WWE Tribute To The Troops 2017 Results: Superstars From Raw & Smackdown Live Perform In Front Of The Troops

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for WWE Tribute To The Troops 2017. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts with Lillian Garcia signing the National Anthem.

The Shield (Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins) vs. Samoa Joe & The Bar (Cesaro & Sheamus)

The match begins with Cesaro doing a little work on the arm of Rollins, Rollins gets Cesaro down before tagging Ambrose in. Ambrose and Rollins nail Cesaro with some double team moves for a near fall, Ambrose mounts Cesaro in the corner before assaulting him with strikes. Cesaro catches Ambrose with a European uppercut before tagging Sheamus in, Ambrose attacks Sheamus with a plethora of chops. Sheamus traps Ambrose in the corner before tagging Joe in, Joe immediately nails Ambrose with a series of strikes. Ambrose fights back and The Shield work together to knock the opposition out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Sheamus hit Rollins with a knee drop for a near fall.

Rollins is knocked out of the ring and Joe nails him with a clothesline, Ambrose comes out of nowhere to nail Joe with a suicide dive. Rollins gets back in the ring and he sends a charging Sheamus into the ring post, Reigns and Cesaro get the tags from their partners. Reigns quickly cleans house on the opposing team, Reigns destroys Cesaro with clothesline strikes in the corner. Reigns hits Cesaro with a boot to the face followed by a Samoan drop for a near fall, Joe appears behind Reigns and he locks him in a choke until Rollins breaks it up. Reigns nails Cesaro with a superman punch for a near fall, Sheamus hits the ring to get taken out by Rollins and Ambrose. Reigns nails Cesaro with a spear for the three count.

Winners: The Shield (Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins)

After the match, The Shield takes turns on the microphone thanking the troops for all that they do to keep the country safe.

– Cast members from Star Wars: The Last Jedi pay tribute to the troops.

Non-Title Match

Charlotte (WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion) w/Naomi vs. Ruby Riott w/Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan vs. Carmella

The match begins with Riott running out of the ring while Charlotte and Carmella do battle, Charlotte drops Carmella and Riott hits her with a few strikes. Charlotte corners Riott before nailing her with multiple shoulder rams, Charlotte turns around and Carmella nails her with a clothesline. Riott holds Charlotte as Carmella nails her with some chops, Charlotte fights back before sending Carmella into Riott. Charlotte goes for the figure eight when Natalya arrives to distract her as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Riott smashing the face of Charlotte into the middle turnbuckle.

Carmella then hits Charlotte with a bronco buster before Riott drops her, Riott then smashes Charlotte face first into the middle turnbuckle for a near fall. Charlotte nails Riott with a kick before shoving her to the mat below, Charlotte goes to the top rope and Riott meets her up there. Riott looks for a superplex and Carmella knocks her off the ropes, Carmella catches Charlotte with a hurricarana for a near fall. Charlotte then hits Riott and Carmella with a double suplex, Charlotte then attacks both opponents with chops. Charlotte then hits Carmella with a neck breaker before catching Riott with an exploder suplex, Riott nails Charlotte with her finisher and Carmella tries stealing the pin. Carmella then knocks Riott back out of the ring with a super kick, Charlotte locks Carmella in the Figure Eight for the tap out.

Winner: Charlotte w/Naomi

After the match, Charlotte grabs the microphone and says she is inspired by all the women serving in the military.

– Highlights are then shown of the WWE superstars visiting with the troops.

– The cast of Pitch Perfect 3 pay tribute to the troops. 

– Luke Bryan & Stephen Colbert pay tribute to the troops.

– Machine Gun Kelly performs a song for the troops.

– The cast of Daddy's Home 2 pays tribute to the troops.

– Sgt. Slaughter tries paying tribute to the troops until Dolph Ziggler arrives, The Miz appears to shill The Marine movies. Mark Henry arrives to defend Slaughter, who finally pays tribute to the troops.

– Before the next match begins, The New Day get on the microphone and says that they will fight for the troops tonight.

The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) w/Kofi Kingston & The Usos (Jimmy & Jey) vs. Rusev, Aiden English, Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable

The match begins with E locking Gable in the abdominal stretch while spanking him, Jey tags in and he nails Gable with a running butt smash for a near fall. Benjamin distracts Jey and Gable knocks him out of the ring with a rolling kick, Rusev knocks Jey into the barricade as we go to the commercial break. We return from the break to see Rusev holding Jey in a chin lock, English tags in and he stomps away on a downed Jey. Benjamin tags in and he mauls Jey with some strikes and a spine buster, Gable tags in and Jey knocks Benjamin out of the ring before dropping Gable with a Samoan drop.

Jimmy tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team, Jimmy then hits everybody from the opposing team with super kicks. Jey then takes everybody out besides Benjamin with a suicide dive, E tags in and he works with Woods to hit Benjamin with the Midnight Hour for a three count.

Winners: The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) w/Kofi Kingston & The Usos (Jimmy & Jey)

– The cast of Ferdinad pays tribute to the troops.

– Lester Holt, Chrissy Metz, Christopher Meloni, Blake Shelton, Savannah Guthrie & Megyn Kelly all pay tribute to the troops.

Absolution (Paige, Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose) vs. Sasha Banks, Mickie James & Bayley

The match begins with Bayley working over Rose with a headlock, Rose then backs Bayley into the corner before eating a few strikes. Bayley smashes Rose face first into the top turnbuckle for a near fall, James and Deville get tagged in by their respective partners. Deville and James have a striking exchange after some chain wrestling. James then drops Deville with a flying forearm strike for a near fall, Deville rolls out of the ring and James follows her out in another striking exchange as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see James nail Deville with a running kick for a near fall, Bayley tags in and Deville quickly traps her in the wrong corner.

Rose tags in and Bayley nails her with a stunner in the ropes, Paige and Deville distract Bayley so Rose can nail her with a knee strike for a near fall. Deville tags in and Bayley sends her into the corner before tagging Banks in, Banks quickly cleans house on the opposing team. Banks then crushes Paige with a series of double knee strikes, Banks and Bayley knock Rose and Deville out of the ring before landing dives, James tags in and she hits Paige with a flapjack. James then hits Paige with a top rope Thesz Press for a near fall, James then dives onto everybody on the arena floor. Paige catches James with Rampaige for the three count.

Winners: Absolution (Paige, Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose)

– Machine Gun Kelly performs again.

– Clint Eastwood, the cast of Father Figures and members of the United States Winter Olympic Team pay tribute to the troops.

Shinsuka Nakamura, AJ Styles & Randy Orton vs. Jinder Mahal, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn w/The Singh Brothers

The match begins with Owens locking Orton in a headlock, Orton breaks free and Owens drops him with a shoulder tackle. Orton recovers and he catches a charging Owens with a power slam, Orton goes for the RKO and Owens gets to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Orton smashing the face of Owens on the announce table. Owens stomps away on Orton as they return to the ring, Mahal tags in and Orton nails him with strikes before tagging Styles in. Styles would then drop Mahal with a drop kick, Nakamura tags in and he nails Mahal with a series of knee strikes.

The Singh Brothers distract Nakamura and that allows Mahal to attack him from behind, Zayn tags in and Nakamura nails him with a knee strike followed by a spin kick. Styles and Owens get the tags from their respective partners, Styles quickly cleans house on the opposing team. Styles catches Owens with the face plant for a near fall, Styles goes for the Styles Clash and Owens breaks it up with a back body drop. Styles recovers and he applies the calf crusher to Owens until Mahal breaks it up, Orton hits the ring and he take out the Singh Brothers with a double DDT. Owens nails Orton with a super kick before eating a pele kick from Styles, Nakamura and Zayn get tagged into the match.

Nakamura drops Zayn and he attacks him with a plethora of kicks, Nakamura gets Zayn to the top rope before landing a running knee lift. Owens attacks Nakamura and Styles takes him out with a Phenomenal Fore Arm, Mahal hits the ring and Orton nails him with an RKO. Nakamura then hits Zayn with a running knee strike for a three count.

Winners: Shinsuka Nakamura, AJ Styles & Randy Orton

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