
IMPACT Wrestling Results (10/13/2022): Josh Alexander Speaks, Matt Cardona, VXT & More Compete.

Results for the 10/13/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & on YouTube (Membership Only).

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 10/13/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & on YouTube (Membership Only). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander Kicks Off The Show

– Gisele Shaw & VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) vs. Death Dollz (Taya Valkyrie, Rosemary & Jessicka).

– Matt Cardona vs Bhupinder Gujjar.

– Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve) vs. Trey Miguel vs. Alex Zayne vs. Yuya Uemura vs. Laredo Kid vs. Kenny King. 

– Killer Kelly vs. Tasha Steelz.

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IMPACT Wrestling (10/13/2022): Live Coverage.

– After a video package recapping the proceedings IMPACT’s grand show “Bound For Glory” (results to the show here), Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening segment. 

– IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander came to the ring to a promo and call out Bully Ray. Bully Ray came to the ring to confront Alexander, with Ray saying that he did not cash in his “Call Your Shot” trophy for the title because he wanted to change his legacy in IMPACT Wrestling. Steve Maclin & Moose came to interrupt and call out Ray on blatantly lying to Alexander & lay their claim at the IMPACT World Champion. Bobby Fish came out and challenged Alexander to a match for the title. The match was announced for later in the night. 

– Motor City Machine Guns were interviewed backstage before going to Scott D’Amore to get a Tag Title Rematch against OGK, but Heath & Rhyno confronted them on the way to reveal that they will face Mike Bennett & Matt Taven for the belt next week.

No Disqualification Match.

Killer Kelly vs. Tasha Steelz (w/ Savannah Evans)

Evans dragged Kelly out of the ring before slamming Kelly into the apron. The match began with Steelz stomping down Kelly before hitting a chop on Kelly’s chest. Steelz hit two more chops on Kelly, but Kelly hit a flurry of forearm strikes before dropping STeelz into the middle turnbuckle. Kelly went for a running kick, but Evans caught Kelly in the Electric Chair position before slamming Kelly onto the apron. Steelz got a near fall on Kelly before hitting her with a headbutt, but Kelly got back up and asked for another headbutt. Steelz granted her wish and hit a second headbutt on Kelly, which brought a smile to Kelly’s face. Steelz slammed Kelly into the ring corner with an Irish Whip before hitting a running uppercut, an enziguri kick, and a running shotgun dropkick on Steelz for a near fall. Steelz got a steel chain to the ring, but Kely hit a drop toe-hold on Steelz before locking a sleeper on Steelz, but Steelz rammed Kelly into the ring corner before hitting a pump kick on Kelly for a near fall, but Steelz quickly transitioned into a modified Gargano Escape, but Kelly powered up and hit Steelz with an Alabama Slam on Steelz for a near fall. Kelly got out of the ring and retrieved a steel chair. Steelz hit a spinning heel kick to the abdomen and went for a bulldog, but Kelly slammed Steelzz into the chair before hitting three short-hand lariats and a running Penalty Kick on Steelz for a near fall. Kelly hit a Death Valley Driver on Steelz for a near fall. Evans attacked Kelly, but Kelly fought off Evans and Steelz. Kelly drilled Evans with a chair before Steelz hit a superkick and placed the metal chain on Kelly’s mouth. Kelly reversed the hold and locked in a chain-assisted Killer Clutch on Steelz. Steelz tried to rebound off the corner to break the hold, but Kelly cinched the hold deep, leaving Steelz with no other option but to tap out, awarding Kelly the submission win.

Winner: Killer Kelly.

– Johnny Swinger, Zicky Dice & Dirty Dango were backstage talking before two hello hooded men shouted “I AM VIOLENCE”. Sami Callihan attacked the two hooded men before shouting at them “I’m coming for him!”, teasing a feud between him and Eric Young.

– Scott D’Amore & Josh Alexander were backstage talking about Alexander accepting Fish’s challenge. D’Amore tried to talk about Bully Ray’s antics to tell him that whatever he does is at his own best interest & that Alexander should keep his head on a swivel.

Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve) vs. Trey Miguel vs. Alex Zayne vs. Yuya Uemura vs. Laredo Kid vs. Kenny King. 

Taurus began the match by hitting double lariats on Miguel & Laredo Kid before tossing Uemura to the outside with a Bandera toss. Zayne & King tossed Taurus into Ueumra, sending him to the outside with a spear through the ropes. In the ring, King & Zayne ran the ropes before King hit a shoulder tackle on Zane. Zayne got King in a wrist lock before hitting a chop on King. King and Zayne ran on the outside before King leaped over Taurus to allow Taurus to hit a vicious spear on Zayne. King hit a PK kick on Taurus from the apron before Laredo Kid hit a pimp slap to King’s neck. Laredo Kid slammed Miguel & Uemura onto one another before the two tossed Laredo Kid to the outside. Uemura hit a cross body on Taurus to the outside. Miguel and Zayne hit a double Tope Con Giro on the pile to the outside before the commercial break. Back from the commercial break, King got in the middle turnbuckle, but Miguel caught him with a leaping enziguri kick. Laredo Kid got Miguel into a draping DDT Position, but Uemura got a Dragon Sleeper on Laredo Kid in a reverse DDT, but Taurus got a hold of Uemura’s neck in the reverse DDT position. Zayne got Taurus on the reverse DDT position while everyone was in a DDT position of sorts before King hit a leaping blockbuster on Zayne, causing a DDT Domino Effect to lay everyone out. Zayne chopped King on the back before hitting a twisting Enziguri on King, but Yuya caught him with a dropkick, and Taurus greeted Uemura with a headbutt. Laredo Kid hit an Enziguri Kick, but Miguel caught Laredo Kid with a cartwheel kick. King hit a spinebuster on Miguel for a near fall. Laredo Kid hit a Michinoku Driver on King for a near fall. Uemura hit a cross-body on King before hitting a headbutt suplex on Laredo Kid. Taurus hit a pop-up Samoan Drop on Uemura. Kid placed Taurus in the top rope, to which Zayne took advantage of by hitting a Frankensteiner/ German Suplex on Taurus & Laredo Kid. Miguel dropped Zayne with a twisting neck breaker on Zayne to get the pinfall win.

Winner: Trey Miguel.

– X-Division Champion Frankie Kazarian & Mike Bailey talked backstage, with Bailey thanking Kazarian for the match before shaking hands. Miguel interrupted the proceedings to lay his claim as the X-Division Challenger. Kazarian said that he will wait to see what happens.

Gisele Shaw & VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) vs. Death Dollz (Taya Valkyrie, Rosemary & Jessicka).

Jessicka made Shaw run the ropes before hitting shotgun jabs on Shaw, which Shaw retreated immediately. Jessicka hit a corner lariat before hitting an Irish Whip Corner Splash, which Taya followed with a Meteora on Green for a near fall. Green hit a headbutt on Taya before tagging in Purrazzo. Taya hit a double lariat on Purazzo & Green before Rosemary bit Deonna’s face followed by the Widow’s Peak on Deonna in the ropes. Taya hit a knee strike on Purrazzo. Purrazzo hit a backstabber on before Green slammed Taya’s face into the bottom turnbuckle for a near fall. Shaw tagged in and laid in the strikes on Taya before hitting a spinning suplex on Taya for a near fall. Deonna tagged back in before tagging in Green. Green hit a knee strike on Taya, but Taya responded with a rising kick before the two laid each other out with a double clothesline. Rosemary hit two lariats, a sling blade, a running forearm strike and a Exploder Suplex on Shaw for a near fall. Rosemary went for a Death Valley Driver, but Shaw reversed it with a back breaker/ flatliner combo on Rosemary for a near fall. Shaw went for a knee strike, but Rosemary evaded and hit a spear on Shaw for a near fall. Jessicka hit a running cross-body on Green, but Purrazzo tossed Jessicka out of the ring. Rosemary hit a spear on Purrazzo, but it allowed Shaw to hit a knee strike on Rosemary for the pinfall win.

Winners: Gisele Shaw & VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green).

– Tommy Dreamer & Bully Ray talked backstage with Dreamer saying he can turn like a dime. Ray said that he would not make Dreamer look like a fool and emphasized that he would do it the right way. The two agreed in being a team for one night. 

– Maria Kanellis talked to IMPACT Tag Team Champions Matt Taven & Mike Bennett to talk about the message for Honor No More. Kanellis said that the Tag Titles mean success, with Taven complaining that they do not get their respect for excelling. PCO shouted at Eddie Edwards, who was absent, but Bennett emphasized that they are family and said that they would retain their tag titles.

Matt Cardona vs Bhupinder Gujjar.

Cardona and Gujjar locked up before Gujjar leaned Cardona on the corner. Cardona leaned Gujjar on the corner, but Gujjar responded with jabs at Cardona. Gujjar hit a dropkick on Cardona before hitting a corner splash, a leg trip, and a springboard elbow drop on Cardona for a near fall. Cardona slammed Gujjar’s face into he apron before hitting a neck breaker on Gujjar on the outside. Gujar got back in the ring, but Cardona laid in the jabs on Gujjar’s face before hitting a neck breaker stunner on Gujjar. Cardona got to the middle rope and went for a dropkick, but Gujar evaded and laid in the jabs on Cardona. Gujjar hit a lariat, a sling blade, a pump kick, a ripcord knee strike, and a Samoan Drop on Cardona for a near fall. Gujjar went for the middle rope spear, but Brian Myers came to distract Gujjar. Cardona pulled Gujjar onto the at before hitting the Radio Silence for the pinfall win.

Winner: Matt Cardona.

– There was a video package highlighting the match between IMPACT Knockout’s Champion & Masha Slamovich from Bound for Glory 2022.

– Mickie James was interviewed backstage by Gia Miller before Deonna Purrazzo, Gisele Shaw & Chelsea Green interrupted James. They told James that she should respect them before calling her a narcissist for making it everything about her. James challenged Green to a match, but Green evaded the challenge because she has her focus on the IMPACT Knockouts Tag Title Match.

– Juice Robinson, Ace Austin & Chris Bey challenged Bully Ray & Tommy Dreamer to a tag match for the following week. 

IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Josh Alexander vs. Bobby Fish.

The match began with the two locking up before Alexander leaned Fish on the corner. Fish & Alexander locked up again before Alexander leaned Fish on the ropes. Alexander got Fish in a headlock takedown three times before Fish reversed it into a headlock of his own before hitting two knee strikes on Alexander. Alexander broke the hold and hit a shoulder tackle on Fish. Fish hit two kicks and a running forearm strike on Alexander for a near fall. Fish laid in the strikes on Alexander, but Alexander caught him with a running forearm strike and an overhead suplex on Fish. Fish got to the outside and Alexander got on the apron before Fish kicked Alexander’s legs off the apron before he hit a Dragon Screw on Alexander’s leg before the commercial break. Back from the break, Fish hit a snap-mare/ springboard senton on Alexander for a near fall. Fish kicked Alexander’s legs before hitting a running forearm strike on Alexander for a near fall. Fish continued to lay in the strikes on Alexander in the corner before he hit a knee strike and a snap-suplex on Alexander for a near fall. Fish hit a forearm strike on Alexander before hitting a kick to Alexander’s chest. Alexander caught Fish’s leg and hit a chop, but Fish caught him with multiple strikes on Alexander. Fish kicked Alexander’s leg, but Alexander caught his leg again before hitting a lariat on Fish. Fish & Alexander exchanged strikes before Alexander hit a straight right-hand punch on Fish. Alexander hit an Overhead Suplex on Fish before attempting the C4, but Fish kicked Alexander in the head before hitting a Saito Suplex on Alexander for a near fall. Fish hit three knee strikes on Alexander, but Alexander responded with two German Suplexes on Fish before Fish got a rope break. Fish hit an Exploder Suplex on Alexander into the ropes for a near fall. Fish went for the high kick on Alexander, but Alexander caught his leg and locked in the Ankle Lock, but Fish rolled through to send Alexander to the outside. Alexander got on the top rope, but Fish kicked ALexadner’s leg before climbing to the top rope. Alexander pushed Fish off the top rope before hitting a top-rope moonsault on Fish for a near fall, but Alexander rolled through into an Ankle Lock on Fish. Fish kicked Alexander in the head before locking in a Triangle Choke on Alexander, but Alexander reversed it into a Powerbomb back breaker on Fish. Alexander hit the C4 Spike Piledriver on Fish for the pinfall win, still the IMPACT World Champion.

Winner & Still IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion: Josh Alexander.

– After the match, X-Division Champion Frankie Kazarian confronted Alexander after the match and congratulated him for his success being champion. Kazarian told Alexander face-to-face that he would exercise Option C on Alexander, challenging Alexander for the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship. The two shook hands to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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