Dana White Goes Off On Journalist For Supposedly Reveling In Endeavor Layoff Story

It was reported yesterday that Endeavor, who is the parent company of the UFC, is in the process of laying off approximately 250 employees due to the damage the coronavirus has done to their businesses.

Variety also reported that the UFC had laid off some employees, which has already been denied by the UFC President. White has now gone off on another journalist, whom White didn’t name, for allegedly reveling in the fact that Endeavor had to lay off their employees and White did that via a video on Instagram. 

Farah Hannoun of MMA Junkie provided the following transcript of what White said: 

“(Wednesday), this scumbag posted a story that says ‘UFC hit with layoffs,’ and he was literally gloating about it. First of all, it’s not true. I’m going to tell you guys again: Most of what you read is not true. Literally these scumbags write lies and this guy was gloating about it and saying stuff like, ‘Hey Dana, you have bosses now. You should check with them before you whatever.’ No I don’t. You don’t know anything about this (expletive) situation, and you definitely know nothing about the sport, you jerk off. And for somebody who’s supposed to be a reporter to be gloating about people losing their jobs … I said it before, you piece of (expletive): Nobody will lose their job at the UFC. Nobody is getting laid off. It’s not gonna happen. The other side of Endeavor laid some people off. I’m not laying anybody off. It’s not gonna happen.”

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