René Duprée Says He Was In Charge With John Cena

René Duprée believes he helped make his feud with John Cena a success. 

For the majority of 2004, the Canadian Duprée feuded with Cena over the United States championship. He never won the title from Cena, but in an interview with The Hannibal TV, he says the matches with Cena were his creation. 

“I called everything. I called everything.” said Dupree regarding the action during the matches. 

He also says he was able to do something in matches with Cena that doesn’t seem to happen anymore. 

“Because I was a heel. I can get people to hate me. I’m not trying to do fancy moves, I’m there to build him, that’s my job. That’s what’s kind of lacking in this day and age.”

Besides his work to help John Cena’s iconic United States title reign, a lot of fans remember Duprée because of an in-ring assault by Bob Holly. He spoke about the physical consequences from Holly’s attack. 

“It’s been told a millions time but, I got kicked in the head, If you can see (reveals the ride side of his scalp), you can see a close up of that, there’s the scar, I don’t know if you can see it. I got kicked in the head, got a massive concussion, a hematoma developed. They operated in the locker room and it got infected, wasn’t taken care of. I should’ve rested, let it heal before I got back in the ring. I was just doing as I was told and it actually exploded in a fucking — excuse my language, it exploded in an airplane.”

Duprée says his hematoma exploded upon landing at the airport in Cincinnati, Ohio. He described it as ‘bleeding to death.’

The full interview is available at TheHannibalTV.comWrestlingINC has more quotes from the interview. More segments from the interview are available on The Hannibal TV’s youtube. 

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