Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov Has Forgiven Conor McGregor

Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov is the father of UFC Lightweight Champion Khabib Nurmagomedov, who defeated Conor McGregor by fourth round submission in the main event of UFC 229.

McGregor has said a lot of disparaging things about the Nurmagomedov Family, Russian and even their religion leading into the fight at UFC 229.

However, instead of carrying on a personal vendetta against McGregor, a move has been made by Abdulmanap and that is to forgive the Irishman.

That forgiveness was displayed via Instagram:


Here is a translation of what Abdulmanap wrote, provided by Google Translate:

“Assalamualeikum all. I forgive Conor McGregor, all in the past. It is necessary to make an analysis of everything that happened and learn lessons. After talking with aksakals and wise countrymen, they decided to move to other heights. I hope this is a blessing. Ying Sha Allag.”

Forgiveness might not be much of an option for Khabib, who opted to hop the Octagon wall after the fight against McGregor and instigate a brawl that spilled into the arena and the Octagon.

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