Tips for Preparing for College Wrestling

To be successful in the collegiate wrestling team takes more than what happens on the mat. To even get noticed for the college wrestling team, one has to consider some factors in preparation for college wrestling. This article has compiled some of the most crucial things that students can do to be readily prepared for wrestling in the college team.

These tips are particularly helpful to students who are still working on their college admission and have ambitions to be in the collegiate wrestling team. Nonetheless, students who are already in college and seek to be drafted in the wrestling team can as well take this advice to increase their chances of getting drafted into the college wrestling team.

Achieving Academic Success

The level of competitiveness that one shows on the wrestling mat should also be shown in the classroom. The beginnings of anyone’s wrestling career largely depends on their performance in academics. For one to get a chance to attend the college of their choice and participate in their wrestling team, they need to first apply and gain admission into the university. This is in addition to receiving consent from NCAA Clearinghouse. This is an organization that is responsible for the evaluation of academic profiles of students who aspire to be athletes in college. The NCAA Clearinghouse determines whether the prospective athletes are eligible for the sports’ Division II or I levels.

The NCAA Clearinghouse evaluates aspiring student-athletes based on the students’ ACT or SAT scores, their grade point average, and their amateur status; to verify that there is full conformity with the rules and regulations of the NCAA.

That is to say, whether or not a student gets recruited to join the collegiate wrestling teams depends on more than just their physical capabilities. That being said, it is quite sad to come across a promising and talented athlete who couldn’t make it to the varsity team due to unsatisfactory academic performance. As such, it is completely understandable and even encouraged these students to use the services of professional essay writers. Students only need to buy essay uk to improve their grades.

Impressive Technical Capabilities and Skills

Wrestling at the collegiate level is extremely tough. Virtually every wrestler at this level is probably the best from their home area or high school. For any hopes of survival, any aspiring wrestler has to make adequate preparations in advance. Some of the crucial things that wrestlers could do to improve their technical skills on the mat include:

  • Getting out from the bottom

In the course of one’s wrestling career, they’ll be introduced to an aspect known as the riding time. Riding time can, essentially, be defined as the quality of being in total control of the wrestling mat for even a minute longer than one’s opponent. Usually, after the match regulation time, one point is awarded to the wrestler with more riding time. This point could be extremely useful in closely-contested matches.

  • Shot setups

At the collegiate wrestling level, most of the fighters’ neutral positioning is impeccable. The opponents are usually stronger, bigger, or even have more discipline. Therefore, it is more complicated for a fighter to shoot without enough thought and expect to score. When fighting competitors with incredibly impeccable and improved setups to shots, one needs to get the best angles, ties for control, and use of motion to throw their competitors off-balance.

  • Completing takedowns

For one to be successful in wrestling matches, they need to not only learn how to secure their leg but also how to complete their takedowns properly. Fine details in takedowns such as the placement of the head, hands, and the pressure amount cause the difference between a non-desirable takedown and a winning one.

Participating in Tournaments

In a year, there are innumerable tournaments held. Collegiate-level wrestling coaches usually attend all these tournaments. These tournaments provide a great opportunity for any aspiring wrestler to be scouted. In these matches, only the best talents are in attendance. Therefore, competition is usually high. Nevertheless, turning up, competing and striving to perform well may land one a college scholarship and a draft-pick to the varsity wrestling team. Prospective wrestlers are advised to try attending these matches and give their all for a chance to pursue college and probably pro wrestling.

To be successful in the collegiate level wrestling, the minimum is barely enough. In this level of wrestling, the sport ceases to be seasonal and becomes more mandatory and happening more frequently throughout the year. Wrestling becomes less of a sport and pretty much a lifestyle. The more practice and preparation one does, the more they are ready for success in collegiate wrestling.

Note: The opinions and advice in this article do not necessarily reflect that of Fightful editors and staff

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