Former UFC Fighter Jason Miller Pleads Guilty To Domestic Violence Charge

Jason Miller has seen plenty of success as a professional MMA fighter, but the same cannot be said for his life outside of the sport.

The former UFC fighter was arrested on September 27 in Southern California for a total of five domestic violence related charges, per TMZ.

Besides the domestic violence charges, the fighter was also charged with vandalizing his former girlfriend’s vehicle and house, plus two misdemeanors for damaging cellular phones.

Miller was recently released from an Orange County prison early Tuesday morning after striking a plea deal with county prosecutors. The deal Miller made with prosecutors saw four of the five domestic violence charges dropped, while he pled guilty to corporal injury to a spouse/cohabitant.

As part of the terms of the deal, the former UFC fighter was given three years probation, a suspended four year prison term and Miller was also given 62 days of credit for the time he spent in prison prior to the plea deal.

Also, the fighter has been sent to a rehabilitation center and the court stated that he must stay sober for the entire three year probation period.

If any of the terms of his plea deal are violated, then the fighter will serve the full three year prison sentence.

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