James DeGale vs. Caleb Truax Results: Major Upset Ends With A New World Champion
Welcome to Fightful’s live stream and coverage of James DeGale vs. Caleb Truax for the IBF super middleweight title. DeGale makes his return 11 months after his unification fight against Badou Jack ended in a draw. Fightful not only has you covered with live coverage, but a free live stream of the fight, as well as three other big fights in the United Kingdom.
We’ll be providing you quick results of the undercard fights and bring you full, round-by-round coverage of the two world title fights on this card. Join the conversation on our Disqus forums below.
Here is the main card (Fightful.com, 2:45 p.m. ET):
- Caleb Truax defeated James DeGale via majority decision (114-114, 115-112, 116-112) to win the IBF Super Middleweight title
- Lee Selby defeated Eduardo Ramirez via unanimous decision (118-110, 119-109, 116-112), retaining the IBF Featherweight title
- Anthony Yarde defeated Nikola Sjekloca via TKO, round 4, to retain the WBO European and WBO Intercontinental Light Heavyweight Titles
- Daniel Dubois defeated Dorian Darch via TKO, round 2: Heavyweight Bout
Lee Selby (c) vs. Eduardo Ramirez: IBF Featherweight World Title Bout (Ramirez Cannot Win Title):
Round 1: Ramirez opens up with a 1-2 to the chest. Selby throws some left jabs to start the round. Ramirez misses with a right hook as Selby moves around the ring. Ramirez has Selby on the ropes, but Selby gets out danger. Ramirez is pressuring Selby, landing a couple of hard right hands to the body. Selby lands a square left hook to Ramirez. Selby gets hit with a counter right hand by Ramirez.
Fightful scored round 1 for Ramirez 10-9
Round 2: Selby lands a short left hook and follows it up with a right hand. Selby lands a hard left hook to the body. Selby is way more active and aggressive in this round. Ramirez tags Selby with a left jab to the body. Selby lands a straight right hand to Ramirez’s jaw. Both men trade blows until they clinch. Selby lands another left hook to the body and Ramirez then lands a counter left upstairs. Ramirez lands a left jab. Ramirez then misses with a couple of left hands. Selby then attacks the body with a quick right hook.
Fightful scored round 2 for Selby 10-9
Round 3: Selby lands a right hand to Ramirez and Ramirez tries to close the distance, but Selby’s footwork prevented that. Selby lands a left hook. Ramirez is pushing forward, landing a couple of right hands. Ramirez lands a counter left hook. Ramirez is landing a couple of uppercuts with Selby missing some left jabs. Ramirez blocks a left hook from Selby. Selby lands a strong left hook.
Fightful scored round 3 for Ramirez 10-9
Round 4: Selby throws a couple of left hooks, Ramirez counters with a straight right jab. Ramirez has Selby in the corner, but doesn’t throw much. Selby lands a solid right hook, but Ramirez then goes to the body, throwing a couple of short uppercuts. Selby then connects with a left hook and then both boxers clinch. Selby lands a couple of right hooks.
Fightful scored round 4 for Selby 10-9
Round 5: The Showtime Stream gets interrupted for this round.
Round 6: Selby lands a right uppercut. Selby lands a strong left hand. Selby lands a right jab as Ramirez is moving across the ring. Selby lands a left uppercut to the body. Ramirez lands a left jab, but Selby then connects with an even harder right jab. Selby lands a left hook to the body. Ramirez misses with the left hook to the body. Selby then misses with the left hook.
Fightful scored round 6 for Selby 10-9
Round 7: Selby pressures Ramirez to the ropes and throws a couple of body hooks. Selby lands a few more left hands to the body. Ramirez lands a left jab, then a right hand to the body. Ramirez barely connects with the left hand. Selby lands a left jab, but then Ramirez accidentally hits a low blow to Selby. Ramirez gets caught with a good left hook. Ramirez then lands a few right hooks to Selby’s jaw.
Fightful scored round 7 for Selby 10-9
Round 8: Both men exchange short jabs to start the round. The first minute of the round continues to be a series of short jabs being thrown by both men. Selby lands a right hook to the body, followed by a left hook upstairs. Selby connects a few more left hands. Ramirez lands a right jab and then unleashes a flurry of punches to Selby who has his back to the ropes. Selby lands a counter right jab upstairs to end the round.
Fightful scored round 8 for Ramirez 10-9
Round 9: Selby throws a couple of left jabs. Selby and Ramirez trade punches for a while. Selby then hits Ramirez with a left hand. Ramirez connects with a left jab. Ramirez lands a couple of body shots to Selby and Selby throws a left body hook of his own. Selby lands a left hook to the body, but Ramirez has been the aggressor for the majority of the round.
Fightful scored round 9 for Ramirez 10-9
Round 10: Selby misses with the left jab. Selby then throws with a few hard punches and Ramirez has his back onto the ropes. Selby lands a left hook to the body as Ramirez then misses with the left hook upstairs. Selby connects a left hook to Ramirez’s jaw. Selby then lands a few hard rights.
Fightful scored round 10 for Selby 10-9
Round 11: Selby starts to box better in this round and in the last round compared to how he was in rounds eight and nine. Ramirez lands a left hook upstairs. Selby bobs and weaves out of danger. Ramirez lands a hard left hand to Selby. Selby continues to throw shot left jabs and Ramirez is on the ropes and the champion goes head-hunting on Ramirez. Selby throws a right hand to Ramirez, who responds by throwing a flurry of punches.
Fightful scored round 11 for Selby 10-9
Round 12: Selby dodges a couple of right hands thrown by Ramirez. Selby then connects with a body shot and then lands a stiff right jab. Selby is more aggressive in this round, throwing Ramirez to the ropes and landing three good body shots. Selby lands a beautiful left hook upstairs and then Selby goes to work on Ramirez’s body. Selby then lands a couple of shots to Ramirez’s head. The rest of the round sees Selby dominating.
Fightful scored round 12 for Selby 10-9, making it 106-103 for Selby.
Official result: Lee Selby defeated Eduardo Ramirez via unanimous decision (118-110, 119-109, 116-112), retaining the IBF Featherweight title
James DeGale (c) vs. Caleb Truax: IBF Super Middleweight World Title Bout
Round 1:DeGale opens up with a left jab from the orthodox stance, but quickly switches to southpaw. DeGale lands a left hook. Truax misses with an uppercut. DeGale lands a few strong left hooks to body. DeGale is moving around the ring well, tagging Truax on every occasion he has. Truax misses a left jab upstairs. Truax lands a left jab to DeGale’s jaw.
Fightful scored round 1 for DeGale 10-9
Round 2: Truax lands a short right uppercut to start things off. DeGale keeps landing the left hook to the body throughout the first half of the round. Truax traps DeGale to the corner and lands a right hook to the body. DeGale lands another left hook. Truax lands a right hand through DeGale’s guard.
Fightful scored round 2 for Truax 10-9
Round 3: Truax continue to lands the right hand to the body. DeGale misses with the left jab upstairs. The stream once again goes out as Showtime is trying to stabilize the stream
Round 4: Truax starts the round again landing fierce right hands to the body. Truax traps DeGale to the corner and continues to land more hard jabs to DeGale. Truax connects with a hard right hand upstairs. DeGale lands a left hook to the body as the crowd tries to spur the champion on. DeGale lands a strong left hook to Truax, stopping the challenger’s momentum.
Fightful scored round 4 for Truax 10-9
Round 5: Truax throws a hard right hand to DeGale, who blocks it. Truax has DeGale on the ropes and lands a left hook and Truax lands a right hand, hurting the champion. Truax lands another hard right uppercut to DeGale. Caleb Truax continues to land more shots and hurts DeGale again. Blood is coming out of DeGale’s mouth. Truax still has DeGale on the ropes and goes to work on DeGale. DeGale comes back and lands a left hook to Truax’s body. Truax’s best round of the fight thus far.
Fightful scored round 5 for Truax 10-9
Round 6: Truax’s right jab is blocked by DeGale. Truax lands a left jab to DeGale, who is in the corner. Both men trade punches. DeGale lands a left hook to Truax’s body. Truax throws a three-punch combo with his right hand. DeGale lands a left jab to Truax’s body. Truax lands a right hook to DeGale’s body. DeGale is in the corner again, but is blocking Truax’s shots.
Fightful scored round 6 for DeGale 10-9
Round 7: Truax throws a couple of jabs. DeGale lands another left hook. Truax has DeGale back up to the ropes, but then DeGale moves out of the danger zone. Truax continues to pressure DeGale forward. Truax lands a hard right jab, but DeGale throws a series of body punches to Truax. Both men are in the corner, but the referee separates them to avoid any unneeded head clashes.
Fightful scored round 7 for Truax 10-9
Round 8: Truax chases DeGale around the ring, throwing sporadic jabs when he can. Truax lands a couple of body shots to DeGale. DeGale throws a right jab, but Truax continues to pressure the champion. DeGale lands a hook, followed by a right jab. Truax connects with a couple of hard shots, but DeGale bounces back with more jabs to Truax’s body.
Fightful scored round 8 for DeGale 10-9
Round 9: Once again, the stream pretty much goes out on this round. Pretty bad job by whoever is in charge.
Round 10: Truax has been landing the right hand whenever he traps DeGale into the corner and thus so again at the start of the round. Truax hunts down DeGale, continuous landing hard shot after hard shot. DeGale lands a left hook to Truax’s body. Truax forces DeGale to back up and unleashes a vicious number of punches to DeGale. DeGale lands a hard body shot to Truax.
Fightful scored round 10 for Truax 10-9
Round 11: The round begins with DeGale moving around the ring, trying to avoid getting hit with any hard shots and being trapped into the corner. DeGale lands a left jab, followed by a right uppercut. DeGale and Truax miss a right hook. Truax lands a 1-2 combo to DeGale. DeGale connects with a left hand. DeGale has the momentum now, connecting power shots to Truax. Truax lands a solid right uppercut and then connects a right body hook. DeGale finishes the round with an inside right hand.
Fightful scored round 11 for DeGale 10-9
Round 12: DeGale moves across the ring. Truax is putting pressure to DeGale, but DeGale won’t give up, landing a left hand to Truax. Truax traps DeGale to the corner, landing a couple of punches. DeGale gets out of the corner, landing a short, right hook to Truax’s jaw. Truax lands a hard right to DeGale. DeGale throws a few hooks to Truax’s body. DeGale finishes the round with a couple of hard right hands.
Fightful scored round 12 for DeGale 10-9, making it a 95-95 draw (rounds 5 and 9 weren’t scored)
Official result: Caleb Truax defeated James DeGale via majority decision (114-114, 115-112, 116-112) to win the IBF Super Middleweight title