Canadian Woman Uses MMA Training To Fight Off Child Abductor

Mixed martial arts is not just used by promotion like the UFC and Bellator MMA for putting on multiple shows a month. It is also used in the form of self defense, which is how one woman from the country of Canada used it to fight off a child abductor.

Chelsi Sabbe is somebody who works at Tiny Treasures Daycare in Prince Georges, British Colombia, Canada and her MMA training came into great effect recently.

According to a report from Global News, the daycare worker say a man approach a pair of children and the man would grab one of the children before running away with him.

Sabbe would chase down the man in order to save the child, then the physicality took form as the woman had to save her self and the child from the abductor. The woman used a choke hold to force the man to release the child, but then the man broke free and tried making off with a second child.

That is when the woman sprung into action a second time and more of her MMA based training took over.

“I hit him in the throat and knocked his feet out from underneath him,” Sabbe said. “I grabbed the five-year-old and put him up on top of the play center and I jumped up there. He starts throwing punches. He hits me in the face several times. I then knocked him down again off of the playground equipment. He jumps up, he again punches me several times in the head and we go at it. At this time, it kind of turned nasty. I had to grab him by the hair and knee him in the face a few times, and then he ran away.”

The man didn’t get away for long because the local authorities would catch and then arrest him. The man has also been identified as 35 year old Kenneth Jim John, who is sitting in prison awaiting the next steps in the legal process.

John also attempted to snatch more children that the daycare worker purposely placed high on top of playground equipment, including a 6 year old girl, but was unsuccessful due to the efforts of Sabbe.

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