Anthony Smith Has A List Of Opponents To Fight

Anthony Smith just competed at UFC Fight Night Pittsburgh and he defeated former Bellator MMA Middleweight Champion Hector Lombard.

The victorious fighter has a few opponents he wouldn’t mind facing next, either at middleweight or at light heavyweight.

“I don’t see why I can’t fight Jotko or Branch. I’d like to fight one of those guys. They are coming off of losses, and they don’t typically match winners with losers, not that they’re losers but they lost their fights. They’re ranked 10 and 11, and if you’re up there, you’re fair game. So, I don’t see why I don’t deserve that, but we’ll see. If they’re not going to give me a ranked guy at 85, then I’ll go to 205…throw me right in the mix. I hope OSP [Ovince Saint Preux] doesn’t think I’m talking shit, because it has nothing to do with him personally, but God Damn, that fight would be fun. I don’t see how that fight doesn’t win someone a bonus, how that shit doesn’t go viral. I just don’t see me and OSP having a boring fight. I like him, and I’d rather fight someone that I like versus someone that I didn’t; it takes up less of my brain space, and I can just focus on the fight,” Smith told Bloody Elbow.

David Branch and Krzysztof Jotko just suffered defeats at UFC Fight Night Pittsburgh, while Ovince St. Preux just earned a win over Yushin Okami in the main event of UFC Fight Night Japan.

Smith and OSP both competed at Strikeforce, but Smith wants OSP to know that he isn’t disrespecting him with the call out.

“I really hope OSP doesn’t think I’m talking shit, because I have a lot of respect for that dude, and what he’s done. I remember when me and him were both in Strikeforce together, and I was fighting first or second on the prelims, that dude was on the main card, like co-main or main event. I’ve always had a lot of respect for that dude, but I’ll beat him up,” says Smith.

If Smith were to face OSP and move up a weight class, it would be the first time he has competed at light heavyweight in either of his UFC runs.

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