
WWE SmackDown Results (10/14/2022): Bray Wyatt Returns, LA Knight, Sami Zayn, Karrion Kross Compete.

Results for the 10/14/2022 edition of SmackDown on Fox.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 10/14/2022 edition of SmackDown on Fox. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– LA Knight vs. Månsôör (w/ Ma.çé & Maxxine Dupri).

– Sami Zayn vs. Kofi Kingston.

– Bray Wyatt Returns to SmackDown.

Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Solo Sikoa vs. Karrion Kross vs. Sheamus vs. Ricochet.

WWE SmackDown (10/14/2022) Live Coverage.

– The show began with Karrion Kross & Scarlett getting out of a car crash before Drew McIntyre attacked Kross in the parking lot. Adam Pearce and two referees pulled McIntyre away from Kross, who was knocked out after McIntyre slammed his head into a car door.

– The broadcast officially began with Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcoming the audience to the broadcast before recapping the feud between Karrion Kross and Drew McIntyre. They then ran down the card before transitioning to the opening match.

– Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston cut a promo ahead of Kingston’s match again Sami Zayn, reminding the crowd that they are still crowned as the longest-reigning Tag Team Champions ever and that they would do everything to keep that record because it was their legacy.

– Sami Zayn talked to Solo Sikoa before one-half of the WWE Undisputed Tag Champions, Jey Uso, interrupted them. Zayn told Uso that he did not want a repeat of what happened on Monday Night Raw before WWE Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns called Zayn. Jey talked to Reigns on the phone before Uso told him he had him covered. 

Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods) vs. Sami Zayn (w/ Jey Uso).

Kingston hit a middle rope dropkick on Zayn to send him to the outside. Kingston teased Zayn with going for a Tope Con Giro but instead taunted inside the ring as Zayn was on the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Zayn hit an elbow strike on Kingston’s head from the middle rope before choking Kingston on the middle rope. Zayn taunted in the ring before hitting a snap-suplex on Kingston. Zayn got Kingston in the ring before stomping him down in the ring. Zayn hit a Hip Attack on Kingston for a near fall, a nod to the Anoai family. Zayn punched Kingston in the head before laying in the crossface strikes on Kingston’s face & an elbow drop on Kingston’s back for a near fall. Zayn got Kingston in a sleeper hold, but Kingston broke the hold and ran the ropes, but Zayn caught him with a lariat for a near fall. Zayn hit a body slam on Kingston before going for another elbow drop on Kingston, but Kingston caught him mid-air with a dropkick. Kingston hit two clotheslines, a dropkick, and attempted a Hurricanrana, but Zayn reversed it with a powerbomb for a near fall. Kingston popped back up and hit a double-stomp on Zayn for a near fall. Kingston got to the top rope but Zayn shoved Kingston onto the broadcast table on the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Zayn laid in the jabs on Kingston before Kingston caught Zayn with the SOS for a near fall. Kingston went for a corner splash, but Zayn caught him. Kingston hit a series of elbow strikes on Zayn before climbing to the top rope, but Zayn rolled to the other side of the ring. Kingston met Zayn on the outside with a Tope Con Giro. While Kingston & Zayn were in the ring, Jey Uso superkicked Woods in the outside, which allowed Zayn to hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on Kingston for a near fall. Kingston hit an Enziguri kick/ top rope elbow strike on Zayn. Uso distracted Kingston, which allowed Zayn to roll up Kingston for a near fall. Kingston got Zayn with a Victory Roll, but Uso pushed Kingston to allow Zayn to get an inverted small package on Kingston for the pinfall win.

Winner: Sami Zayn (w/ Jey Uso).

– Triple H was backstage with Police Officers before being confronted by Raw’s Rey Mysterio. Mysterio told Triple H that he cannot deal with Dominik Mysterio’s antics on Raw and told him that he cannot do this anymore and that he quits WWE. Triple H understood Mysterio’s feelings before telling him to talk with him in his office to think this through. The two got into Triple H’s office before cutting to the commercial break.

– NXT’s Roxanne Perez was greeted by Raquel Rodriguez & Shotzi backstage before Bayley and WWE Women’s Tag Champions Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky interrupted them. Bayley challenged the trio to a six-woman tag match for later in the night.

Braun Strowman vs. James Maverick & Brian Thomas.

Strowman hit a corner splash on Thomas before tossing him into Maverick. Strowman hit a big boot on Maverick before hitting a corner splash and tossed him with a big veal on Maverick. Omos & MVP made their way to the crowd area before Strowman hit a downward lariat on Thomas & a power slam on Maverick. Strowman powerbombed Thomas onto Maverick for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Braun Strowman.

– After the match, MVP cut a promo and praised Strowman, but questioned Strowman’s “Monster of all Monsters” phrase compared to his client, Omos. Strowman challenged Omos to get in the ring, but MVP & Omos walked out through the crowd area.

– Jey Uso & Sami Zayn pep-talked Solo Sikoa before his match against Karrion Kross, Sheamus & Ricochet. Sikoa said that after tonight, he will focus on having some gold himself too. 

LA Knight vs. Månsôör (w/ Ma.çé & Maxxine Dupri).

Knight began the match laying in the jabs on Månsôör before hitting a back body drop on Månsôör before clotheslining him to the outside. Dupri confronted Knight, allowing Månsôör to punch him in the face. Back in the ring, Månsôör hit a reverse DDT on Knight for a near fall. Månsôör stomped down Knight for a near fall. Månsôör hit a DDT on Knight for a near fall. Månsôör got Knight in a chin lock before hitting an elbow strike on Knight’s back. Knight slammed Månsôör into the corner before hitting a neck breaker on Månsôör. Knight hit a slingshot shoulder tackle on Månsôör before tossing Månsôör face first. Knight hit a lariat on Månsôör before hitting a low dropkick on Ma.çé to send him off the apron. Knight hit the BFT on Månsôör for the pinfall win.

Winner: LA Knight.

– LA Knight cut a promo after the match to talk trash to the crowd. Knight put the roster & audience on notice before saying he said it is LA Knight’s game. 

– There was a video recap of Bray Wyatt’s return to WWE at Extreme Rules 2022 ahead of his first appearance in 2 years to Friday Night SmackDown.

Damage Control (Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky) vs. Shotzi, Roxanne Perez & Raquel Rodriguez.

Perez & Kai began the match, with Perez rolling under Kai before hitting three arm drags & the Tijeras on Kai for a near fall. Sky tagged in and locked Perez in a headlock, but Perez broke the hold and got Sky in a headlock. Perez & Sky evaded each other’s offense before Sky hit a shotgun dropkick on Perez. Perez hit an elbow strike on Bayley before hitting her with a low Tope Suicida on Bayley for a near fall. Perez hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Bayley for a near fall. Sky tripped Perez, allowing Bayley to lay in the strikes on Perez. Perez slipped under Kai before Shotzi hit a dropkick on Kai. Shotzi slammed Sky onto the outside, but Kai hit a running Penalty Kick on Shotzi from the apron. Sky slammed Shotzi back into the ring before Kai tagged in and hit a forearm strike on Shotzi. Kai hit an abdomen pump-kick on Shotzi. Shotzi got on the apron before she hit a falling DDT on Kai and tagging in Raquel. Raquel hit two shoulder tackles, a fall-away slam, and a corner splash on Bayley. Raquel got Perez for a Gorilla Press, but Bayley pushed Raquel. Iyo hit a springboard moonsault on Raquel, but Shotzi hit a cannonball on Sky & Kai. Perez evaded Bayley’s offense before Bayley caught her with the Bayley- to-Belly for a near fall. Perez & Bayley climbed to the top rope before Perez hit a Frankensteiner on Bayley from the top rope for a near fall. Bayley slammed Perez into the rope before going for the Rose Plant, but Perez reversed it with a pin attempt, but Bayley turned it into a crucifix pin for the pinfall win. 

– There was a recap of Ronda Rousey winning the SmackDown Women’s Championship against Liv Morgan on Extreme Rules 2022.

– There was a video vignette of a mystery woman standing in a fire, teasing the return of the Viking Raiders.

Winners: Damage Control (Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky).

Hit Row (Top Dolla & Ashante Adonis w/ B-Fab) vs. Legado Del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro) (w/ Santos Escobar & Zelina Vega).

The two teams brawled on the outside of the ring, with Top Dolla slamming Del Toro onto the barricade. Top Dolla slammed Adonis into Del Toro in a splash. Top Dolla officially began the match by hitting a big boot on Del Toro. Top Dolla hit a leaping elbow drop on Del Toro. Escobar tripped Adonis off the apron before Vega hit a hurricanrana on B-Fab. Del Toro hit a shotgun dropkick on Top Dolla before Wilde hit a chop block on Dolla. Del Toro & Wilde hit El Sacrificio on Top Dolla for the pinfall win.

– Sonya Deville was interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. Deville said Liv morgan did not have it before Morgan attacked Deville from out of nowhere. Morgan hit a back suplex onto a stage box before slamming Deville’s head into a table & hitting a pump-kick on Deville. Morgan claimed to the set holding before hitting a Senton on Deville onto the table, with Morgan having a smile on her face as this happened. 

– After Kross was not cleared to compete after being involved in a car accident earlier in the night, ring announcer Samantha Irvin revealed that Rey Mysterio would replace Kross in the match.

Winners: Legado Del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro) (w/ Santos Escobar & Zelina Vega).

Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Match.

Solo Sikoa vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Sheamus vs. Ricochet.

Sikoa was sent to the outside of the ring by Ricochet before Ricochet hit a springboard cross body on Sikoa to the outside. Mysterio lowered the rope to send Sheamus to the outside before Mysterio hit a twisting Cross body on Sheamus to the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Sheamus hit a lariat on Ricochet and a tilt-to-world back-breaker on Mysterio. Sheamus hit a powerslam on Ricochet before attempting the brogue kick, but Sikoa hit a lariat on Ricochet before Sikoa & Sheamus stared daggers at each other. Sikoa and Sheamus exchanged strikes in the ring before Sheamus sent Sikoa to the outside with a shoulder tackle. Sikoa hit a Samoan Drop on Sheamus on the outside but Ricochet hit a Tope Suicida on Sikoa from out of nowhere while Mysterio hit a sliding splash on Sheamus to the outside. Back in the ring, Mysterio & Ricochet ran the ropes before Ricochet rolled Mysterio up for a near fall. Mysterio went for a springboard moonsault on Ricochet, but Ricochet hit a Northern Lights Suplex into a snap suplex on Mysterio for a near fall. Ricochet went for a Shooting Star, but Sikoa hit a corner splash on Ricochet & Mysterio before hitting a hip attack on Ricochet & a leg lariat on Sheamus before the commercial break. Back from the break, Sikoa laid down the strikes on Sheamus before hitting a headbutt on Mysterio. Sikoa & Sheamus exchanged punches before Sikoa slammed Sheamus to the corner with an Irish Whip, but Sheamus hit a double boot on Sikoa. Sheamus climbed to the top rope, but Ricochet met him at the top and went for a superplex. Mysterio joined them at the top rope before Sikoa got Ricochet & Mysterio and hit a double powerbomb on Mysterio & Ricochet, but Sheamus broke Sikoa’s pin with a diving knee from the top rope. Sheamus hit the 26 Beats of the Battering on Sikoa’s chest before getting him ina Fireman’s Carry, but Sikoa hit a headbutt on Sheamus. Sheamus hit a pump-knee strike & an Irish Curse before locking in a Cloverleaf on Sikoa, but Zayn & Uso attacked Sheamus before Sikoa hit a superkick on Sheamus. Butch & Ridge Holland attacked Zayn & Uso. Mysterio went for the 619 on Ricochet, but Ricochet intercepted it and went for a tombstone, but Mysterio hit a reverse Frankensteiner on Ricochet. Mysterio hit the 619 and the Frog Splash on Ricochet for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Rey Mysterio.

– The lights dimmed out as creepy music blared across the arena. From a door on the stage, Bray Wyatt made his return to SmackDown making his way to the ring to cut a promo. With a face full of emotion, Wyatt said that he was nervous to be in the arena. Wyatt said that he was showing a genuine version of himself before detailing that he lost his way since his release and said he did not know his worth until he was proven incorrect by the crowd on Extreme Rules. Wyatt got swarmed by “Thank you Bray” chants from the crowd before he said that the crowd was there when he was vulnerable and said that the fans saved his life. The lights turned black again before a figure said that life was over, saying that they had no idea who they were dealing with but that they will know soon. The broadcast ended with Wyatt’s logo on the screen. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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