Sean O’Malley Wants To Headline UFC Event Upon Return

Sean O’Malley is currently on the shelf while recovering from surgery on a torn ligament in his foot, an injury sustained while defeating Andre Soukhamthath at UFC 222.

The prospect isn’t expected to return to action until late 2018, but he would like to headline a UFC event when that return happens.

“My plan is to headline; I really want to headline my next card. I think I deserve it. It would sell good, well not necessarily sell good, but it would get a lot of views with me headlining the card,” he said on The MMA Hour“I’m thinking October or November some time. For five rounds, I want to make sure that I get an extra month or so to get really in shape for that.”

While O’Malley has yet to headline a UFC card, both of his bouts in the promotion have occurred on the events main card.

O’Malley admits that he hasn’t paid much attention to the other fighters in the bantamweight division, but will do so as the return to action nears.

“I haven’t been really paying too much attention to the division. I need to sit down and see who we want to fight next,” says O’Malley.

There has been no word yet from the UFC on whom O’Malley could fight next or what position on the card that bout could take place at.

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