
IMPACT Wrestling Results (10/6/2022): Maclin vs. Moose, Frankie Kazarian & Mia Yim Compete

Results for the 10/6/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership).

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 10/6/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube (Membership). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– IMPACT Knockout Women’s Champion Jordynne Grace & Masha Slamovich Participate in Contract Signing

– Singles Match w/ Special Guest Referee Sami Callihan: Steve Maclin vs. Moose

– Frankie Kazarian vs. Kenny King.

– Mia Yim vs. Gisele Shaw.

– Matt Taven (w/ Mike Bennett & Maria Kanellis) vs. Alex Shelley (w/ Chris Sabin).

IMPACT Wrestling (9/29/2022) Live Coverage.

– After a tribute graphic remembering the legacy and life of legendary Japanese Wrestling Icon Antonio Inoki & a video package recapping the proceedings of the 10/29/2022 episode of IMPACT Wrestling Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the Go-Home broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match.  

Frankie Kazarian vs. Kenny King.

The match began with the two locking up before Kazarian leaned King in the corner for a rope break. Kazarian got King in a side headlock the two had a stalemate. Kazarian hit a shoulder tackle, an arm drag, and tried to lock in the Chicken Wing on King before King tossed Kazarian over him. The two exchanged wrist locks before King hit a vertical arm drag, but Kazarian got up and hit a hip toss on Kazarian. King & Kazarian exchanged pinfalls before Kazarian hit a head kick, an elbow strike, and a discus lariat on King. Kazarian went for a leaping lariat on King, but King evaded and hit a shotgun dropkick on Kazarian in the face. King hit a twisting crossbody on Kazarian to the outside. Back in the ring, King hit a body slam and a springboard leg drop on Kazarian for a near fall. King kicked Kazarian in the ribs before kicking him in the head for a near fall. King got Kazarian in a sitting abdominal stretch, but Kazarian broke the hold by punching King’s abdomen. Kazarian got a crucifix roll-up on King for a near fall, which he followed with a back slide for a near fall before tossing him into the corner with aN over-the-head Belly-to-Belly suplex. Kazarian & King exchanged strikes before Kazarian hit a spinning neck breaker on King for a near fall. Kazarian hit a body slam on King before connecting a springboard leg-drop on King for a near fall. Kazarian went for the Chicken Wing on King, but King slammed Kazarian’s face into the middle turnbuckle. King hit a Bridged Exploder Suplex on Kazarian for a near fall. King hit a sidekick and a Liger Bomb on Kazarian for a near fall. King went for the Royal Flush, but Kazarian reversed it into the Chicken Wing. King had nowhere to go and had to tap out, giving the win to Kazarian via submission.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian.

– There was a video package promoting the X-Divison Championship Match between Frankie Kazarian & X-Division Champion Mike Bailey ahead of their match on Bound For Glory 2022.

– There was a pre-recorded promo from Eddie Edwards ahead of his match against IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander. Edwards recalled his accolades, including winning NOAH’s GHC Championship, the X-Division Championship, the IMPACT Tag Titles & The IMPACT World Title to say that he will remind everyone who he is on Bound For Glory 2022.

– X-Division Champion Mike Bailey cut a pre-recorded promo ahead of his title defense against Frankie Kazarian on Bound For Glory. Bailey said that Kazarian was once the future & present, but his legacy will become the past when he beats him at Bound For Glory.

Mia Yim vs. Gisele Shaw.

Mickie James joined the broadcast team for the match. Yim hit three arm drags, a hip toss, a helluva kick, and a Hurricanrana on Shaw to begin the match, sending Shaw to the outside. Shaw hit a springboard spinning cross-body on Yim to the outside. After talking trash to James outside, Yim greeted Shaw back in the ring with three near falls on her before locking in a Guillotine Choke. Shaw slammed Yim onto the corner to break the hold. Shaw slammed Yim’s neck onto the top rope before Shaw hit a twisting springboard cross-body on Yim. Back in the ring, Shaw hit a running kick on Yim for a near fall. Shaw hit a spinning suplex on Yim for a near fall. Shaw went for a kick, but Yim ducked it and laid in the punches & chops on Shaw. Shaw sent Yim to the corner before kicking her in the back of the head. Shaw hit a Draping DDT on Yim for a near fall. Shaw and Yim exchanged strikes before Shaw hit a spinning kick on Yim, but Yim hit a headbutt on Shaw before the two collapsed onto the mat. The two exchanged strikes before Yim hit three forearm strikes, a lariat, a thrust kick, a dropkick, a shotgun dropkick onto the corner, and a cannonball on Shaw for a rope-break near fall. Shaw tossed Yim onto the bottom rope. Shaw hit a backbreaker/ flat liner combo on Yim for a near fall. Shaw went for a pump kick, but Yim evaded and hit a nasty Eat Defeat on Yim for the pinfall win. James confronted Yim in the ring after the match. 

Winner: Mia Yim.

– There was a video package narrating the rules for the Call Your Shot Gauntlet happening at Bound For Glory 2022. 

– During a vignette by Killer Kelly, Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans attacked Killer Kelly from behind. Steelz, Evans & Kelly are all going to be a part of the Call Your Shot Gauntlet on Bound For Glory. 

– Digital Media Champion Brian Myers confronted Raj Singh and Shera backstage before a random big guy in a Yellow Hoodie confronted them by shouting “I AM VIOLENCE! I AM VIOLENCE!”. Myers also confronted Delirious backstage and a woman he claimed to be “Mantaur’s agent” before he told her to tell Black Taurus & Crazzy Steve to inform them that they would be embarrassed by the most professional wrestler. 

– There was a video package narrating the feud of Masha Slamovich & IMPACT Knockout’s Champion Jordynne Grace ahead of their match on Bound For Glory for the title. 

Singles Match (w/ Sami Callihan as Special Guest Referee).

Moose vs. Steve Maclin.

The match began with Moose & Maclin exchanging punches before Moose hit a shoulder tackle on Maclin. Maclin hit a double-leg takedown on Moose before laying in the punches. Callihan to the count of five on the rope break, but he said “fuck it keep going” and Maclin obliged and continued to lay in the chops on Moose. Maclin lowered the top rope to send Moose outside. Maclin hit a Tope Suicida on Moose, busting his forehead open. Callihan was counting the outside count, but Callihan sat on the apron and shouted “WRESTLING” as the two brawled. Moose hit a snap suplex on Maclin, to which Callihan reacted by asking Maclin “ARE YOU OKAY?!”. Back in the ring, Moose hit an Irish Whip on Maclin in the corner. Moose laid in his knee on Maclin in the corner. Maclin hit an overhead chop on Moose before running the ropes, but Moose caught him with a running elbow strike on Maclin, which Callihan responded with “Good Job!”. Moose got Callihan’s T-Shirt dirty by spilling Maclin’s blood, which Maclin took advantage by slapping Moose. Moose hit a big boot on Maclin before hitting a catapult on Maclin onto the bottom rope. Moose gauged Maclin’s bloody wound, but Maclin hit Moose’s ribs. Maclin hit a vicious running lariat on Moose. After the crowd chanted “Get your ass up!”, Maclin & Moose exchanged strikes before Maclin hit a forearm strike and an upside-down corner spear on Moose for the delayed near fall, thanks to Callihan being hooked at the impact from Maclin. Maclin got to the middle turnbuckle, but Moose caught him with the Sky High, but the referee did not see what happened. Moose went for a spear, but Maclin tossed him into the middle turnbuckle. Moose hit a wicked spear on Maclin for a near fall before Callihan stomped Moose on the head. Callihan hit piledrivers on Moose & Maclin before he placed Maclin over Moose for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Steve Maclin.

– Joe Hendry was revealed to join the Call Your Shot Gauntlet for Bound For Glory, making Bound For Glory his IMPACT Debut.

Swingerellas (w/ Zicky Dice & Johnny Swinger) vs. Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie (w/ Rosemary).

Swingerella #1 slapped Jessicka, but she tagged Swingerrella #2. Jessicka hti a corner splash before Taya hit a Meteora on Swingerella #2. Taya hit a sliding German Suplex on Swingerella before Jessicka hit the Sick-Ishi Driver for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie (w/ Rosemary).

– IMPACT Knockout’s Tag Champions Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green were interviewed backstage by Gia Miller, with Purrazzo saying that Jessicka & Taya’s performance repulsive. Green said that they will leave everyone on the crowd would be VXTed.

Matt Taven (w/ Mike Bennett & Maria Kanellis) vs. Alex Shelley (w/ Chris Sabin).

Shelley hit an overhead chop on Taven, to which Taven reacted by laying the strikes on Shelley on the corner. Taven went for the Climax, but Shelley reversed it with a Fujiwara arm bar before Taven rolled out of the ring. Shelley got Taven in a headlock before breaking the hold and hitting a shoulder tackle & a kick to the back. Taven hit a dropkick on Shelley before reminding the crowd he was Matt Taven. Shelley snapped Taven’s left arm. Bennett tripped Shelley while the referee was distracted, but Sabin tripped Taven while the referee was distracted. Taven accidentally hit a sliding dropkick on Bennett before Shelley hit a snap-mare Penalty Kick on Taven on ringside. Taven gauged Shelley’s eyes before hitting two backbreakers on Shelley for a near fall. Back from the commercial break, Taven hit a twisting backbreaker on Shelley for a near fall. Taven hit a Side Russian Leg Sweep on Shelley before attempting the Lionsault on Shelley, but Shelley evaded. Shelley hit a knee strike, a second PK Kick, and a Crucifix pin on Taven for a near fall. Shelley hit three ripcord chops & an arm snapper on Taven, but Taven responded with a twisting Leg Lariat and a Lionsault on Shelley for a near fall. Taven went for a springboard enziguri kick, but Shelley evaded and hit a flatliner on Taven onto the middle turnbuckle followed by a Tornado DDT on Taven. Shelley hit a Superkick and Sliced Bread on Taven for a near fall, thanks to Maria placing Taven’s foot on the rope. Taven hit a Springboard Enziguri Kick on Shelley and attempted a top rope frog splash, but Shelley lift his knees and got a near fall on Taven. After a distraction from Bennett & Kanellis, Taven got a roll-up on Shelley followed by a running knee strike on Shelley for a near fall. Shelley evaded Taven’s attempt at The Climax to hit the Shell Shock Flatliner for the pinfall win.

Winner: Alex Shelley (w/ Chris Sabin).

– During an Exclusive IMPACT Interview with Tom Hannifan, IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander said that they will show who is the heart & soul of IMPACT Wrestling. Eddie Edwards confronted Alexander after the interview but was confronted by his wife Alisha. Alisha told Edwards that either his actions come to an end or they do.

– IMPACT Wrestling Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore hosted the contract signing to make the IMPACT Knockout’s Championship Match between Masha Slamovich & Knockout’s Champion Jordynne Grace. Masha Slamovich held no words before signing her part of the contract. Grace, in contrast, told Slamovich that she respects her for making her goal very clear by taking everyone down to get the gold, but told her that she was nowhere near ready to give up her title. Grace pointed out that she is the first-ever triple-crown champion in IMPACT History before saying that Slamovich will teach her the art of learning from defeat. Grace signed the contract. Slamovich said something in Russian, which befuddled Grace as she asked Slamovich to repeat her statement. Slamovich told Grace that “Masha is Gonna Kill You”. Masha tossed the contract table over Grace and placed it sideways on the corner. Grace fought back and nearly hit the Muscle Buster on Masha onto the table, but Slamovich escaped the move and hit a back fist on Grace. Slamovich then hit the Snowplow on Grace onto the table. Masha Slamovich, with the Knockout’s Title in hand, stood tall to end the broadcast.

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