Dana White Goes Off On Mario Yamasaki Over UFC OKC Stoppage

Mario Yamasaki is once again is embroiled in controversy due to a questionable call inside the cage.

After Yamasaki's seemingly quick stoppage at Sunday's UFC Oklahoma City main event between Michael Chiesa and Kevin Lee, UFC President Dana White took to Instagram to go off on the referee. 

In the event the post gets deleted, the transcript can be seen below.

Mario Mazzagatti does it again!!! This guy is more concerned with doing this dumb ass heart bullshit then Ref'n the fight!!! Steals a great moment from Lee or let Mike fight it or tap. Nobody gives a shit that u can make a heart with ur hands like a 12 year old girl they want u to pay attention to what's going on in the fight and do ur job.

This is far from the first time Yamasaki has come under fire. Robert Whittake gave Jacare Souza some extra violence under Yamasaki's supervision in April. Derrick Lewis landed some additional blows against Travis Browne in February. Most recently, Matthew Lopez mollywhopped Johnny Eduardo while Yamasaki looked on.

Chiesa himself was livid, saying that Yamasaki should never officiate again.

You can see's post-show podcast at this link.

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