Report: Augusto Sakai Signs New 6 Fight Deal With The UFC

Augusto Sakai is currently ranked #12 in the UFC Heavyweight Division and the fighter holds a 3-0-0 record in the promotion (14-1-1 overall).

The rising fighter will have a chance to potentially add a few more victories to that record in the UFC because Sakai has signed a new six fight deal with the promotion.

It was Sakai who revealed the news via Instagram:



DEUS É BOM O TEMPO TODO… Felicidade define. Contrato renovado ——– Fico emocionado por lembrar de um passado não tão distante, onde passei por dois anos terríveis, foram lesões, fratura, derrota e a perca de contrato com outra organização. Zombaram da minha Fé, desacreditaram do meu potencial e hoje estou onde sempre quis estar. Após um ano de contrato com o @ufc anuncio a renovação do contrato. Durante esse tempo, nunca perdi minha Fé e segui trabalhando duro todos os dias, pois eu sabia que o melhor estaria por vir. Por isso eu sempre falo: nunca desista e siga em frente. O tempo ruim é só uma fase e o melhor é logo ali. Glória a Deus por tudo e vamos em frente —— #thanksgod #sempreemfrente #UFC #UFCBrasil #nuncadesista #MMA

A post shared by Augusto Sakai (@augustosakai) on

Here is a translation of what Sakai wrote, provided by Google Translate:

“GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME…Happiness defines. Contract renewed. I am thrilled to remember a not so distant past, where I had two terrible years, were injuries, fracture, defeat and losing my contract with another organization. They mocked my faith, discredited my potential, and today I am where I always wanted to be. After a year of contract with @ufc I announce the renewal of the contract. During that time, I never lost my faith and kept working hard every day, because I knew the best would come. That’s why I always say: never give up and move on. Bad weather is just a phase and the best is right there. Glory to God for everything and let’s go ahead.”

MMA Fighting revealed the length of the contract, while also getting the following statement from Sakai:

“Anyone in the top 15, that’s what I want. I thought they were going to call me to replace Walt Harris against Overeem but they went with Jairzinho, so I’m waiting. Whenever they call me, I’m ready.”

There is no word yet as to when Sakai is going to be back in action, as the fighter last competed at UFC Fight Night Vancouver in September of 2019.

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