Jarred Brooks Talks UFC 228 Win, Partying With Diego Sanchez & Wants on UFC Toronto Next

Jarred Brooks was last seen in action by MMA fans at UFC 228, where he picked up a close decision win over Roberto Sanchez.

The fighter took the bout on less than a weeks notice and there were some things about Sanchez that surprised Brooks when they collided in the Octagon.

“He was extremely strong, he was somebody who was awkward…had an extremely awkward stance. Its some that when your watching video, your like ‘man, I’m gonna destroy this guy.’ Then when your out there with him, its completely different things. So hats off to Roberto Sanchez, he’s a great guy. He’s a great father, he’s pushed himself just as hard as I have to get himself where he is. Gotta give hats off to him,” says Brooks in an exclusive interview with Fightful’s James Lynch.

Brooks now has a total of two victories under the UFC banner, with the other coming over Eric Shelton at UFC 214.

There have been a lot of interesting post-victory celebration for fighters over the years, but Brooks may have one of the odder trips coming up.

“I’m going to go to Harry Potter World with my best friend Justin Scoggins and we’re just gonna have a blast for a week. Then its back to training, hopefully they can get me on that UFC Toronto card. I know that you would like that James…fellow Canadian, I would love to fight in Toronto and fight by the end of the year. I proved that I can fight on short notice to, if anybody backs out…then I’m always ready. I wasn’t completely ready for this fight (at UFC 228) because there was five days notice, but I mean…two weeks, I can easily get ready and be in way better shape,” says Brooks.

It is unknown when Brooks will fight again, but the UFC does return to Toronto for UFC 231 this December.

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