Nate Diaz Given Public Warning By USADA For CBD Oil Usage

The Diaz brothers can’t escape USADA and the NAC, but Nate may have emerged unscathed.

Diaz was warned for the usage of CBD oil, which is what he was seen puffing from his vape pen at the UFC 202 post-fight press conference. CDB is essentially cannabidiol oil or a non-psychoactive component in cannabis that is used for various medical purposes, something that USADA has on their list of banned substances.

Diaz explained that he used the pen heal up from the fight he had with Conor McGregor just minutes before.

Although all of Diaz’s post-fight and pre-fight tests that were administered by USADA did come back clean, that didn’t stop USADA from issuing a public warning to the fighter,

“Based on these circumstances, USADA determined that a public warning was an appropriate response to Diaz’s use of a specified substance during the in-competition period,” the statement read.

Based on the public warning, there will be no legal or financial action taken against Diaz at this point in time, but those circumstances can change altogether if he is caught using again by USADA.

Diaz does not have a fight scheduled at this point in time.

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