
WWE SmackDown Results (7/22/2022): Maximum Male Models Beachwear, Shinsuke Nakamura In Action + More

Results for the 7/22/2022 edition of SmackDown, live on FOX.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/22/2022 edition of SmackDown on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– Michael Cole and Pat McAfee welcomed the audience to the broadcast, airing live from Boston Massachusetts. 

– After Vince McMahon announced his retirement from the company earlier in the day, WWE CEO Stephanie McMahon made her way to the ring to cut a promo. McMahon welcomed the audience to SmackDown to address Vince retiring from WWE. There were loud “Thank you Vince” chants. Stephanie said that they were thankful for Vince’s time before asking the crowd to thank Vince.

– The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) came to the ring to cut a promo, recreating their NXT Entrance by walking in from the crowd. Ford reminded the crowd that they were facing The Usos on SummerSlam, with Dawkins followed with a fiery promo saying that anything is possible. Theory interrupted the Street Profits to remind the crowd that he has in mind to cash in the money In The Bank Briefcase on the Main Event of SummerSlam but it was immediately interrupted by WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso). Jey told Theory that if he continued to talk trash about Reigns, he would be walking out in a stretcher. The Usos and Street Profits brawled in the ring, with Theory helping out The Usos. Madcap Moss tackled The Usos and Theory. Ford, Dawkins, and Moss cleaned the house before Dawkins hit a Tope Con Giro on The Usos and Theory. 

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ludwig Kaiser (w/ Gunther).

Kaiser started the match laying strikes on Nakamura in the corner. Kaiser hit a running low-uppercut on Nakamura for a near fall. Kaiser punched down Nakamura’s head before stomping his head. Kaiser went for a Camel clutch on Nakamura before hitting an elbow strike on Nakamura. Nakamura hit a side-kick on Kaiser. Nakamura hit a series of kicks on Kaiser before hitting a snap mare/ knee-drop on Kaiser for a near fall. Nakamura choked Kaiser in the corner with a stanky leg. Kaiser slapped Nakamura before hitting a single-under hook suplex/ kick combination for a near fall. Kaiser hit a snap suplex on Nakamura for a near fall. Nakamura hit a kick on Kaiser’s neck. Nakamura hit a running knee on Kaiser’s abdomen. Nakamura got to the apron and tried to kick Kaiser’s chest, but Kaiser slammed him into the apron. Kaiser then slammed Nakamura into the metal stairs on the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Nakamura hit an Enziguri kick on Kaiser. Kaiser laid in strikes before hitting a sliding kick. Nakamura hit the rope-assisted sliding German Suplex on Kaiser for a near fall. Kaiser hit a back elbow on Nakamura, but Nakamura caught him with a middle-rope knee strike. Nakamura got Kaiser back in the ring, but Gunther confronted Nakamura. Kaiser got Nakamura in a small package for a near fall. Nakamura hit a spinning side kick on Kaiser. Nakamura went for an O’Connor Roll for a near fall, but Gunther hit a cheap shot on Gunther. Kaiser hit a Sister Abigail DDT for the pinfall win.

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser (w/ Gunther).

– After the match, Intercontinental Champion Gunther teased chopping Kaiser but told him it was fine. Gunther then proceeded to chop the soul out of Kaiser on the ramp. 

– Ronda Rousey and SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan were together for a face-off interview backstage, hosted by Kayla Braxton. Rousey kicked out Braxton to tell Morgan that she respects her, but Rousey said that she needed to beat her and expect Morgan to shake her hand after the match. Morgan said that she will beat her because she wants and needs the championship more than her, agreeing that she will shake her hand after the match. 

– Happy Corbin attacked Pat McAfee from behind, tossing him into the broadcast table and the barricade. McAfee chased down Corbin on the Guerrilla Position before being stopped by Adam Pearce and “Lil Petey Pump” Petey Williams before the commercial break. 

– Pat McAfee walked through the ramp to the ring to tell Corbin that he won’t be able to tun or hide as it will be man vs. big, dumb, bald baby. McAfee said that he will put his “big ass” down for good on SummerSlam 2022. 

Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Jinder Mahal & Shanky

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods joined the commentary team for the match, while Jinder Mahal entered with a new theme song. Mahal and Erik locked up before Erik hit a double-forearm strike on Mahal. Erik and Ivar laid in the strikes on Mahal before Ivar laid in a series of back-elbow strikes. Ivar hit a leaping senton on Mahal. Mahal and Ivar exchanged strikes outside the ring before Ivar tossed Mahal into the ring stairs and into The New Day, winning the match via a count-out. 

Winners: Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (via Countout).

– Sonya Deville confronted Adam Pearce to make fun of his misfortunes and said that she paid her fine. Pearce informed her that she will face Raquel Rodriguez later in the night. 

– Sheamus, Butch, and Ridge Holland came to the ring to cut a promo and immediately pointed out all the fake Irish folks in the Boston crowd. Sheamus slandered Drew McIntyre for trying to slice his head off with a sword, saying that he would not wrestle against McIntyre until the sword was completely banned. Sheamus said that Drew should be called “McMenace” because of his audacity. McIntyre came to the ring to interrupt Sheamus. Sheamus instructed Ridge to escort Butch out of the ring. McIntyre asked Sheamus when did he become such a bitch for running away from him. McIntyre pointed out that they had the chance to main event the first UK show in 30 years. McIntyre told Sheamus that they need a real champion, telling Sheamus that he knew he had that fire in him and demanded a match against him at that moment if he had the balls. Sheamus admitted that he got goosebumps from his speech, but said that he was getting his match. While it was not happening on this humble night in Boston, Sheamus informed him that it will take place on the 7/29/2022 edition of SmackDown in an Irish Donnybrook Match, with McIntyre’s sword forbidden from the match. Adam Pearce came to the ring to make the match official before McIntyre broke one of Sheamus’ Irish sticks with his sword. 

– The Usos were backstage getting hyped before Paul Heyman calmed them down. Heyman told them that Street Profits would be the best tag team of their generation if it was not for The Usos. Heyman said that they should exploit Theory before saying that his face is facing the mat after the match. 

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Sonya Deville

Deville and Raquel locked up before Deville laid her forearm on Raquel’s face. Deville went for a waist lock, but Raquel broke the hold and hit her with a waist lock of her own. Deville hit back elbows on Raquel before slamming Raquel’s face into the turnbuckles. Deville hit a running knee on Raquel for a near fall. Deville got Raquel in a rear-naked choke, but Raquel broke the hold by hitting Deville with a headbutt. Raquel hit a Fall Away Slam on Deville before hitting a corkscrew splash on Deville for a near fall via a rope break. Deville got Raquel in a Guillotine Choke, but Raquel broke the hold by tossing Deville into the mat. Deville hit a DDT on Raquel for a near fall. Deville hit a series of kicks before Raquel caught one of her kicks with the Tejano Bomb for the pinfall win.

– Lacey Evans cut a promo slandering the crowd for booing her. Evans detailed that Boston was built by “good people” like her, saying that there is no wonder why Tom Brady left New England. Evans said that there was no one in the building that can walk in her boots because there was no one better than her. Evans hit the Women’s Right on Aliyah, canceling the match for a third week in a row. 

– Kayla Braxton interviewed none other than Jeff Jarrett, who said that it was an honor to be the special guest referee for the match. Jarrett said that the match between Usos and Street Profits was going to be the biggest tag team match in SummerSlam, saying that he was the right man to keep the tempers settled. 

– Maxxine Dupri (NXT Manager Sofia Cromwell) was backstage to reveal that the Beachwear collection was moved for the 7/29/2022 edition of SmackDown.

– New Day vs. Viking Raiders & Lacey Evans vs. Aliyah are set for the 7/29/2022 edition of SmackDown. 

Theory & The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) vs. Madcap Moss & Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford).

Dawkins began the match with a roll-up on Jimmy for a near fall. Dawkins hit a leaping dropkick on Jimmy Uso for a near fall before getting Jimmy with an elbow-lock. Jimmy broke the hold by placing Dawkins in the corner. Dawkins hit a spinning corner splash on Jimmy before Ford hit a dropkick on Jimmy. Dawkins and Ford hit a double dropkick on Jey before Moss tackled Theory off the apron before the commercial break. After the commercial break, Moss had Jey in a side headlock before Theory hit a forearm strike on Moss. Theory stomped down Moss in the corner for a near fall. Theory hit an arm drag/arm lock on Moss before hitting elbow strikes on Moss’ neck. Jimmy laid in the punches on Moss in the corner. The Usos extended Moss’ legs before Jey slapped Moss in the head. Dawkins tagged in and hit a rolling elbow drop, a spinning-corner splash, and an enziguri kick, but Jey responded with a low-slap on Dawkins. Ford hit a cross body on Jey for a near fall Ford hit a super kick and an enziguri kick on Jey. Ford kicked Theory in the head but was caught by Jey with a slap, sending him into the broadcast table. Jimmy and Theory tossed Ford over the barricade before the commercial break. Back from the break, Jey hit a super kick on Dawkins off the apron. Ford hit a DDT on Jey before tagging in Moss. Moss hit two lariats & a face buster on Jimmy, a Fall Away Slam on Theory, a clothesline on Jey to the outside, and a Uranage on Jimmy for a near fall. Moss went for a neck breaker, but Jimmy caught him with a super kick for a near fall. Jimmy went for the tag on Theory, but theory stepped off the apron. Jey hit a super kick on Theory before sending Theory to the other side of ringside. Ford hit a Tope Con Giro on The Usos and Theory to the outside. Theory got back in the ring and exchanged punches with Moss. Theory hit a suplex-neck breaker for a near fall. Theory went for A-Town Down, but Moss evaded the move and hit a shoulder tackle on Theory. Theory launched the MITB Briefcase on Moss in the head, costing him & The Usos the match with a DQ. 

WInners: Madcap Moss & Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford).

– After the match, Brock Lesnar came to the ring and confronted Theory on ringside. Lesnar got in the ring and hit him with an F5 and slammed Theory in the back with the MITB Briefcase. Lesnar hit a second F5 on Theory into the briefcase. Lesnar stood dominant in the middle of the ring to end the show. 


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