Emerson Vieira Comments On Those Critical Of Jose Aldo’s Latest Defeat

Former UFC Featherweight Champion Jose Aldo was defeated in his rematch with current champion Max Holloway at UFC 218.

Emerson Vieira is the longtime kickboxing coach for Aldo and he has issued a statement via Instagram directed at those who are critical of the former champions latest defeat.


Muitos falam, poucos sabem . Essa é a real, os Brasileiros se acostumaram a idolatrar pilantras e crucificar heróis, isso ja é quase cultural, quem era pra nos apoiar, aponta o dedo, critica e julga sem ao menos ter propriedade pra falar do assunto. Nos acostumamos a lutar contra os rivais e a receber críticas dos que eram pra ser nossos aliados. Ontem mais uma vez nosso campeão @josealdojunioroficial fez a sua parte, lutou bravamente contra um adversário muito duro que foi superior na Luta e venceu, assim como ele fez por muitos anos e ainda tem condições de fazer, o esporte é assim, nada e nem ninguém apagará sua história de vida e na luta. Todos nós amigos e companheiros de equipe estamos orgulhosos por tudo que você já nos proporcionou e ainda vai nos proporcionar , nada mudou, perdemos uma batalha, mas A GUERRA CONTINUA.

A post shared by Emerson Falcão (@emersonfalcaovieira) on

Here is an English translation of what the coach wrote, provided by Google:

Many speak, few know. This is the real one, the Brazilians have become accustomed to idolizing pilgrims and crucifying heroes, this is almost cultural, who was to support us, points the finger, criticizes and judges without even having the property to talk about it. We have become accustomed to fighting against rivals and receiving criticism from those who were to be our allies. Yesterday again our champion @josealdojunioroficial did his part, he fought bravely against a very tough opponent who was superior in the Fight and won, just as he did for many years and still has conditions to do, the sport is like, nothing and not no one will erase your life story and fight. All of us friends and teammates are proud of everything you have already provided and will still provide us, nothing has changed, we have lost a battle, but THE WAR CONTINUES.

Aldo did enter the fight as a late replacement for former UFC Lightweight Champion Frankie Edgar, who pulled out of the fight due to a facial injury.

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