Alabama Athletic Commission Announces Weight Cutting Reform

Weight cutting has been a hot topic issue in mixed martial arts for quite some time now and the Alabama Athletic Commission (AAC) has passed some weight cutting reform rules, which will go into effect on August 5 according to MMA Fighting.

The weight cutting reform is going to be very similar to the 10 point weight cutting plan created by the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) last year.

AAC Executive Director Jody McCormick says the reform was put in place to protect the fighters from the effects of drastic weight cuts.

“We understand that there are multiple measures proposed to address the issue of drastic weight cutting in combative sports,” McCormick said. “In our opinion, regardless of which plan you go with, doing something is the important step. To do nothing would be turning our backs to the fighters we are here to protect. I call for all regulators to simply do something. Our fighters deserve our full attention and to do nothing could potentially lead to grave consequences.”

Some of these new rules state that a fighter who misses weight will have to move up a weight class in their next bout, all weigh-in misses will get recorded and given to the Association Of Boxing Commissions (ABC), fighters who come in over 10% of their contracted weight on fight day will get asked to move up a weight class and dehydration will get checked by a licensed physician on weigh-in day and fight day.

MMA Fighting is also reporting that the state of Pennsylvania is planning on adopting a similar reform in the future.

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