Rizin 15 Results: A Light Heavyweight Champion Is Crowned, Plus Kyoji Horiguchi, King Mo, Damien Brown, Ben Nguyen, Tenshin Nasukawa & More!

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Rizin Light Heavyweight Championship
Jiri Prochazka def. King Mo by TKO via strikes (R3) to win the title

Kickboxing Bout
Tenshin Nasukawa def. Fritz Aldin Biagtin by TKO via strikes (R3)

Kyoji Horiguchi def. Ben Nguyen by TKO via strikes (2:53, R1)

Roberto Satoshi Souza def. Satoru Kitaoka by TKO via strikes (3:57, R2)

Karl Albrektsson def. Christiano Frohlich by unanimous decision

Rena def. Samantha Jean-Francois by unanimous decision

Mikuru Asakura def. Luiz Gustavo by unanimous decision

Kana Watanabe def. Justyna Zofia Haba by unanimous decision

Damien Brown def. Koji Takeda by unanimous decision

Manel Kape def. Seiichiro Ito by TKO via strikes (2:59, R2)

Kanako Murata def. Saray Orozco by submission via Von Flue choke (2:12, R2)

Kickboxing Bout
Thalison Gomes Ferreira def. Taiga by TKO via strikes (R2)

Kickboxing Bout
Taiga vs. Thalison Gomes Ferreira

Round One: The round begins with Ferreira nailing Taiga with a few kicks, Ferreira starts nailing Taiga with some leg kicks. Ferreira goes for a spinning back fist against Taiga, Taiga nails Ferreira with a left after avoiding a flying knee strike. Taiga starts attacking Ferreira with a few lefts to the body and face, Taiga nails a kicking Ferreira with a left hook to the midsection. Ferreira continuously looks for spinning attacks against Taiga, Taiga drops Ferreira with a body kick and Ferreira beats the 10 count. Taiga lands a few more strikes before the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-8 for Taiga

Round Two: The round begins with Taiga going for a high kick and jumping knee strike, Ferreira drops Taiga with a right and Taiga beats the 10 count. The action resumes with the fighters just swinging away at each other, Ferreira goes back to attacking Taiga with leg kicks. Ferreira drops Taiga again with an overhand right and Taiga beats the 10 count, the action resumes with Ferreira nailing Taiga with a front kick to the face. Ferreira attacks Taiga with a knee strike to the face, Ferreira drops Taiga with a two punch combination and the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Thalison Gomes Ferreira def. Taiga by TKO via strikes (R2)

Kanako Murata vs. Saray Orozco

Round One: The round begins with Orozco going for a high kick against Murata, Murata scores a takedown on Orozco and she gets the half guard. Murata starts attacking Orozco with some ground and pound, Orozco scrambles to her feet and separates from Murata. Murata nails a swingingOrozco with a counter left hook, Murata scores another takedown on Orozco and Orozco gets back up after eating a few strikes. Murata scores another takedown on Orozco and she gets head control, Murata starts attacking Orozco with knee strikes. Orozco gets back up after eating a few kicks to the head, Murata drags Orozco back to the ground and Orozco gets back up after eating more kicks. Murata traps Orozco in the corner while landing knee strikes to the head and the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Murata

Round Two: The round begins with Murata eating a right before scoring a takedown on Orozco, Orozco gets back up with Murata controlling her head. Murata attacks a cornered Orozco with some knee strikes, Murata scores another takedown on Orozco and she gets the full mount, Murata gets Orozco in a Von Flue choke and Orozco goes out cold.

Official Result: Kanako Murata def. Saray Orozco by submission via Von Flue choke (2:12, R2)

Seiichiro Ito vs. Manel Kape

Round One: The round begins with Kape attacking Ito with some leg kicks, Kape accidentally nails Ito low and the fight is halted. The fight resumes with Ito taking a few swings at Kape, Kape and Ito exchange a plethora of leg kicks. Kape scores a takedown on Ito and he gets the half guard, Kape attacks Ito with some ground and pound. Ito scrambles to his feet to get the fight standing again, Ito cracks Kape with a few short left hooks to the face. Ito nails Kape with a leg kick followed by a right hook, Kape barely nails Ito with a flying knee strike to the head. Kape pulls guard on Ito as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Ito

Round Two: The round begins with Ito attacking Kape with some leg kicks, Kape nails Ito with a lead right uppercut. Kape stuns Ito by landing a knee strike followed by a combination, Kape follows that up by nailing Ito with a three punch combination. Kape cracks a swinging Ito with a counter right hook, Kape follows Ito around the ring while swinging away at him. Kape scores a takedown on Ito and he gets side control, Ito scrambles to his feet while eating a knee strike to the head. Kape cracks a swinging Ito with body shots and a counter right hook, Kape gets Ito back to the ground before landing a knee strike followed by rights. Ito gets back up and Kape drops him with another body shot to force the referee to jump in.

Official Result: Manel Kape def. Seiichiro Ito by TKO via strikes (2:59, R2)

Koji Takeda vs. Damien Brown

Round One: The round begins with Takeda attacking Brown with some leg kicks, Brown comes forward and he pops Takeda with a few rights. Brown cracks a kicking Takeda with a counter right hook, Takeda comes forward and he attacks Brown with an overhand left. Brown continues looking for the counter right against a swinging Takeda, Brown rocks a swinging Takeda with a counter right. Brown then hits Takeda with a left followed by a high kick, Brown backs up Takeda after landing a straight right. Takeda and Brown swing away at each other as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Brown

Round Two: The round begins with Takeda nailing Brown with a multiple punch combination, Takeda scores a takedown on Brown and Brown gets to a knee. Takeda attacks the legs of Brown with some knee strikes, Brown scrambles to his feet to get the fight standing again. Brown nails a swinging Takeda with a counter right hook, Takeda and Brown exchange some punching combinations. Brown backs up Takeda by throwing a five strike combination, Takeda grabs Brown and gets him in the corner until they are separated by the referee. The action resumes with Brown attacking Takeda with high kicks until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Brown (Overall Score: 20-18 for Brown)

Round Three: The round begins with Takeda accidentally poking Brown in the eye and the fight is halted, the fight resumes with Brown swinging away at Takeda. Brown then cracks Takeda with a front kick to the midsection, Brown then hits Takeda with an elbow strike and a knee strike. Takeda creates space before nailing Brown with a left, Takeda comes forward against a swinging Brown. Brown rocks Takeda with a straight right, Brown follows Takeda around the ring while swinging away at him. Brown also attacks Takeda with a spinning back fist, Brown corners Takeda while swinging away at him. The fighters take a few swings at each other as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Brown (Final Score: 30-27 for Brown)

Official Result: Damien Brown def. Koji Takeda by unanimous decision

Kana Watanabe vs. Justyna Zofia Haba

Round One: The round begins with the fighters taking a few swings at each other, Watanabe nails Haba with a few kicks to the midsection. Haba rocks Watanabe with a trio of rights to the face, Haba charges forward while swing wildly at Watanabe. Watanabe grabs a swinging Haba and she gets her by the ropes, Watanabe scores a takedown on Haba and she gets side control. Watanabe advances to the half guard position against Haba, Watanabe starts attacking Haba with ground and pound until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Watanabe

Round Two: The round begins with Haba taking a few swings at an incoming Watanabe, Watanabe scores a takedown on Haba and Haba scrambles to get top position. Haba gets up and she allows Watanabe to stand as well, Haba cracks a backing Watanabe with a pair of rights to the face. Watanabe grabs a hold of Haba and she tries dragging her to the ground, Watanabe winds up getting Haba in the corner. The referee halts the fight so the doctor can check the bloody nose of Watanabe, the fight resumes with Haba nailing Watanabe with a punching combination. Haba swings away at Watanabe as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Haba (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: The round begins with Watanabe nailing Haba with a right, Watanabe grabs a swinging Haba. Watanabe scores a takedown on Haba and she gets back control, Watanabe attacks Haba with some ground and pound. Watanabe attacks Haba with a plethora of elbow strikes while on the ground, Watanabe continues attacking Haba with ground and pound as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Watanabe (Final Score: 29-28 for Watanabe)

Official Result: Kana Watanabe def. Justyna Zofia Haba by unanimous decision

Mikuru Asakura vs. Luiz Gustavo

Round One: The round begins with the fighters exchanging a few kicks, Gustavo rocks Asakura with a head kick followed by a flying knee strike attempt. Asakura scores a takedown on Gustavo and he gets the full guard, the referee stands up the fighters for inactivity. The action resumes with Gustavo accidentally poking Asakura in the eye and the fight is halted, the fight resumes with the fighters having a wild striking exchange. Asakura scores a takedown on Gustavo and he gets the half guard, the referee stands up the fighters for inactivity. The action resumes with the fighters swinging wildly at each other, Asakura nails Gustavo with a high kick. Asakura drags Gustavo back to the ground while gaining back control, Gustavo scrambles to his feet as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Asakura

Round Two: The round begins with Asakura scoring a takedown on Gustavo and he gets the open guard, Asakura advances to the half guard before Gustavo scrambles to his feet to get the fight standing again. Gustavo and Asakura start swinging wildly at each other, Asakura drops a swinging Gustavo with a counter right. Gustavo gets back up while eating a ton of strikes from Asakura, Asakura scores another takedown on Gustavo and he gets the full guard. Gustavo drags himself under the ropes and he gets a yellow card from the referee, the action resumes with the fighters standing and swinging wildly at each other until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Asakura (Overall Score: 20-18 for Asakura)

Round Three: The round begins with Asakura and Gustavo exchanging high kick attempts, Asakura and Gustavo stand in front of each other while taking wild swings at each other. Asakura cracks a swinging Gustavo with a counter right, Asakura then cracks a swinging Gustavo with a counter left. Gustavo stuns Asakura with a few lefts and he swings wildly at him afterwards, Asakura scores a takedown on Gustavo and he gets the open guard, Gustavo drags himself under the ropes again and the referee stands up the fighters. The action resumes with the fighters swinging awat each other until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Asakura (Final Score: 30-27 for Asakura)

Official Result: Mikuru Asakura def. Luiz Gustavo by unanimous decision

Rena vs. Samantha Jean-Francois

Round One: The round begins with the fighters exchanging some leg kicks, Jean-Francois gets Rena near the ropes while looking for a takedown. The fighters separate and Jean-Francois nails Rena with a three strike combination, Jean-Francois grabs Rena and gets her in the corner. Rena attacks Jean-Francois with knee strikes while in the clinch, Rena scores a takedown on Jean-Francois and Jean-Francois scrambles to get right back up. Jean-Francois scores a takedown on Rena and she gets the half guard, Rena uses a kimura sweep to get back to her feet. Rena goes for another takedown and Jean-Francois winds up getting back control, Jean-Francois attacks Rena with some ground and pound until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Jean-Francois

Round Two: The round begins with the fighters having a wild striking exchange, Jean-Francois scores a takedown on Rena and she gets the full guard. Rena rolls for an arm bar and Rena releases the hold before getting back to her feet, Rena returns to the top position against Jean-Francois. Rena lands some ground and pound before letting Jean-Francois stand up, Rena rocks Jean-Francois with a few lefts hooks. Jean-Francois scores a takedown and Rena sweeps her for top position and full mount, Rena attacks Jean-Francois with ground and pound. Rena transitions to back control against Jean-Francois, Rena rolls for an arm bar and Jean-Francois escapes to get top position. Rena rolls for another arm bar as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Rena (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: The round begins with Rena charging at Jean-Francois while swinging wildly at her, Jean-Francois grabs Rena and gets her in the corner. Jean-Francois goes for a takedown and Rena scrambles to get top position, Rena quickly gets full mount against Jean-Francois. Jean-Francois catches Rena in a body scissors, Jean-Francois rolls for a foot lock while Rena attacks her with strikes. Rena postures up and the referee eventually allows Jean-Francois to stand as well, Jean-Francois attacks Rena with a few overhand rights. Rena then hits Jean-Francois with a front kick to the midsection, Jean-Francois goes for another takedown and Rena winds up in top position. Rena attacks Jean-Francois with knee strikes as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Rena (Final Score: 29-28 for Rena)

Official Result: Rena def. Samantha Jean-Francois by unanimous decision

Karl Albrektsson vs. Christiano Frohlich

Round One: The round begins with the fighters taking a few swings at each other, Albrektsson drops Frohlich with a kick to the midsection. Albrektsson gets top position on Frohlich as the fight hits the ground, Albrektsson gains the half guard position against Frohlich while landing some strikes. Frohlich gets Albrektsson back in his full guard while eating more strikes, Frohlich creates space and is able to get the fight standing again, Albrektsson gets Frohlich into the corner while exchanging some strikes. Frohlich accidentally nails Albrektsson low and the fight is halted, the fight resumes with Frohlich kicking Albrektsson in the midsection. Frohlich drops Albrektsson with a right as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Frohlich

Round Two: The round begins with the fighters exchanging some strikes, Albrektsson starts landing some leg kicks against Frohlich. Albrektsson briefly drops Frohlich with a leg kick before landing a right, Frohlich then cracks Albrektsson with a straight right. Frohlich backs up Albrektsson after landing a multiple strike combination, Albrektsson lands a left and a high kick as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Albrektsson (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: the round begins with Albrektsson nailing Frohlich with an overhand right, Albrektsson scores a takedown on Frohlich and he gets tangled in the ropes. The fighters are stood up and Albrektsson scores another takedown on Frohlich and he gets him in a kneeling position. Albrektsson gains back control while attacking Frohlich with ground and pound, Albrektsson maintains top position and lands more strikes as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Albrektsson (Final Score: 29-28 for Albrektsson)

Official Result: Karl Albrektsson def. Christiano Frohlich by unanimous decision

Roberto Satoshi Souza vs. Satoru Kitaoka

Round One: The round begins with Kitaoka nailing a swinging Souza with a counter overhand right, Souza tries pulling Kitaoka to the ground and Kitaoka gets back up. Kitaoka controls the head of Souza while landing knee strikes, Kitaoka rolls for a guillotine choke and Souza escapes to get him in the corner. The referee halts the fight so the doctor can check a cut on Souza, the action resumes with Souza attacking Kitaoka with a kick to the midsection. Kitaoka scores a takedown on Souza and he immediately stands up with Souza getting up a few moments later, Souza looks for a high kick and Kitaoka blocks it. Kitaoka cracks a jabbing Souza with a two punch combination, Souza goes for a jumping knee strike as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Kitaoka

Round Two: The round begins with the fighters just swinging away at each other, Kitaoka scores a takedown on Souza and he gets side control. The referee halts the fight so a doctor can check a cut on Kitaoka, the fight resumes with Souza attacking Kitaoka with a high kick. Kitaoka scores another takedown on Souza and he rolls for a heel hook, Souza scrambles to get free and get back control on Kitaoka. Souza rolls for an arm bar and Kitaoka escapes to regain top position, Souza csrambles to his feet to get the fight standing again. Souza drops Kitaoka with a massive combination and the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Roberto Satoshi Souza def. Satoru Kitaoka by TKO via strikes (3:57, R2)

Kyoji Horiguchi vs. Ben Nguyen

Round One: The round begins with the fighters immediately having a striking exchange, Horiguchi goes for a takedown and Nguyen winds up jumping on his back. Horiguchi shakes him off and the fighters separate, Horiguchi nails an incoming Nguyen with a right. Horiguchi nails Nguyen with a left hook followed by jabs, Horiguchi gets Nguyen against the ropes while looking for a takedown. The fighters separate and Horiguchi drops Nguyen with a two punch combo, Nguyen gets up and Horiguchi drops him with another combination a few moments later. Nguyen gets up again and Horiguchi slaughters him with another combination until the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Kyoji Horiguchi def. Ben Nguyen by TKO via strikes (2:53, R1)

Kickboxing Bout
Tenshin Nasukawa vs. Fritz Aldin Biagtin

Round One: The round begins with Biagtin attacking Nasukawa with some leg kicks, Nasukawa starts peppering Biagtin with some jabs. Nasukawa and Biagtin exchange some high kick attempts, Nasukawa cracks a swinging Biagtin with a counter left hook. Nasukawa follows that up with a left to the midsection of Biagtin, Nasukawa drops Biagtin with a flying knee strike and Biagtin beats the ten count. The action resumes with Nasukawa nailing Biagtin with a push kick as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Nasukawa

Round Two: The round begins with Biagtin looking for a high kick against Nasukawa, the fighters also exchange some knee strikes. Biagtin nails a swinging Nasukawa with a counter right hook, Nasukawa catches Biagtin with multiple combinations. Nasukawa starts attacking Biagtin with some leg kicks, Nasukawa drills a swinging Biagton with a counter left hook. Nasukawa lights up a cornered Biagtin with a huge combination, Nasukawa cracks a swinging Biagtin with a counter left as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Nasukawa (Overall Score: 20-18 for Nasukawa)

Round Three: The round begins with Biagtin attacking Nasukawa with some leg kicks, Nasukawa and Biagtin exchange many kicks. Nasukawa rocks Biagtin with some body shots, Nasukawa drops Biagtin with a combination and Biagtin beats the 10 count. The action resumes with Nasukawa dropping Biagtin with another combination and the referee waves off the fight.

Official Result: Tenshin Nasukawa def. Fritz Aldin Biagtin by TKO via strikes (R3)

Rizin Light Heavyweight Championship
King Mo vs. Jiri Prochazka

Round One: The round begins with Mo attacking Prochazka with some leg kicks, Mo comes forward and he takes a few swings at Prochazka. Prochazka cracks Mo with a straight left to the face, Prochazka goes for a jumping knee strike and Mo nails him with a right. Prochazka then attacks Mo with a two punch combination, Mo briefly drops Prochazka with a leg kick. Prochazka starts attacking Mo with multiple punching combinations, Prochazka and Mo exchange rights as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Mo

Round Two: The round begins with Mo attacking Prochazka with an overhand right, Mo starts hunting for takedowns against Prochazka. Mo also goes back to attacking Prochazka with leg kicks, Prochazka stuns Mo with a looping left hook. Prochazka rocks Mo with a pair of right hooks to the side of the head, Prochazka then cracks a moving Mo with an overhand right. The referee halts the fight so a doctor can check a cut on Prochazka, the action resumes with Prochazka nailing Mo with a right uppercut. Prochazka then cracks Mo with a front kick to the face, Mo hits a leaping Prochazka with a right as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Prochazka (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: The round begins with Prochazka swinging away at Mo, Mo goes back to attacking Prochazka with rights. Prochazka backs Mo up while attempting a flying knee strike, Mo looks for the takedown while Prochazka swings away at him. Prochazka continuously attacks Mo with punching combinations, Prochazka cracks a swinging Mo with a pair of left hooks. Prochazka keeps Mo at a distance while swinging away at him, Prochazka drops Mo with a trio of rights and the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Jiri Prochazka def. King Mo by TKO via strikes (R3) to win the title

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