NJPW/ROH Honor Rising Day #1 Results: Kenny Omega Returns & The IWGP NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Titles Are Defended

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for NJPW/ROH Honor Rising Day #1. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

You can see the full results below. 

IWGP NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title Match: Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi) (Champions) def. Delirious, Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Tiger Mask IV to retain the titles

Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Adam Cole) def. Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) 

Katsuyori Shibata & Jay Lethal def. Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Cody)

Punisher Martinez & Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi) def. Ryusuke Taguchi, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Dalton Castle 

War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) def. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay, Yoshi-Hashi & Hirooki Goto) def. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi, Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa)

David Finlay, Juice Robinson & Kushida def. Silas Young & Chaos (Gedo & Jado)

Match By Match Recap

David Finlay, Juice Robinson & Kushida vs. Silas Young & Chaos (Gedo & Jado)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between all six competitors in the match after Young cut a promo on Japan, Jado catches Finlay with a knee strike to the midsection as things settle down. Finlay recovers and he drops Jado with a European uppercut, Finlay then attacks Jado with a series of running clotheslines in the corner. Young jumps Finlay from behind to give his team the advantage, Gedo tags in and he chokes Finlay in the corner. Gedo stomps on Finlay before ripping away at his face, Jado tags in and he stomps on a downed Finlay before chopping him. Young tags back in and he slams Finlay before stomping away on him, Finlay fights back against a triple team attack from his opponents before tagging Kushida into the match.

Kushida quickly attacks Young with a variety of kicks before nailing him with a drop kick, Kushida then takes out Gedo and Jado with a handspring elbow strike. Kushida catches Young in the Hoverboard Lock, Young couters the hold by nailing Kushida with a Finlay Roll before missing a handspring moonsault. Robinson tags in and he pokes Gedo in the eyes before nailing Young with a few running clotheslines, Robinson then catches Young with a Diamond Dust followed by a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Young catches Robinson with a knee strike to the face followed by an ace crusher, Gedo and Jado hit the ring to knocks Robinson’s partners off the ring apron. Gedo and Jado nail Robinson with a series of kicks for a near fall, Robinson recovers to hit Gedo with his patented jabs. Robinson catches Gedo with a gut buster for another near fall, Finlay and Kushida take out Young and Jado with suicide dives. Robinson hits Gedo with Pulp Fiction for the three count.

Winners: David Finlay, Juice Robinson & Kushida

IWGP NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title Match: Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi) (Champions) vs. Delirious, Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Tiger Mask IV

The match begins with Evil tricking Delirious before stomping on his back, Delirious grabs the arm of Evil and smashes it over his shoulder a multitude of times. Evil gets mad and he drops Delirious with a single chop, Sanada and Mask IV get the tags from their respective partners. Bushi distracts Mask IV so Sanada jumps him from behind, Bushi tags in and he stomps on a downed Mask IV. Mask IV fights back before choking Bushi with his own shirt, Liger tags in and he nails Bushi with a palm strike. Liger puts Bushi on the top rope and Evil hits the ring to knock Liger to the arena floor, a brawl breaks out on the arena floor between everybody in the match. Bushi brings Liger into the ring so he can try to rip the mask off of his face, Sanada tags in and he attacks Liger with a ton of punches.

Sanada then drops Liger with a suplex for a near fall, Evil tags in and he assaults Liger with a ton of strikes in the corner. Evil slams Liger before catching him with a senton bomb for a near fall, Bushi tags in and he nails Liger with a missile drop kick. Liger drops an interfering Evil with a palm strike before nailing Bushi with a tilt-s-whirl back breaker, Liger then sends a charging Sanada out of the ring before tagging Mask IV in. Mask IV nails Bushi with a top rope arm drag for a near fall, Mask IV then cracks Bushi with a tombstone pile driver before going to the top rope. Evil interferes and he throws Mask IV off the top rope, Bushi then hits Mask IV with a neck breaker for a near fall. Mask IV recovers and he catches Bushi with a Tiger Driver, Delirious tags in and he nails Bushi with a flying clothesline.

Delirious misses a charge to the corner and Sanada gets a tag from Bushi, Delirious drops Sanada face first on the mat before catching him with a DDT for a near fall. Sanada is then triple teamed by all three members of the opposing team, Los Ingobernables recover to hit Delirious with a bunch of triple team moves for a near fall. Sanada goes for the Skull End and Delirious catches him with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Evil illegally nails Delirious with a chair and Sanada locks him in the Skull End to force a submission.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi), still your IWGP NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay, Yoshi-Hashi & Hirooki Goto) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi, Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between all eight competitors in the match, Tama and Roa double team Goto in the ring. Goto starts fighting back against Tama and Roa, Ospreay tags in and he nails and interfering Takahashi with a sick kick. Ospreay then levels Tama with a forearm strike followed by a cannonball in the corner, Ospreay then locks Tama in the octopus hold. Fale and Roa interfere by dragging Ospreay out of the ring before tossing him into the barricade, another brawl breaks out on the arena floor by everybody in the match. Tama starts working over a hurt Ospreay in the ring by nailing him with a headbutt, Roa tags in and he mauls Ospreay with strikes in the corner. Takahashi tags in and he catches Ospreay with a running leg drop for a near fall, Takahashi mounts and assaults Ospreay with a ton of punches.

Fale tags in and he slams Ospreay before just sitting on him for a near fall, Roa tags in and he catches Ospreay with a series of clotheslines followed by a spine buster. Roa slows things down by holding Ospreay in a chin lock, Ospreay tries fighting back and Fale tags in to stop his momentum. Ospreay drops Fale and an interfering Roa with a springboard kick to the head, Okada tags in and he cleans house on the opposition. Okada eventually slams the much larger Fale, Fale gets angry and he drops Okada with a shoulder tackle. Takahashi tags in and he catches Okada with a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Okada recovers by nailing Takahashi with a flapjack. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he clobbers Takahashi with a running chop followed by a drop kick to the back for a near fall, Takahashi recovers and he catches Yoshi-Hashi with a super kick.

All four members of Bullet Club quadruple team Yoshi-Hashi so Takahashi can get a near fall on him, another brawl breaks out between everybody in the match. Takahashi then cracks Yoshi-Hashi with an inverted death valley driver for a near fall, Ospreay hits the ring to take out Takahashi before both teams spill into the ring and take each other out. Ospreay eventually takes out Fale with a suicide dive, Yoshi-Hashi then hits a charging Takahashi with a lariat followed by his finisher for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay, Yoshi-Hashi & Hirooki Goto)

The action continues on Page Two…

War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Rowe overpowering Matt and putting him in the corner, Rowe then hits Matt with an STO followed by a shoulder tackle. Hanson and Nick get the tags from their respective partners, Hanson then tosses Nick into the turnbuckles a few times. The Bucks work together to attack both members of War Machine with double team maneuvers, War Machine catches a diving Bucks and they throws the Bucks right into each other. Hanson traps Nick in the corner before tagging Rowe into the match, War Machine then hit Nick with a series of knee strikes. Hanson tags back in and he catches a seated Nick with a splash for a near fall, Rowe tags back in and he tries double teaming Nick with Hanson. Nick eventually sends both members of War Machine to the arena floor, Matt tags in and he nails Rowe with forearm strikes.

Matt catches Hanson with a drop kick before catching Rowe with sliced bread, Matt then hits Hanson with a super kick on the arena floor. Matt then hits Rowe with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Rowe fights back by nailing Matt with a forearm strike followed by a running knee strike. Nick interferes to knock Rowe out of the ring before nailing both members of War Machine with a suicide dive, the Bucks then hit Rowe with a double team hold in the ring for a near fall. Rowe fights back and Nick crushers him with a super kick, Hanson then hits Nick with a Whoopie Cushion, Hanson goes to the top rope and Matt catches him with a springboard hurricarana. Matt traps Rowe in the ropes so Nick can nail him with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Rowe fights out of the More Bang For Your Buck before tagging Hanson in. Hanson nails both members of the Bucks with a series of running clotheslines, Nick eventually catches a charging Hanson with a knee strike to the face.

The Bucks then catch Hanson with a series of super kicks that cause him to take out his partner by accident, the Buck then catch Hanson with a series of splashes for a near fall. The Bucks go for the Meltzer Driver on Hanson and Rowe breaks it all up, Hanson then hits both members of the Bucks with a double power bomb. War Machine hit Matt with a double team power slam for a near fall, Nick then catches both members of War Machine with kicks and knee strikes. War Machine nail Nick with the Path Of Resistance and then throw him out of the ring, Matt hits the ring and he attacks both members of War Machine. Rowe then catches Matt with a running knee strike, War Machine hit Matt with The Fallout for the three count.

Winners: War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe)

Ryusuke Taguchi, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Dalton Castle vs. Punisher Martinez & Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi)

The match begins with Castle playing a little mind games with Martinez, Martinez puts Castle in the corner while ripping away at his face. Castle goes for the headlock and Martinez just shoves him away, Naito tags in and Tanahashi gets the tag in as well. Naito attacks Tanahashi and an angry Tanahashi nails him with a springboard high cross body, Taguchi tags in and he beats on Naito with a series of hip attacks alongside Tanahashi. Castle tags in and he catches Naito with a hip attack as well, Castle picks up Naito and he slams him before tagging Tanahashi in. Naito and Takahashi work together to take out Tanahashi with a series of double team moves, Naito starts stomping on the knee of Tanahashi before ripping away at his face.

Takahashi tags in and he continues stomping away on the injured knee of Tanahashi, Takahashi traps the leg of Tanahashi on the middle rope before nailing him with a drop kick. Takahashi continues to just assault the knee of Tanahashi with kicks and stomps, Naito tags in and he smashes the knee of Tanahashi on the mat below. Naito then locks Tanahashi in the figure four leg lock, Tanahashi gets to the ropes to break the hold and Naito responds by drop kicking him in his injured knee. Naito goes for a tornado DDT and Tanahashi counters with a spinning neck breaker, Taguchi and Takahashi get the tags from their respective partners. Taguchi catches Takahashi with a series of his attacks for the near fall, Taguchi briefly locks Takahashi in the ankle lock.

Takahashi eventually sends Taguchi into the turn buckle, Taguchi recovers and he drops Takahashi with an enzaguri. Castle tags in and he nails Takahashi with an exploder suplex, Martinez tags in and he eats a few strikes from Castle. Castle looks for the German suplex and he eventually catches Martinez with a delayed German suplex for a near fall, Martinez is then caught with a triple drop kick by all three members of the opposing team. Martinez fights back and he nails Castle with a spinning heel kick from the top rope, Martinez goes for a choke slam and Castle strikes him to break free. Martinez eventually hits Castle with South Of Heaven to get the three count.

Winners: Punisher Martinez & Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi)

The rest of the card is on Page Three…

Katsuyori Shibata & Jay Lethal vs. Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Cody)

The match begins with Shibata and Cody doing some chain wrestling, Cody starts wrenching on the arm of Shibata. Shibata responds by attacking the arm of Cody as well, Shibata drops Cody and he starts hunting for the kicks. Page and Lethal get the tags from their respective partners, Lethal goes after Cody and that allows Page to jump him from behind. Lethal recovers to catch Page with a hip toss followed by a drop kick, Lethal goes after Cody again and Page jumps him from behind again. Page drops Lethal with a knee strike before nailing him with a senton bomb, Cody tags in and Lethal immediately nails him with a few strikes. Cody goes to the arena floor and Lethal nails him with a swanton bomb, Page attacks Lethal from behind before Cody drops him with a clothesline.

Cody throws Lethal into the barricade a few times before bringing him into the ring, Code tags in Page and Page works over Lethal in the corner. Lethal tries fighting back and Cody drops him neck first on the top rope just after tagging in, Cody starts working over the injured arm of Lethal. Cody catches Lethal with a few rope assisted stomps before tagging Page back in, Page catches Lethal with a pump handle slam for a near fall. Cody tags back in and he simply chokes Lethal with his knee before punching him, Cody then plants Lethal with a top rope assisted DDT for a near fall. Page tags in and he assaults Lethal with a few chops, Lethal catches Page with a series of kicks before tagging Shibata in. Cody gets a tag as well and he quickly drops Shibata with a flying clothesline, Cody attacks Shibata with a series of forearm strikes.

Shibata then clobbers Cody with a forearm strike of his own followed by a running boot to the face, Shibata then hits Cody with more forearm strikes followed by a running drop kick. Shibata hits Cody with a suplex before locking him in the abdominal stretch, Page and Lethal hit the ring and everybody is fighting all over the place. Cody then hits a distracted Shibata with a Beautiful Disaster before locking him in a modified ankle lock, Lethal breaks up the submission and then Shibata hits Cody with an STF. Lethal and Page get the tags from their respective partners, Lethal and Page exchange a ton of strikes in the ring until Lethal hits Cody with a suicide dive. Lethal then sends Page to the arena floor just as Cody hits the ring, Shibata then hits Cody with the PK. Lethal catches Page with the Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata & Jay Lethal

After the match, Cody and Katsuyori Shibata brawl on the arena floor.

Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) vs. Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Adam Cole)

The match begins with Cole playing some mind games with Mark, Omega tags into the match and Mark catches him in a headlock. Mark then drops Omega with a shoulder tackle before taking him down with an arm drag, Omega recovers and drops Mark with a hurricarana. Cole tags in and he kicks Mark right in the midsection, Cole then assaults Mark with kicks in the corner before tagging Omega back in. Omega mocks Mark and he tags Cole back in as Mark hits him with a back suplex, Jay tags in and he works with him brother to attack both opponents with a plethora of double team holds. Cole and Omega go to the arena floor and they are followed out there by the Briscoes, Mark drops Omega on the ringside edge. Jay tosses Cole into the barricade a few times, the Briscoes remove the padding from the ringside area.

Mark stands on the barricade and Cole nails him with a super kick that sends him into the crowd, Omega then throws Jay into the crowd as well. Omega does a moonsault off the barricade and onto the Briscoes, Cole brings Jay into the ring to nail him with a knee drop. Cole then crushes the back of Jay with a hard Irish whip into the turnbuckle, Cole catches Jay with a suplex for a near fall. Cole traps Jay in the corner before just simply choking him, Omega tags back in and he assaults Jay with strikes in the corner. Omega also chokes Jay in the corner before applying a modified chin lock to him, Jay tries fighting back and Cole interferes to allow Omega to hit him with a back suplex. Mark interferes as well and Omega tosses him to the arena floor, Omega then takes out Mark with a suicide dive.

Omega returns to the ring and jay catches him with a death valley driver, Omega attacks Mark to prevent Jay from making the tag. Omega returns to the ring and he tags Cole into the match, Jay then takes out both Bullet Club members before tagging Mark in. Mark cleans house on both members of the opposition before sending Omega to the arena floor, Mark then hits Cole with a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. Mark goes to the top rope and Cole follows him up there, both get off the rope and Cole catches Mark with a super kick followed by a knee strike for a near fall. Jay tags into the match and Cole cracks him with a few punches, Jay then hits a charging Cole with a drop kick followed by a neck breaker for a near fall.

Cole recovers to hit a spinning jay with a super kick, Jay recovers and he crushes Cole with a clothesline of his own. Omega tags in and he brawls in the middle of the ring with Jay, Omega hits Jay with a low drop kick followed by a leg drop for a near fall. Omega then plants a knee to the midsection of a charging Jay, Omega goes for a moonsault and Jay catches him with his knees up followed by a lariat. Mark and Cole get the tags from their respective partners, Cole and Mark exchange a ton of strikes in the middle of the ring. Cole then cracks Mark with a pump kick followed by an enzaguri, Mark counters a destroyer form Cole and Omega nails him with a super kick.

Jay hits the ring and an all out brawl breaks out between everybody in the match, Cole catches Mark with The Destroyer for a near fall. Cole traps Mark in the turnbuckle before going to the top rope, Mark frees himself and he meets Cole on the top rope. Jay nails Cole and he goes to the top rope instead of Mark, Jay catches Cole with a superplex and Mark catches him with a Froggy-bow for a near fall. Mark then sends an interfering Omega to the arena floor, the Briscoes go for the Doomsday Device and Cole counters with a roll up. Mark then catches Cole with a double stomp before sending him to the arena floor, Jay then takes out both Bullet Club members with a suicide dive. The Briscoes go for the Doomsday Device again and Omega interferes to break it up, Omega counters a third Doomsday Device by catching a leaping Mark with a power slam.

Cole gets up and he crushes Jay with a super kick, Omega then hits Mark with a Knee Trigger and then Cole hits him with the Last Shot for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Adam Cole)

After the match, Kenny Omega grabs the microphone and says neither he or Bullet Club are going anywhere. Adam Cole grabs the microphone mid-speech from Omega, Cole talks about his accomplishments and says that everybody will be talking about him this year. Omega grabs the microphone again and says goodnight to the crowd.

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