Urijah Faber Witnessed Sacramento Mayor Delivering Beatdown

As a former World Extreme Cagefighting Featherweight Champion and a  UFC Bantamweight Title challenger on multiple occasions, Urijah Faber has seen a lot in his life, but nothing may have topped what he saw Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson do to a person who smashed a pie into his face.

While I can easily describe the events that unfolded for you, let us read what Faber told TMZ (as transcribed by Bloody Elbow) about the events that occurred.

"As I roll up, you got people helping the mayor off the ground. And you got a dude detained with knees in his back and he's bloodied up – beat up and whatnot. KJ's brushing himself off, trying to contain himself. KJ's mom had to be held back because her baby just got attacked and she's wanting to get into the mix. She wanted to step in and help out. But what a crazy turn of events. What happened is, the guy came up beside us. And I don't care if you have a pie, or a glove, or whatever. If you're getting hit with something, you're getting hit with something. A little bit of cream is not going to stop a blow to the head, and Kevin reacted. I mean, you're talking about an alpha male right there, the guy is a pro athlete. I don't think it was a decision, I think it was a reaction. He took care of the dude, that's for sure” said Faber.

Kevin Johnson’s term as the Mayor of Sacrament is nearing its conclusion, but maybe he has a future as an MMA fighter?

Urijah Faber most recently competed at UFC 203, dropping a unanimous decision to Jimmie Rivera.

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