, & Dominik Mysterio) (w/ Rhea Ripley) vs. The O.C. (AJ Styles, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson).

– Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley.

– Steel Cage Match: Karrion Kross vs. Drew McIntyre.

– Braun Strowman vs. Omos.

– WWE Raw Women’s Championship Match – Last Woman Standing: Bianca Belair (c) vs. Bayley.

– Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) (c) vs. Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland & Butch).

– WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Alexa Bliss & Asuka (c) vs. Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky). 

– Bray Wyatt Addresses His Demons in Saudi Arabia.

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WWE Crown Jewel (11/5/2022) Live Coverage.

– After a opening video package running down the card narrated by WWE Hall of Famer Titus O’Neill, Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley.

Lashley attacked Lesnar outside of the ring, pushing him to the stairs before hitting a spear on Lesnar on the outside. The match officially began with Lashley hit a second spear on Lesnar before Lesnar got out of the ring. Lashley got back outside and ran past. Lesnar with a spear through the barricade before getting back in the ring and hitting a fourth spear on Lesnar, but Lesnar kicked out. Lashley went for the Hurt Lock, but Lesnar reversed it with a German Suplex to stop Lashley’s momentum. Lesnar regained the momentum and hit two more German Suplexes on Lashley before connecting the F5 on Lashley to end proceedings, but Lashley kicked out at the count of two. Lesnar went for a second F5, but Lashley evaded and clotheslined Lesnar to the outside. Lashley went outside and carried Lesnar in a Firemans’s Carry before launching Lesnar’s face into the ring post. Back in the ring, Lashley went for a fifth spear but Lesnar caught him. Lesnar went for an F5, but Lashley got down and hit a One-Hand Spine buster on Lesnar. Lashley finally got Lesnar in the Hurt Lockadn the referee asked Lesnar if he taps out, but Lesnar shouted at the referee to shut up. Lesnar kicked himself off the corner to reverse the Hurt Lock into a pinfall reversal for the shock win. 

Winner: Brock Lesnar

– Despite the loss, Lashley got Lesnar in the Hurt Lock again after the match, this time causing Lesnar to pass out. Lashley walked out of the ring as the crowd chanted “You suck” at Lashley for his antics.

– Ahead of their match, Bliss & Asuka were interviewed by Byron Saxton before Bray Wyatt’s new logo flashed on the screen behind them. Bliss was confused by this, but then assured that she and Asuka would defeat Damage CTRL. 

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match.

Alexa Bliss & Asuka (c) vs. Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky).

Bliss & Kai began the match locking up before Bliss got Kai in a wrist lock. Kai flipped to get a wrist lock of her own on Bliss before getting a headlock on Bliss. Bliss broke the hold and evaded Bliss. Bliss hit an arm drag into a lateral press for a near fall. Bliss hit a series for near falls on Kai before tripping Kai. Bliss stood over Kai and started stomping away at Kai. Kai launched Bliss into the middle rope before tagging in Sky. Asuka tagged in before she and Sky locked up. Sky evaded Asuka’s kick with two cartwheels before Asuka hit a shoulder tackle on Sky. Bliss and Asuka went for a double suplex on Sky but instead hit an up-kick/ bulldog combo on Sky for a near fall. Bliss hit a shotgun dropkick on Kai to send her to the outside. Bliss & Asuka hit double hip attacks and sliding dropkicks on Kai & Sky to the outside. Back in the ring, Asuka got to the top rope but Sky caught her with a springboard shotgun dropkick to send Asuka to the outside. Sky targeted Asuka’s left leg before Kai tagged in and locked in a kneebar on Asuka. Asuka broke the hold by kicking Kia in the head, but Kai pulled Asuka before tagging Sky back in. Sky hit a vicious Dragon Screw on Asuka’s left leg before hitting a flapjack on Asuka. Kai tagged in, but Asuka hit a bulldog/ lariat combo on Kai & Sky before tagging in Bliss. Bliss hit Thesz Presses on Kai & Sky before laying in the strikes and hitting a double shotgun dropkick on Kai & Sky. Bliss hit a double knee-drop/ a running senton, and a Tornado DDT on Kai for the pin but Sky broke the count at two. Sky tagged in and hit a back-breaker on Bliss, but Bliss got back up and hit the Code Red on Sky for a near fall. Bliss climbed to the top rope, but Kai & Sky met her on the top before Asuka completed the Tower of Doom on Bliss, Kai & Sky. Asuka hit a top rope dropkick on Kai for a near fall. Asuka fired away with the Back fists and a codebreaker on Kai before connecting a German Suplex on Kai for a near fall. Kai hit a running boot on Asuka’s face in the corner for a near fall, which made Kai slightly lose it. Asuka caught Kai with a kick before tagging in Bliss and went for a Twisted Bliss, but Kai lifted her knees. Sky went for a springboard moonsault on Asuka, but Asuka evaded and hit her with a pump-knee. Bliss hit a DDT on Kai and went for the Twisted Bliss on Kai, but a random Nikki Cross hit her with a draping Twisting Neck breaker on Bliss from out of nowhere before Kai took advantage and got the pin, becoming two-time WWE Women’s Tag Champions. 

Winners & New WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky). 

– Logan Paul was interviewed as he arrived at the arena, with Paul saying that tonight may be his night if he lays one lucky punch. 

Steel Cage Match.

Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett) vs. Drew McIntyre.

After the cage dropped, the match began with McIntyre & Kross laying in the strikes before Drew hit a lariat on Kross. McIntyre slammed Kross’ face to the top turnbuckle before hitting a back suplex on Kross. Kross climbed the cage, but McIntyre met him on top and laid in the punches on Kross, but Kross dropped McIntyre into the top rope in his nards. Kross hit a forearm strike and an exploder suplex on McIntyre to Scarlett’s delight outside of the cage. Kross & Drew exchanged chops before Kross drove McIntyre’s head into the cage before hitting a catapult on McIntyre onto the bottom rope. McIntyre hit a lariat, a front suplex, and slammed Kross’ face into the cage before hitting a neck breaker on Kross. Kross leaned McIntyre into the corner, but McIntyre responded with a Michinoku Driver on Kross for a near fall. McIntyre hit a chop on Kross before placing him on the top rope. McIntyre went for a superplex on Kross, but Kross dropped McIntyre to have him hanging from the top rope, but McIntyre tossed Kross across the ring while being hung on the top rope. McIntyre went for the claymore, but Kross caught him with a wicked Flying Knee on McIntyre for a near fall. McIntyre got backup and hit a Spine buster on Kross for a near fall, but Kross got McIntyre in the Kross-Jacket. McIntyre reversed it with a sleeper hold on McIntyre, but Kross quickly responded with a Saito Suplex to break the hold. Kross went for the Kross Hammer, but McIntyre ducked and hit the Future Shock DDT on Kross. Scarlett distracted McIntyre to allow Kross to lock in the Kross Jacket on McIntyre before hitting the Kross Hammer on McIntyre. Kross taunted and climbed the cage, but McIntyre got back up and caught Kross before connecting a vicious Superplex off the top of the cage on Kross. McIntyre tried to escape the cage, but Scarlett maced McIntyre and an innocent referee before asking Kross to walk-out of the cage. Kross was in the door, but McIntyre caught him with an ankle lock to stop Kross from walking out of the cage. McIntyre hit the Claymore kick on Kross. In reaction to this, Scarlett closed the door and took the cage keys, but McIntyre saw this and climbed the cage. Scarlett saw this and immediately tried to get Kross out of the cage, but McIntyre dropped out of the cage to get the victory in spite of Scarlett’s antics. 

Winner: Drew McIntyre.

– Byron Saxton interviewed WWE Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns in the parking lot, but Reigns ignored Saxton. Paul Heyman made fun Saxton’s question before making clear that Paul would not hit the One-Lucky Punch on Reigns. 

The Judgment Day (Finn Balor, Damian Priest, & Dominik Mysterio) (w/ Rhea Ripley) vs. The O.C. (AJ Styles, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson).

Balro & Anderson began the match, with Anderson hitting an uppercut on Balor. Anderson hit a dropkick on Balor’s knee before tagging in Priest, to which Anderson responded by tagging in Doc Gallows. Priest got Gallows in a headlock before the two collided with shoulder tackles. Priest punched Gallows in the face multiple times, but Gallows responded by hitting body shots on Priest followed by a clothesline on Priest. Styles tagged in, but Priest rained in a punch and stomps on Styles. Mysterio tagged in, but Styles greeted him with a back breaker followed by snap-mare kick on Mysterio. Anderson tagged in and kicked Mysterio  before hitting a pump kick on Mysterio in the corner. Gallows hit a corner splash, a body slam, and a running elbow drop on Mysterio before Styles tagged in and hit a vicious Brainbuster on Mysterio. Anderson tagged in, but mysterio retreated from the ring immediately. Anderson went to the outside, but Priest caught Anderson with a thrust kick. Mysterio got back in the ring and got a near fall on Anderson. Priest hit a leaping back elbow on Anderson for a near fall. Priest hit another elbow before hitting suplex on Anderson, with Balor hitting a springboard stomp followed by a springboard senton from Dominik. Balor & Priest hit tag team offense on Anderson before Priest got a near fall on Anderson. Balor hit a snap-mare on Anderson before locking in a chin lock on Anderson. Anderson broke the hold and tried to tag in Gallows, but Balor launched Anderson to the corner with an Irish Whip. Anderson hit elbow strikes on Dominik & Balor but Priest attacked Gallows. Anderson hit a neck breaker and launched Balor out of the ring, but Balor attacked Styles to prevent Anderson from tagging in. Anderson hit a Spinebuster on Priest before tagging in Gallows. Gallows hit a hip toss on Dominik, a slap on Priest, a back elbow on Priest, and a pump-handle slam on Dominik. Anderson & Gallows went for the Magic Killer, but Priest attacked Anderson & Gallows. Dominik rolled Anderson for a near fall before Anderson and Mysterio collided with a double lariat. Styles and Balor tagged in, with Styles hitting a lariat and a running forearm on Balor, a faceslam on Priest, a PK Kick on Dominik, and a Ushigoroshi on Balor. Styles went for the Calf Crusher but Balor reversed it with a Figure Four on Styles, but Anderson broke the hold with. running senton. Gallows and Dominik took each other out before Balor hit Bloody Sunday on Styles for a near fall. Balor & Styles climbed to the top rope and Dominik tried to interfere. Styles hit a superplex on Balor while Priest hit an electric chair on Anderson and Gallows HIT an electric chair on Dominik. Ripley slammed Styles onto the apron, allowing Balor to hit a shotgun dropkick and the Coup de Grace on Styles for the pinfall win. 

Winner: The Judgment Day (Finn Balor, Damian Priest, & Dominik Mysterio) (w/ Rhea Ripley).

Braun Strowman vs. Omos.

The match began with the two shouting at each other before Strowman squared up to Omos. Omos placed his hand closed to Strowman’s face before asking Strowman for a Greko-Roman lock-up. The two locked up as Omos powered down Strowman before hitting a knee strike on Strowman’s abdomen. Strowman choked Strowman in the corner before launching him into the corner with an Irish Whip and hitting a corner splash on Strowman. Omos hit. running boot on Strowman. Omos hit a PK Kick on Strowman. Strowman fired away with a punch on Omos, but Omos instead hit a body slam on Strowman for a near fall. Strowman went for a body slam, but Omos instead hit a one-hand power slam on Strowman for a one-count kickout. Omos hit a forearm strike on Strowman’s chest and continued to talk trash at Strowman before hitting the Veal toss on Strowman. Omos and Strowman both went for chokeslams before STrowman hit three punches on Omos. Strowman hit four more punches on Omos before clotheslining the 7 Foot giant to the outside. Strowman tried to attack Omos, but Omos caught him with a tackle on the outside. Back in the ring, Omos went for the double-hand chokeslam on Omos, but Strowman powered out of Omos’ grip. Omos went a corner splash on Strowman, but Strowman evaded and quickly responded with a fast and furious Powerslam on Omos for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Braun Strowman.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match.

The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) (c) vs. Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland & Butch).

Butch hit an enziguri on Jey before getting Jimmy in a roll-up for a near fall. Butch hit a snap suplex and stomped Jimmy’s hands before Jimmy rolled out of the ring. The Usos tried to leave the match, but Butch caught them with a running knee off the apron. Back in the ring, Butch did some joint manipulation before stomping Jimmy’s elbow. Butch got Jimmy in a Kimura lock, but Jimmy broke the hold. Jey tagged in and was irate at the “We want Sami” chants from the crowd before stomping down Butch in the corner. Jimmy tagged back in and hit a body shot on Butch before laying in the punches on Butch. Jimmy went for the Hip Attack, but Butch reversed it with a Tornado DDT before tagging in Holland. Holland hit two shoulder tackles and a diving tackle on Jey, a tilt-to-world slam on Jimmy, and consecutive corner splashes on both Usos before hitting a double back-body drop on Jimmy &Jey for a near fall. Holland tore Jey’s T-shirt and laid in the 10-Beats of the Battering on Jey before Jimmy pulled Jey off the apron. Ridge hit a vicious shoulder tackle on Jey and a pimp slap on Jimmy off the Tope Suicida. Ridge caught Jey back in the ring and hit a side effect on him for a near fall. Butch tagged back in and started exchanging forearm strikes on Jey before hitting a top rope moonsault on Jey for a near fall. Jimmy & Jey hit stereo thrust kicks on Ridge & Butch before Jey hit a superkick on Butch. Jimmy went for a splash, but Butch caught him with a Triangle Choke, but Jey hit a superkick mid-hold. The Usos hit a double splash on Butch, but Holland broke the count at two. Butch snapped Jey’s fingers before Ridge hit the White Noise on Jey for a near fall. Butch & Holland tossed Jimmy over the barricade before hitting a kick/ slam on Jey for the pinfall but Jimmy slapped Butch to break the count at two. Jey & Jimmy hit a double superkick on Ridge. Butch climbed to the top rope, but Jey caught him with a leaping Superkick before he & Jimmy hit a super 1D on Butch for the pinfall win and title retention. 

Winners & Still WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions: The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso).

WWE Raw Women’s Championship Match – Last Woman Standing.

Bianca Belair (c) vs. Bayley.

The match began with the Bayley attacking Biance before launching her with an Irish Whip. Belair hit three consecutive body slams on Bayley before tossing Bayley out of the ring. Bayley got up and got a kendo stick from under the ring. Belair evaded Bayley’s offense with the kendo stick before launching Bayley to the outside of the ring. Bayley got a chair and tried to attack Beair, but Belair caught her with a dropkick on the Bayley with the chair. Bayley responded by pulling out a ladder from under the ring, but Belair hit a springboard cross-body on Bayley to the outside. Belair went for a body slam on Bayley to the stairs, but Bayley pulled Belair from the braid and hit a suplex on Belair on the outside floor. Bayley placed Belair in a chair before she hit a running lariat on Belair from the barricade. Bayley set up a table from under the ring before attempting to suplex Belair into the table, but Belair instead hit. avicous stalling suplex on Bayley onto the ramp. Bayley beat the count at eight, but Bayley tripped awkwardly from the ramp. The referee checked on Bayley but Bayley fooled Belair and the referee before hitting a forearm strike on Belairand slamming Belair onto the metal part of the barricade. Bayley hit a chair shot on Belair’s back. Bayley climbed to the top rope, but Belair yeeted a chair on Bayley’s face. Outside of the ring, Bayley put Belair behind the stairs and pushed Bianca with the stairs and placed a ladder on top of Belair, but Belair got back up. Bayley then unloaded with the kendo stick on Belair. Belair got up at the count of six and got steel stairs and launched one part on Bayley before hitting a spinebuster on Bayley onto the stairs. Bayley got up at the count of eight and retreated to the ramp, but Belair chased her down and hit her with the kendo stick. Bayley hit a Bayley-To-Belly on Belair on the ramp. Bayley got up at the count of eight while Belair got up at the count of nine, but the two collapsed almost immediately. Bayley ran Belair down with an equipment case and trapped her in the case. Belair got out of the case at the count of seven and tried to launch the case on Bayley, but Bayley locked Belair in a crossface submission to make Belair pass out. Belair got back up at the count of seven, but Bayley pulled up with a golf cart and tried to run over Belair, but Belair hit a shotgun dropkick to send Bayley out of the cart. Bayley climbed to the top of the cart, but Belair climbed to the top of the cart and laid in the punches on Bayley. With Bayley on the golf cart, Belair drove the golf cart from the ramp onto ringside before launching Bayley into the table. Because of “I am the Table” rules, Belair powerbombed Bayley over the table to split the table in half. Bayley somehow got up at the count of eight , which led to Belair throwing a bunch of chairs to the ring. Back in the ring, Belair hit a bodyslam on Bayley onto a stack of chairs before climbing to the top rope and going for a 450 Splash, but Bayley evaded to make Belair to land right on the stack of chairs. Belair got up at the count of nine, to which Bayley responded by attacking Belair and unloading Belair with a chair. Belair hit a KOD on Bayley onto a chair. Belair then trapped Bayley in a Ladder sandwich before pushing Bayley and the ladder on the bottom turnbuckle. Bayley stayed trapped in the ladder until she got counted at the count of ten, giving Belair the win and title retention.

Winner & Still Raw Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair. 

– After that wild match, Bray Wyatt came to the ring to cut a promo. After a long entrance, Wyat introduced himself to the crowd and said that there was a time when he would make sure people knew his name. Wyatt addressed his family history in wrestling but said that he had to be greater than anyone in his family to stand out. Wyatt said that in his track, he made a monster of himself as the Fiend and said that he could not feel pain or be afraid in the mask, saying the feeling felt good and that the sensations of that were almost difficult to quit. Wyatt then said that the monster he became pulled him apart from everyone he loved, leaving him alone. Wyatt then said that no one love him, but they loved the idea of him. Wyatt said that The Fiend is not the man he wants to be remembered as he repeated his name to the crowd and said that he came back to rewrite the ending of his story. Uncle Howdie then interrupted Wyatt and asked if the crowd would still love him if they actually knew who he was. Howdie said that why did he have to wait and just give in and put the mask on again, before telling Wyatt to tell him if he was wrong. The camera cut to black as Wyatt disregarded Howdie’s statements. 

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match.

Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Logan Paul.

The match began with the two competitors locking up before Reigns pushed Pul into the corner. Reigns taunted the crowd before locking up again with Paul before Reigns placed Paul in the corner. Paul pushed Reigns, which Reigns was bamboozled about as the crowd chanted for Paul. Paul hit a waist lock takedown on Reigns, but Reigns responded with. takedown of his own. Paul hit a fireman’s carry takedown on Reigns, but Reigns responded by slapping Paul’s face before strolling out of the ring to talk strategy with Heyman. Back in the ring, Reigns got Paul in the code of Silence hold before replacing him in the corner and connecting a body shot on Paul. Reigns hit a snap-suplex on Paul for a near fall. Reigns went for a back suplex, but Paul landed on his feet. Paul did a leapfrog over Reigns before hitting hip toss and clotheslining Reigns out of the ring. Paul got out of the ring, but Reigns hit a body shot on Paul before tossing him over the barricade. Reigns taunted the crowd, but Paul hit a cross body on Reigns off the barricade. Back in the ring, Paul hit, of all things, “Hangman” Adam Page’s Buckshot Lariat on Reigns for a near fall. Reigns tossed Paul out of the ring, but Paul climbed and went for a springboard move, but Reigns caught him with a slap mid-air. Reigns stomped down Paul before hitting back suplex on Paul for a kick out at one. Reigns locked Paul in a chin lock for an extensive amount of time but Paul broke the hold with body shots. Reigns placed Paul in the corner and hit ten corner lariats before connecting a leaping lariat on Paul, but Paul kicked out at one. Reigns got Paul in a modified camel clutch before transitioning into a headlock, but Paul hit another body shot at Reigns before Reigns launched Paul to the corner. Paul evaded Reigns in the corner before hitting a gut-wrench suplex on Reigns. Paul laid in the body shots on Reigns before hitting a lariat, a back elbow, and a blockbuster on Reigns off the middle rope for a near fall. Reigns kicked Paul in the abdomen but Paul caught him with a surprise Superman Punch before doing a kip-up to stand up. Paul climbed to the top rope and hit. across body followed by a standing moonsault on Reigns for a near fall. Paul tuned up the band for the Sweet Chin Music, but Reigns caught him and connected a Uranage on Paul for a near fall. Reigns went for the Superman Punch, but Pual caught him with a kidney punch followed by a lucky punch on Reigns before Paul connected a Superman Punch on Reigns, but Reigns managed to kick out at the count of two. Paul and Reigns got out of the ring and placed Reigns on the Arabic announced table. Paul then got a phone and recorded himself climbing to the top rope before connecting a Frog Splash through the Arabic announce table. Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso came in to check in on Reigns before they attacked Logan Paul’s entourage on and absolutely destroyed them with Superkicks. as previously announced, Jake Paul came to the ring to confront The Usos. Jake Paul hit punches on Jimmy. & Jey Uso to knock them out before Logan Paul and Reigns got back in the ring and hit a frog splash on Reigns for a near fall. Solo SIkoa came in to confront Jake Paul at ringside before Logan Paul hit a crossbody on The Usos. Logan Paul rolled back in the ring, but Reigns caught him with a vicious Superman Punch before connecting the Spear on Paul for the pinfall win. Reigns, Sikoa, Heyman & The Usos stood tall on the ramp to end the broadcast.

Winner & Still Undisputed WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reings (w/ Paul Heyman).

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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