
IMPACT Wrestling Results (10/20/2022): IMPACT Tag Title Match, Bully Ray, Mia Yim Compete.

Results for the 10/20/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership Only).

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 10/20/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership Only). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey w/ Juice Robinson) vs. Bully Ray & Tommy Dreamer.

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match: The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) (w/ Maria Kanellis) vs. Heath & Rhino.

– Frankie Kazarian relinquishes X-Division Championship.

– Eric Young vs. Rich Swann.

– Mia Yim vs. Taylor Wilde.

– Joe Hendry vs. Jason Hotch.

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IMPACT Wrestling (10/13/2022) Live Coverage.

– After a video recap of the 10/13/2022 episode of IMPACT Wrestling (results to the show here), Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening segment. 

– Chris Bey & Juice Robinson were backstage talking before Bey went to look for Ace Austin. It was revealed that Austin was attacked in the parking lot. Robinson & Bey checked on Austin before Tommy Dreamer joined them. Conspicuous of his absence, Bully Ray was nowhere to be seen, which Robinson & Bey immediately question Dreamer ahead of their match. This segment transitioned to the opening match.

Bullet Club (Chris Bey & “ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson) vs. Bully Ray & Tommy Dreamer.

Robinson replaced Austin for the match before immediately confronting Ray. Bey & Dreamer began the match locking up before Dreamer and Bey exchanged wrist locks. Bey flipped over Dreamer’s back before hitting a low dropkick and a double stomp on Dreamer. Dreamer evaded Bey’s Standing Moonsault before Dreamer hit a pump-handle cutter on Bey. Robinson and Ray tagged in before Robinson laid in the stomps on Ray in the corner. Ray hit a running back elbow on Robinson before firing away the chops on Robinson’s chest on the corner. Ray went to attack Bey in the corner before punching Robinson. Dreamer & Ray hit a double-shoulder tackle on Robinson. Bey hit a spinning heel kick on Dreamer to send him to the outside. Robinson hit a body slam on Dreamer on the outside. Bey stomped down Dreamer back in the ring before Robinson tagged back in. Robinson hit eight jabs on Dreamer before hitting leaping Senton on Dreamer for a near fall. Bey tagged back in and hit an uppercut on Dreamer’s back. Bey got a headlock on Dreamer before sending him to the corner with an Irish Whip. Bey went for an Art of Finesse on Dreamer, but Dreamer reversed it with a cutter before tagging in Ray & Robinson. Ray hit three jabs on Robinson, a back-body drop on Bey & a side slam on Robinson for a near fall. Dreamer clotheslined himself and Bey out of the ring. Robinson hit a spinebuster on Ray for a near fall. Robinson went for a top rope move, but Ray evaded and hit a Full-Nelson bomb on Robinson for the pinfall win.

Winners: Bully Ray & Tommy Dreamer.

– Bully Ray immediately confronted Chris Bey outside of the ring to tell him that he did not attack Austin, which Bey did not buy whatsoever. 

– Heath & Rhino were backstage talking about their match for the IMPACT Tag Titles later in the night. Rhino promised Tag Champions The Kingdom that he would tear them apart with, in his words, “A GORE, GORE, A GORE!!”. 

– Tommy Dreamer confronted Bully Ray backstage and implored him to confirm that he did not attack Ace Austin backstage. Ray confirmed this but Dreamer vented on Ray before Moose interrupted them. Moose told Dreamer “Once a scumbag, always a scumbag”, to which Dreamer responded by calling Moose a bastard. Moose said that he was a scumbag and told Dreamer that if he attacked Austin, Dreamer would not know because, like Ray, he is a scumbag too. 

Mia Yim vs. Taylor Wilde.

Wilde & Yim began the match by locking up before Yim leaned Wilde on the corner. Wilde & Yim locked up again before Wilde leaned Yim on the corner. The two locked up for a third time before Yim did a wrist-lock takedown on Wilde. Wilde & Yim exchanged arm drags before Wilde hit a forearm strike on Yim for a near fall before the two hit stereo dropkicks on each other. The two fist-bumped in the ring before Yim hit a wheelbarrow arm drag on Yim. Wilde hit a Monkey Flip & an arm drag submission on Yim. Yim maintained the hold before Yim ran the ropes and hit a forward chop block and a running dropkick on Wilde for a near fall before the commercial break. Back from the break, Yim laid in the kicks on Wilde’s back & chest before hitting a stalling suplex on Wilde for a near fall. Yim hit a forearm strike on Wilde before hitting a lariat on her for a near fall. Yim hit a body slam on Wilde for a near fall, to which Yim responded by hitting a vicious gut-wrench toss on Wilde for a near fall. Yim hit a series of punches on Wilde before locking in the Bow & Arrow submission, but Wilde countered the hold with a lateral press for a near fall. Wilde & Yim exchanged strikes before Wilde hit a lariat, a single-leg dropkick, a hurricanrana, and lock in a rack attack on Yim, but Yim countered it with a roll-up for a near fall. Yim & Wilde exchanged pins before Wilde hit the Tijeras on Yim. Yim hit a Helluva Kick & a corner cannonball on Wilde for a near fall. Yim went for Eat Defeat, but Wilde broke Yim’s attempt. Yim hit a back elbow on Wilde, but Wild caught Yim before hitting the Wilde Ride (Bridging German Suplex) for the pinfall win.

Winner: Taylor WIlde.

– After the match, Mickie James joined Wilde in the ring. James challenged Wilde to a match, but Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green from behind. Gisele Shaw joined the frame by attacking Wilde from behind too, out sprinting came IMPACT Knockout’s Champion Jordynne Grace. Grace hit two slaps & a spinebuster on Shaw before tossing her out of the ring. 

– Backstage, Jordynne Grace, Taylor Wilde & Jordynne grace challenged Deonna Purrazzo, Chelsea Green & Gisele Shaw to a match for the 10/27/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling. 

Joe Hendry vs. Jason Hotch.

Hendry cut a promo before the match saying that he had listened to the crowd saying that they believe in Joe Hendry, which he would oblige. Hendry got Hotch in a headlock before hitting a running lariat on Hotch. Hotch hit a leapfrog over Hendry, to which Hendry responded with a shoulder tackle. Hendry hit a stalling Suplex on Hotch before tossing Hotch off his shoulder onto the mat from the Fireman’s Carry. Hotch hit a snap-mare kick on Hendry before yelling to the crowd that he did not believe in Joe Hendry. Hendry rose from the ground and hit a stalling one-hand spinebuster on Hotch for the pinfall win.

Winner: Joe Hendry.

– X-Division Champion Frankie Kazarian came to the ring to cut a promo and relinquish the X-Division title. Kazarian handed the title to Scott D’Amore and cut a promo to reaffirm that he was going to challenge for the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship. Steve Maclin attacked Kazarian in the ring, but IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander came to the ring to make the save for Kazarian, but Maclin rolled out of the ring.

– Eddie Edwards arrived to the building before he was confronted by his wife Alisha & Honor No More. Edwards told them that he came to a decision on choosing between his relationship with Alisha or leading Honor No More, but stated that he would reveal his decision later in the night. 

– Frankie Kazarian and Josh Alexander were backstage talking about Steve Maclin’s attack. Kazarian told Alexander that he can handle Maclin himself before warning Alexander to never trust bully Ray before walking out of the shot.

Rich Swann vs. Eric Young (w/ Deaner).

– Young attacked Swann to begin the match, but Swann responded with a rebound dropkick on Young. Young hit a wheelbarrow neck breaker on Swann. Young placed Swann in the corner before hitting a chop and laying his boot on Swann. Young hit a running elbow on Swann’s head for a near fall. Young hit a snap-mare on Swann before locking in a nerve hold before quickly transitioning into a chin lock. Swann punched Young in the abdomen to break the hold before hitting two slaps, a back fist, and a head kick on Young for a near fall. Young gauged Swann in the eye, but Swann responded by hitting a cartwheel cutter on Young. Deaner distracted Swann, which Swann responded by evading Young’s attempt at a Piledriver into a Victory Roll for the pinfall win.

Winner: Rich Swann.

– Violent By Design attacked Rich Swann after the match before Sami Callihan came to make the save for Swann. Deaner & Young ran out of the ring to evade Callihan. 

– Matt Cardona & IMPACT Digital Media Champion Brian Myers cut a promo backstage, with Cardona saying that he was proud of Myers’ success. Myers & Cardona emphasized that they would have their aim at the IMPACT Tag Titles. 

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match

The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) (w/ Maria Kanellis) vs. Heath & Rhino.

Rhino laid in the punches on Bennett to begin the match before hitting a shoulder tackle and clotheslining Bennett out of the ring. Rhino clotheslined Taven out of the ring. Kanellis told Taven & Bennett to leave the match, but Heath & Rhino attacked them on the ramp. The two teams brawled across the ringside area. Back in the ring, Rhino slammed Bennett into the corner with an Irish Ship before hitting a corner spear on Bennett. Heath tagged in and punched Bennett in the head before laying the punches on Bennett in the corner and a running forearm strike on Bennett in the corner. Rhino & Heath hit a double back elbow on Bennett. Taven hit a chop block on Rhino’s surgically repaired knee. Taven tagged in and started targeting Rhino’s left leg before laying his boot on Rhino’s neck in the corner. Bennett gauged Rhino’s eyes before tagging back in. Bennett laid his knee on Rhino before Maria gauged Rhino’s eyes. Taven tagged illegally before Taven hit a DDT on Rhino’s ankle. Bennett tagged in before Bennett hit a low dropkick on Rhino’s left knee. Bennett slammed Rhino’s head in the corner before hitting a superkick on Rhino’s knee and a superkick on Heath on the apron. Taven & Bennett hit a double lariat on Rhino for a near fall. Bennett hit another dropkick on Rhino’s knee before Taven hit an elbow drop on Rhino’s neck for a near fall. Back from the commercial break, Bennett hit a dropkick on Rhino for a near fall. Taven tagged back in and hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Rhino. Taven went for the Lionsault on Rhino, but Rhino evaded and tagged in Heath. Heath hit two lariats & a leg lariat on Bennett, a back-drop on Taven & a Powerslam on Bennett for a near fall. Bennett hit a forearm strike on Heath before Taven hit an Enziguri kick on Heath for a near fall. Bennett hit a vicious elbow strike on Heath for a near fall. Heath & Bennett hit each other with a stereo lariat. Vincent, PCO & Kenny King came to distract the referee. Maria Kanellis went to blind Rhino with powder, but accidentally hit the powder on Bennett. Heath hit the Wake-Up Call on Bennett. Rhino hit a vicious, disgusting, and downright nasty GORE on Kanellis before Heath hit the Wake-Up Call on Taven for the pinfall win, becoming the new IMPACT Tag Team Champions. 

Winners & New IMPACT Tag Team Champions: Heath & Rhino.

– After the match, Eddie Edwards confronted Honor No More in the ring. Edwards got greeted by chants of “You got beat” from the crowd. Edwards admitted that he had been doubting whether Honor No More was worth saving before running down on Honor No More for saying they are nothing but failures. Edwards asked everyone if they were loyal to Honor No More before stopping himself with Vincent. Edwards asked Vincent if he was loyal to Honor no More or to PCO before proceeding to run down at PCO and calling him a failure. Edwards asked PCO If he was loyal to Honor No More. Vincent placed the black bag on PCO’s head before Edwards called PCO a bitch. PCO took off the bag and attacked all of Honor No More, including a pop-up powerbomb on Taven & a big boot on Bennett. PCO hit a double lariat on Bennett & Taven. Vincent blasted PCO with a chair, but PCO laid out Vincent. PCO hit a Cannonball on The Kingdom to the outside before hitting Vincent with a chokeslam onto a standing chair. PCO was finally unleashed to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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