
WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/2/2022): NXT Men’s & Women’s Tag Title Matches, Solo Sikoa In Action + More

Results for the 8/2/2022 edition of NXT 2.0 live on USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 8/2/2022 edition of NXT 2.0 on USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– Elimination Four Way Tag Match for the Vacant NXT Women’s Championships: Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne) vs Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz.

– Falls Count Anywhere Match: Solo Sikoa vs Von Wagner.

– Carmello Hayes NXT North American Championship Open Challenge

– Sarray vs Mandy Rose.

– NXT Champion Bron Breakker & JD McDonagh Contract Signing.

– NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Creed Brothers (Brutus Creed & Julius Creed) (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo.

Live Coverage.

– Vic Joseph welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match to crown new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions. 

Elimination Four Way Tag Match for the Vacant NXT Women’s Championships.

Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne) vs Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz.

Paxley and Carter began the match locking up before Jacy Jayne tagged in. Jayne and Paxley exchanged strikes before Paxley hit a shoulder tackle on Jayne. Dolin tagged in and hit a wrist lock takedown on Paxley, which Jayne followed up with a running senton for a near fall. Paxley hit a shotgun dropkick on Dolin. Nile hit a short-hand lariat on Dolin. Paxley and Nile hit a double tackle on Dolin for a near fall. Feroz tagged in and hit two arm drags and a tijeras arm bar on. Carter. Leon and Feroz hit an assisted spring rope senton on Carter for a near fall. Carter hit a super kick on Feroz. Chance hit a cross body on Nile and Paxley. Leon tossed Feroz onto Carter, Chance, Nile & Paxley before hitting them all with a tope Con Giro to the outside. Leon got a lateral press on Carter for a near fall. Leon hit a body slam/leg drop combo on Paxley before hitting her with a snap suplex. Feroz and Leon hit a cross body/ suplex combo for a near fall. Paxley and Nile hit Feroz with a pop-up jab for the pinfall elimination for Feroz and Leon. Dolin rolled up Nile for a near fall. Nile rolled up Jayne for a near fall, but Nile responded with an enziguri kick on Jayne. Paxley caught Chance from a cross body and went for a fireman’s carry, but instead hit a dead lifft suplex on Chance for a near fall. Nile hit a running mule kick on Chance for a near fall. Chace hit a drop-toe hols/ tijeras face slam on Paxley for a near fall. Chance and Carter hit a Code Breaker/ death valley driver on Paxley, but Jayne stole the pin to eliminate Paxley and Nile. Dolin hit a sitting senton on Carter while Jayne hit a senton on Chance. Jayne hit a rolling elbow on Carter. Jayne and Dolin hit a Codebreaker/STO combo on Carter for a near fall. Carter hit a victory roll/ superkick combo on Dolin for a near fall. Carter hit a german suplex on Dolin for a near fall. Dolin hit a back suplex on Chance before Chance with Total Elimination, but Carter hit a kick to break the pinfall attempt. Dolin and Carter kicked each other to leave each other laying. Chance and Jayne exchanged strikes before Chance hit Eat Defeat on Jayne. Chance hit a cross body on Dolin. Chance hit a cheap shot on Jayne, opening the gate for her and Carter to connect Jayne with the 450 Splash/ Neck Breaker combination for the pinfall win.

Winners & New NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter.

– Backstage, NXT UK Tag Team Champions Brook Jensen & Josh Briggs said that they were going to defend their titles against anyone. Joe Gacy and The Dyad confronted Briggs  & Jensen, with Gacy accepting Jensen’s challenge to a match later in the night. 

– NXT North American Champion Carmello Hayes & Trick Williams came to the ring to celebrate Hayes’ birthday, which he would celebrate by opening a North American Championship Open Challenge. None other than Giovanni Vinci responded Hayes’ challenge, but Nathan Frazier got in the ring to get the match. 

NXT North American Championship Match

Carmello Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Nathan Frazier.

Frazier got a side headlock on Hayes before getting in leg scissors. Frazier and Hayes exchanged holds before Frazier got Hayes in a jack-knife cover for a near fall. Frazier and Hayes ran the ropes before Frazier connected a shotgun dropkick on Hayes. Frazier slammed Hayes’ balls into the ring post. Hayes hit a nee drop on Frazier’s face before hitting him with the Fade Away for a near fall. Hayes chopped Fraziers chest, but Frazier hit him with a chin breaker. Frazier went for a spring rope moonsaut, but Hayes caught him with a spring rope lariat for a near fall. Frazier got Hayes in a victory roll before slamming him with a flat liner into the middle turnbuckle, with Hayes ricocheting to the outside. Hayes and Frazier exchanged strikes before Frazier hit two forearm strikes, a Thesz press, and two superkicks off a Phoenix Splash for a near fall. Frazier hit a Tope Suicida on Hayes on the outside, spilling water on Vinci. Vinci pushed Frazier from the top rope into the ring, leaving Hayes to hit the top rope Leg drop on Frazier for the pinfall win. 

Winner & Still NXT North American Champion: Carmello Hayes. 

– There was a video vignette highlighting Solo Sikoa ahead of his Falls Count Anywhere Match against Von Wagner later in the night. 

– Wade Barrett hosted the NXT Heatwave summit to make the NXT Championship Match between NXT Champion Bron Breaker and challenger JD McDonagh. JD said that he had never been in the ring with anyone with the intensity of Breakker, and said that his madness was his motivation to stomp his anger down. JD said that he will tear his muscles from his bones to crown himself the new NXT Champion. Breakker said that JD is special, saying he studied his NXT career & the smartest superstar he’s been in the ring. Breakker pointed out a flaw on JD’s plan, saying that everyone’s plans go off the rails against him once he breaks them in half. JD said that Breakker likes to handle pain, but JD enjoys it. Breakker signed the contract after JD’s saw a weird face from Breakker. JD said that the summit would end in violence, telling him that it will end in blood. JD signed the contract by gauging his own finger.

– Apollo Crews encountered NXT Tag Team Champions The Creed Brothers to tell him to keep an eye agaisnt D’Angelo & Stacks, which The Creeds responded by inviting Crews to the Dojo. Damon Kemp joined and told them that Roderick Strong would run late. 

– NXT Champion Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne were hooting and hollering ahead of Mandy Rose’s match against Sarray.

Mandy Rose vs. Sarray.

Rose tossed Sarray to the ground. Sarray got Rose in a wrist lock, but Rose reversed it with a snap mare headlock. Sarray got Rose with another wrist lock, but Rose reversed it with a wrist lock knee drop. Sarray hit a running crossbody and a Victory Roll/ Stomp Combo on Rose. Rose laid in the punches on Sarray for a near fall. Sarray hit a sunset flip for a near fall before hitting her with a shotgun drop kick. Sarray went for a kick, but Rose slammed Saray into the apron. Rose laid in the punches on Rose in the corner before laying her knee on Sarray’s head in the bottom turnbuckle for a near fall. Sarray got Rose with a schoolboy roll up for. anear fall before Rose hit Sarray with a wheelbarrow face slam for a near fall. Sarray hit two lateral presses on Rose for two near falls, to which Sarray responded with a shotgun dropkick on Rose for a near fall. Sarray hit an arm drag, a drop toe hold, a middle rope shotgun dropkick, and a Perfect Plex on Rose for a near fall. Rose hit a spine buster on Sarray for a near fall before Rose hit a V-Trigger on Sarray the pinfall win. 

Winner: Mandy Rose.

– After the match, Rose got a steel chair to the ring. She missed the chair shot on the first attempt before she laid in the chair shots on Sarray. Zoey Stark came to the ring and hit three lariats and a superkick on Rose before the NXT Women’s Champion walked out of the ring.  

– There was a video vignette highlighting Tiffany Stratton doing gymnastics, saying everything she does is pretty. She also mentined that she will beat Wendy Choo whenever they face each other again.

– Axiom was interviewed backstage but was interviewed by Duke Hudson. Hudson said he was 270 pounds, but closer to 265 because he was cutting weight. Hudson called Axiom a near before smacking him straight in the face. Hudson and Axiom brawled backstage before making their way into the ramp. Hudson ran Axiom into the barricade before tossing him into the ring. Hudson stomped down Axiom before hitting him with a spinning Uranage. Hudson stood tall in the ring. Axiom challenged Hudson to an impromtu match, which Hudson accepted. 

Axiom vs. Duke Hudson.

Hudson slammed Axiom into the corner before he booted Axiom out of the ring from the top rope. Back in the ring, Duke hit a uranage on Axiom. Hudson laid in the elbow drops on Axiom. Hudson went for a Razor’s Edge, but Axiom reversed into a hurricarana. Axion got Hudson with a tilt-to-world Victory roll for the shocking pinfall win. 

Winner: Axiom.

– Wes Lee was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, where Lee said Trick Williams was imitating Muhammad Ali. Lee challenged Williams to a match for the 8/2/2022 edition of NXT.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

The Creed Brothers (Brutus Creed & Julius Creed) (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo.

Julius hit a waist lock take down & a side headlock on D’Angelo, but D’Angelo pushed off Julius. Julius tossed Stacks into Brutus, who got him in a fireman’s carry takedown. Brutus hit Stacks with a pop-up face slam before hitting him with a double chop. Julius hit an atomic drop on Stacks. D’Angelo hit a Release Suplex on Julius. Julius struggled to get back up, which Stacks took advantage of this by hitting a suplex on Julius. Julius laid in the punches, but Stacks slammed his shoulder on Julius chest. D’Angelo hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Julius for a near fall. Stacks got Julius in a Kimura lock, quickly transitioning into a hammerlock on Julius before he placed him in the corner. Stacks hit a spinning back elbow on Julius. D’Angelo laid in punches on Julius before Stacks hit a chop on Julius. Stacks hit an uppercut on Julius. Stacks got Julius in a Single Leg Crab, but Julius broke the hold and tagged in Brutus. Brutus got Stacks back in the ring before he sent him back outside with the pounce. Stacks hit a lariat on Brutus. D’Angelo stomped Brutus’ injured hand. Stacks kicked Brutus in the abdomen before slamming Brutus’ hand on the top turnbuckle. D’Angelo hit a suplex on Brutus while Brutus’s hand was inside his singlet. Stacks got Brutus in a Fujiwara arm bar, but Brutus broke the hold with two forearm strikes. Stacks hit a drop-toe hold on Brutus before stomping his hand again. Julius tagged in and hit a tilt-to-world back breaker, a hip toss on Stacks, a lariat on D’Angelo, an overhead suplex, two forearm strikes, another overhead suplex, and a dropkick on D’angelo. Stacks pulled Brutus off the apron, but Brutus chased him down and hit forearm strikes on Stacks. Elektra Lopez gifted D’Angelo the crowbar, but a returning Santos Escobar pulled D’Angelo and laid him in with a punch. Julius hit D’Angelo with a rolling fireman’s carry takedown before laying D’Angelo out with the Unnecessary Clothesline for the pinfall win. 

Winners & Still NXT Tag Team Champions: The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) (c).

– Roxanne Perez had a backstage promo challenging Cora Jade to a match on NXT Heatwave, saying that she did not want to be associated with Cora Jade ever again. 

– Cora Jade denied Roxanne Perez’s challenge, saying she was the talk of the town with Roman Reigns and the returning Bayley. Mandy Rose offered Jade a chance at the NXT Women’s Championship if she took out Zoey Stark, to which Jade responded by saying she would think about it. 

– There was a video vignette highlighting Von Wagner ahead of his Falls Count Anywhere Match against Solo SIkoa later in the night. 

– Newly crowned NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Chance & Carter were interviewed backstage, saying that they worked hard to win the titles and thanked the fans for never giving up on them.

Brooks Jensen (w/ Fallon Henley & Josh Briggs) vs. Joe Gacy (w/ The Dyan)

The two locked up before Jensen hit two corner lariats, an Irish Whip, a back body drop, and multiple punches on Gacy. Gacy hit a spike DDT on Jensen and laid in the strikes on Jensen. Gacy hit a corner lariat and a running low forearm on Jensen. Gacy hit a Uranage and an elbow drop on Jensen for a near fall. Jensen hit a leg lariat on Gacy. Pretty Deadly came to the ring to distract Jensen to which led to Gacy hitting a cartwheel lariat on Jensen for the pinfall win.

Winner: Joe Gacy.

– Joe Gacy called out Cameron Grimes to join the Schism, saying that he understood his pain. After his speech,  the camera cut to a confused Grimes backstage watching the show with the rest of the NXT Roster. 

– Santos Escobar and Tony D’Angelo spoke on the telephone before the two agreed to a final meeting. D’Angelo slammed his phone into the locker. 

Alba Fyre vs. Lash Legend.

Fyre hit a series of chops on Legend before hitting a low DDT on Legend for a near fall. Legend hit. a forearm strike and a pump kick on Fyre. Legend slammed Fyre’s head into the mat before locking in an Inverted cravat on Fyre’s neck, which she turned into a neck breaker. Legend hit a lariat on Fyre from behind. Fyre laid in the palm strikes on Legend’s abdomen, but Legend caught in a mid-rack attack GTS for a near fall. Legend hit Fyre with a double-under hook suplex on Fyre. Fyre tossed Legend in the corner before hitting a Tornado DDT. Fyre went to the top turnbuckle, but Legend met her on the top. Fyre hit a knee strike on Legend. She went for a top rope move, but Legend evaded. Legend swong the bat on Fyre, but Fyre hit two superkicks, a Gory Bomb, and the Swanton Bomb on Legend for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Alba Fyre.

– Carmello Hayes and Trick Williams helped out three women fix a car, with Williams revealing he would face Lee in a rematch soon. Williams will face Lee in a Rounds Match.

– Nikkita Lyons cut a promo backstage, saying that Kiana James should have saved her time doing the Powerpoint because she was an open book. She challenged James to a match on the 8/9/2022 edition of NXT 2.0.

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone)

Sikao laid in the strikes on Wagner and hit a running chop on Wagner. On the outside, Sikoa hit a shoulder tackle and a running senton on Wagner for a near fall. Back in the ring, Sikoa hit a body splash, a body slam, and a diving headbutt on Wagner for a near fall. Sikoa hit a hip attack on Wagner, sending him out of the ring. Wagner slammed Sikoa into the apron before slamming him head-first into the stairs. Wagner placed three chairs and the stairs inside the ring. Wagner hit a chair shot on Sikoa’s back thrice before hitting him with a back suplex onto the chair for a near fall. Wagner hit two more chair shots on Sikoa’s left arm Wagner placed two chairs before slamming Sikoa into the chairs for a near fall. Back outside the ring, Wagner hit a lariat on Sikoa. Wagner set up the broadcast table, but Sikoa hit a Samoan Drop onto the broadcast table for a near fall. Sikoa and Wganer brawled backstagem where he pushed Carmello Hayes into the car. Wagner dumped Sikoa into the dumpster. Sikoa popped out of the trash and tossed a trash bag on Wagner’s face. Sikoa slammed Wagner into a metal door before running his knees into the metal. Sikoa and Wagner slammed each other into Cameron Grimes. Wagner hit a back suplex on Sikoa into a random table for a near fall. Sikoa sprayed Wagner in the face with a fire extinguisher. Back in the ring, Sikoa hit a lariat, a series of jabs, a superkick, and a Samoan drop on Wagner. Fired up, Sikoa got a steel chair and slammed it into Wagner’s back five times Sikoa hit a spinning Uranage on Wagner into the stairs for a near fall. Sikoa got on the top rope, but Mr. Stone hugged his leg. Sikoa hit a headbutt on Stone, sidelining him out of the match. Wagner took Sikoa off the top rope. Wager went for the Death Valley Driver, but Sikoa pushed Wagner into the ring post before hitting two superkicks on Wagner. With Wagner placed on the broadcast table, Sikoa hit a Frog Splash onto the broadcast table for the hard-fought pinfall win. Sikoa stood tall in the ring to end the show.

Winner: Solo Sikoa.


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