Battered CM Punk Says “I’m Looking Forward To Coming Back”

One of the most highly anticipated professional MMA debuts since James Toney fought Randy Couture took place on Saturday Night at UFC 203 when former professional wrestler CM Punk make his debut with the sport. Although the bout did not go the way that Punk planned it to go, being tapped by Mickey Gall in just over two minutes of the opening round, Punk still spent some time backstage with Fox Sport’s Megan Olivi.

Punk first commented in his post-fight interview with Joe Rogan that the fight was the time of his life and he made that point again.

“I know it sounds like a bunch of BS, but it was the time of my life…honestly, you know…I think I threw the two a little later than I should have and I got taken down…I feel that I am better than I showed, but…I…you know…hats off to Mickey (Gall), he’s an up and coming fighter, a prospect. You know, it’s not like I’m here to make excuses…I lost, I mean look at my face, I got beat up…you know, I got some cauliflower ear, so I got some things to remember from tonight.”

Megan Olivi then talked to the former pro wrestling star turned MMA fighter about his future and if another fight was in his future.

“Yeah, I think so, you know I got two or three stitches in my eyebrow, there’s a no contact thing going on…there’s a lot of food in my future. I’m going to hang out with the wife (AJ Lee) and the dog, take a little vacation from the gym, which means I’ll probably be there Tuesday and see where we go from here. I just really kind of…want to…since I have the platform to thank everybody for supporting me and even the people who didn’t support me, you tuned in to watch me get beat up, you got what you wanted. But, it’s not about how many times you get beat up, it’s how many times you get back up from it…I’m looking forward to coming back, this was fun…everybody’s treated me super nice, you know…I wanna do better.”

So folks, whether you like or you hate CM Punk’s foray into MMA, it looks like the former professional wrestler will be sticking around for a little longer anyway.

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