
WWE NXT 2.0 Results (9/13/2022): NXT Tag Title Steel Cage Match, North American Title Match & More.

Results for the 9/13/2022 edition of NXT 2.0 on the USA of America Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the (date) edition of (show & network airing). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– NXT North American Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Opponent Chosen by Fan’s Choice (Von Wagner/ Wes Lee/ Joe Gacy).

– Steel Cage Match for NXT Tag Team Championship: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) (c) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed).

– Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James & Arianna Grace.

– Cameron Grimes & Mystery Partner vs. Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo.

– Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend.

– Hank Walker vs. Javier Bernal.

Live Coverage.

– Wade Barrett & Vic Joseph welcomed the audience to the First Anniversary edition of NXT 2.0, live from the Capitol Wrestling Center, before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

Steel Cage Match for NXT Tag Team Championship.

Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) (c) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed). 

The four exchanged strikes to begin the match. Prince & Wilson tried to climb out of the cage, but The Creeds pulled them off the cage. Brutus & Julius catapulted Pretty Deadly onto the cage, but Prince and Wilson climbed to the top of the cage before Julius & Brutus caught them at the top. The four men fell before Brutus hit a suplex on Wilson while Julius hit a suplex on Prince. Brutus tossed Prince across the cage while Julius tossed Wilson onto the cage. Wilson hit an uppercut on Brutus. Wilson hit a springboard Codebreaker on Julius off Prince’s back for a near fall. Prince tried to climb out of the cage, but Brutus caught him and hit a cage bomb on Prince. Wilson booted Brutus in the face and tried to climb out of the cage, but Brutus met him at the top. The two exchanged strikes at the top of the cage before Wilson slammed Brutus’ face onto the cage. Julius hit a reversed Spanish Fly on Prince off the top rope and the cage. Wilson climbed off Brutus’ back to try to escape from the cage door, but Brutus slammed the door on Wilson’s abdomen, preventing him to escape. Prince hit a dropkick on Julius before hitting a corner uppercut on Julius in the corner. Wilson hit a running uppercut to the corner on Julius before Prince hit a running uppercut on Brutus. Brutus got Prince in a bear hug, but Prince reversed it with a DDT. Prince & Wilson double-teamed Julius before the two hugged in the ring. Wilson tossed Julius onto the cage before he got Julius in a sleeper hold to allow Prince to climb. Julius tossed Wilson across the ring before catching Prince on the top of the cage. Wilson climbed up and hit pal strikes on Julius’ chest. Wilson and Prince hit a nasty superplex off the top of the cage straight to the mat. Brutus hit double-forearm strikes on Wilson & prince, an overhead suplex on Prince, and a gut wrench suplex on Wilson. and climbed to the top rope. Julius got Prince & Wilson on his shoulders before Brutus & Julius hit them with a Cannonball Doomsday Device. Damon kemp climbed to the cage to intervene, with Julius meeting him at the top of the cage. Julius dropped Kemp to the floor, but Kemp locked Julius in handcuffs onto the top of the cage. While Julius was stuck at the top, Brutus tossed Prince & Wilson across the ring and cage before Brutus hit an overhead suplex on Wilson. Pretty Deadly tried to escape from the cage while Brutus was distracted, but Brutus caught them with a Meatball For a near fall on Wilson. Brutus got an Ankle Lock on Prince, but Wilson attacked him from behind. Pretty Deadly hit Spilled Milk on Brutus for a near fall. Wilson & Prince stomped down Brutus before tossing him across the cage. Wilson & Prince launched themselves onto Brutus’ back, ramming him into the ring and wearing him down in a vicious fashion. Wilson & Prince hit Spilled Milk one more time for the pinfall win & title retention,

Winners & Still NXT Tag Team Champions: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).

– Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell was with Von Wagner, Joe Gacy & Wes Lee. It was revealed that Wes Lee would challenge Carmelo Hayes for the NXT North American Title. Joe Gacy congratulated Lee on winning the vote but Gacy still said that there was still work to be done for the night. 

– There was a video package recapping the First Year of NXT 2.0, including highlights to Chase University, Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller, Carmelo Hayes, Toxic Attraction & Bron Breakker. The package also highlighted the feud between Legado Del Fantasma vs. Tony D’Angelo, the rise of Roxanne Perez, Grayson Waller attacking Johnny Gargano, Dolph Ziggler as NXT Champion, and Mandy Rose’s NXT Women’s Championship Reign. 

Lash Legend vs. Fallon Henley (w/ Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Mason “The Night Howler” Ramirez). 

2022 Connor’s Cure representative Mason “The Night Howler” Ramirez accompanied Henley to the ring for her match. Legend attacked Henley to begin the match. Henley hit two single-leg dropkicks on Legend before hitting a wicked chop on Legend. Legend hit a pump kick on Henley to send her off the apron to the outside. Legend slammed Henley into the ring post and on the apron. Legend three knee strikes on Henley. Henley hit two up kicks on Legend before hitting two forearm strikes, a running elbow, and a wheelbarrow bulldog on Legend. Henley hit a Shinning Wizard Knee Strike on Legend for the pinfall win.

Winner: Fallon Henley.

– Yulisa Leon revealed that she has a torn ACL, saying that she will be out for 9 months. Sanga told Valentina Feroz that it was her time before Von Wagner & Mr. Stone. Sanga told them to shut up before Mr. Stone told him to back off. 

– Brooks Jensen told NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose that she was in her dreams before Fallon Henley told her that she was not afraid of Rose. Rose said that she remembered when she won her first match, which led to Henley being dragged out of the scene by Briggs & Jensen.

– Gig Dolin, Jacy Jayne & NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose said she took out two of the greatest NXT UK Women’s Wrestlers and said that she will run NXT Europe when it happens. Dolin delusionally said that the NXT Women’s Tag Titles into the most prestigious titles in the wrestling business. Rose said that she would soon become the longest reigning champion in NXT history and told the crowd to put some respect on her damn name. Alba Fyre interrupted Rose and told her that she knew nothing about where she comes from, saying that in Scotland they allow their hard work do the talking. Fyre said that Rose will see the new NXT Women’s Champion. Fyre hit Dolin & Jayne with a bat before hitting the KLR Bomb on Rose. Dolin & Jayne pulled Rose out of the ring.

– Cora Jade cut a backstage vignette reflecting on her run in NXT in the past year. She said that it all clicked when she lost to Natalya. She said that no one cared about Roxanne Perez before calling the fans the intelligence of the crowd before running down the Women’s Roster.

– Wendy Choo was interviewed backstage but was interrupted by Lash Legend. Choo said that the last a bimbo tried to interrupt her, she turned her lights. Choo laughed before she walked out of the scene.

Quincy Elliot vs. Sean Gallagher.

Elliot began the match dancing in the ring to the crowds’ chants before Gallagher got a wrist lock on Elliot. Elliot rolled out of the wrist lock before he blew a kiss on Gallagher. Elliot punched Gallagher in the mouth before hitting a vicious running uppercut on Gallagher. Elliot hit the Banzai Drop on Gallagher for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Quincy Elliot.

– McKenzie Mitchell Interviewed Cameron Grimes, who revealed that he will be wrestling Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo by himself because he is the only man he needs. 

– Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams attacked Wes Lee backstage, with Hayes slamming Lee’s head with a locker door, which looked nasty. 

Cameron Grimes & Mystery Partner vs. Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. 

Stacks and Grimes began the match locking up, with Grimes hitting a waist lock takedown on Stacks before locking in a headlock and hitting a shoulder tackle. Grimes hit a knee strike and a sliding kick on Stacks before Tony tagged in. D’Angelo laid in the punches on Grimes, but Grimes caught him with a series of kicks to the chest. D’Angelo tossed Grimes into the corner. Grimes hit a sunset flip on D’Angelo, but Stacks tagged in from behind and hit a running kick on Grimes’ neck. Stacks laid in the knee strikes on Grimes before he and D’Angelo hit double back elbow strikes on  Grimes. D’Angelo hit a body slam on Grimes. Joe Gacy joined the match. Grimes hit a back body drop on Stacks, but D’Angelo hit an under-hook suplex on Grimes for a near fall. Grimes laid in the strikes on D’Angelo. Grimes hit a double frankensteiner on D’Angelo & Stacks. Gacy tagged in and laid in the punches on Stacks & D’Angelo, a uranage on Stacks, a dropkick on D’Angelo & a vicious spinning Uranage on Stacks. Stacks got Gacy in a rear naked choke but Grimes hit a spinning body slam on Stacks before hitting the Cave In on D’Angelo. Gacy hit the Flipping Lariat on Stacks for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Joe Gacy & Cameron Grimes.

– After Grimes rejected Gacy’s offer to join The Schism, The Dyad and Gacy beat up Grimes after the match. Gacy hit the flipping lariat on Grimes.

– JD McDonagh was being shaved from the beard while he was cutting a promo, with McDonagh saying that the cat & mouse game he and Breakker have will end soon. 

– Vic Joseph did a sit-down interview with NXT Champion Bron Breakker, with Breakker saying that he was scared shitless for joining NXT a year after college. Breakker reminisced on becoming the face of NXT, saying it was an honor to become a singles champion in the family and induct the Steiner Brothers to the WWE Hall Of Fame. He talked about his feuds with Tommasso Ciampa, Dolph Ziggler, Gunther, Joe Gacy, Tyler Bate, and more across the past 12 months of NXT 2.0. 

– McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Tyler Bate backstage, where he said that he was looking for a rematch. Bate said that JD McDonagh was between himself and his fate, saying that McDonagh will have to go through him first if he wants a shot at the NXT Championship. 

Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James & Arianna Grace.

Starks and James are locked up, with Stark getting James in a headlock. James broke out of the hold and got Stark in a headlock, but Stark broke the hold and leaped over James before hitting an arm-drag wrist lock on James. Lyons tagged in and hit a snap suplex on James. James lost it and started arguing with the referee, Lyons & Starks before the commercial break. After the break, Grace had Lyons in a crossface, but Lyons broke the hold by hitting a Samoan Drop on Grace. Lyons hit a lariat on Grace before connecting a Spinning Heel Kick on Grace for a near fall. Stark hit a lariat, an elbow strike, a superkick, and a snap dragon suplex on Grace. James tagged in but Stark caught her with a lariat and a running elbow strike on James. James rolled out of the ring before catching Stark with a lariat on the outside. Back in the ring, James got Stark in a lateral press for a near fall before locking in a headlock on Stark. James hit a side slam back breaker on Stark for a near fall. James pulled Stark out of the ring and hit an elbow strike on Lyons. Gace tagged in, but Stark hit an up kick, two lariats, an elbow strike, a superkick, and a sliding knee strike on Grace. Grace hit a big boot on Stark for a near fall. Stark hit the Z-360 (Belly-To-Back GTS) on Grace before Lyons hit a vertical kick and a split-legged leg drop on Grace for the pinfall win.

Winners: Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark.

– Edris Enofe & Malik Blade spoke with a red hooded figure and talked trash about Cameron Grimes, but Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler confronted them. The two teams brawled on the NXT Parking Lot but were split up by the NXT Security Guards. Hank Walker tried to help, but the guards told him that they had it handled and to head to The ring for his match. 

– There was a video package highlighting Oro Mensah (The man formerly known in NXT UK as Ashton Smith), who is coming to NXT 2.0.

– Grayson Waller interrupted McKenzie Mitchell to announce the biggest NXT Stars of 2022, with Mitchell revealing Toxic Attraction, Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes &, of all people, Nikkita Lyons. Waller slandered the NXT audience for not choosing him on the podium.

Hank Walker vs. Javier Bernal. 

Walker got a surprisingly loud reaction from the crowd before the match. Bernal began the match by locking Walker in a wrist lock before Bernal hit a palm strike on Walker’s back. Bernal got a headlock on Bernal, but Walker lifted Bernal before placing him in the corner. Bernal hit an open hand slap on Bernal, which Walker responded by hitting an overhead toss on Beral. Bernal hit a low dropkick on Walker to send him to the middle turnbuckle. Bernal hit another low dropkick on Walker before locking in a guillotine choke on Walker, but Walker tossed Bernal into the mat. Bernal tried to slam Walker on the top turnbuckle, but Walker slammed Bernal’s face. Walker hit a Thesz Press on Bernal before hitting a corner splash on Bernal. Walker hit a running back elbow on Bernal for the shocking pinfall win.

Winner: Hank Walker.

– Carmelo Hayes cut a promo backstage ahead of his title defense for the NXT North American Championship, saying no one will take the title off him. 

– There was a video vignette promoting Sol Ruca’s arrival to NXT 2.0, saying that she will be coming soon.

– NXT Champion Bron Breakker was named the Biggest NXT Star of the NXT 2.0 Anniversary.

– Hayes and Williams cut a promo in the ring, with Williams saying they are too good to be humble. Hayes said that he did Wes Lee a favor because he did not have what it takes to be the A-Champion. Hayes said that he will not be a champion, but was interrupted by none other than SmackDown’s Solo Sikoa. Sikoa told Hayes that he got next before tossing Williams out of the ring. A referee came to the ring and began the match.

NXT North American Championship Match.

Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Solo Sikoa.

Sikoa laid in the strikes on Hayes before hitting a back body drop on Hayes. Hayes hit a chop on SIkoa. Sikoa hit a back elbow on Hayes before tossing him back in the ring. Sikoa tossed Hayes outside of the ring into Trick Williams as the crowd was elated for Sikoa’s antics. Hayes walked around ringside for a lengthy amount of time to analyze the situation, but Sikoa hit a slap on Hayes’ face before slamming him into the stairs. Hayes and Sikoa got back in the ring, with Hayes hitting a chop on Sikoa. SIkoa hit a headbutt on Hayes before hitting a kick on Hayes’ back. Sikoa got Hayes in a nerve hold, but Hayes broke the hold and hit a pump kick on Sikoa, but Sikoa responded with a headbutt to Hayes’ chest. Outside of the ring, Sikao slapped Hayes in the face, but Williams slammed Sikoa into the apron while the referee was distracted. Hayes hit a diving lariat on Sikoa before targeting Sikoa’s left leg. Hayes hit a chop block on Sikoa for a near fall. Hayes got a front-ankle lock on Sikoa’s left ankle before quickly transitioning into a Single Leg Crab on Sikoa. Hayes stomped down Sikoa’s left leg before locking in the Single Leg Crab on Sikoa again, but SIkoa got a rope break. Sikoa hit an up kick from the ground on Hayes. Sikao hit five jabs and multiple body shots before hitting a superkick and a Samoan Drop. Sikoa hit a vicious hip attack on Hayes. Hayes hit a code breaker on Sikoa, but Sikoa remained standing and hit a pop-up Samoan Drop on Hayes for a near fall. Sikoa hit a superkick on Williams out of the ring off the apron. Sikoa hit a Spinning Uranage on Hayes before connecting a Frog Splash for the pinfall win, becoming the NXT North American Championship. 

Winner & New NXT North American Champion: Solo Sikoa.

– Shawn Michaels narrated a video package reliving the first year of NXT 2.0, ending the broadcast with the classic “We are NXT”. The broadcast ended with a black and gold logo, alluding to a new era in NXT’s history.


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