
AEW Dynamite Results (4/6/22): FTR vs. Young Bucks II, Samoa Joe Makes AEW Debut + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite (4/6/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and our commentary team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur welcome us to tonight’s show which emanates from Boston, Massachusetts and Adam Cole’s music hits and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening, bay bay!

Adam Cole vs. Christian Cage

Christian tosses Cole to the corner to start. The pair disengage then lock-up, Christian with a head-lock, Cole slides out and applies one of his own but Christian reverses the pressure and has Cole locked up. Christian shoves Cole off the ropes, Cole ducks, Christian runs the ropes himself and wallops Cole with a clothesline. Cole fakes a test-of-strength and kicks Christian in the mid-section, tosses him to the corner and chokes him with his boot. Cole looks for a slam, Christian goes for the Impaler, Cole slides out and leaves the ring. Cole fakes a slide back in but stays on the outside and runs around the outside of the ring but Christian meets him with a clothesline. Christian tosses Cole into the barricade and chops him in the chest before tossing him back into the ring. Christian puts Cole on the top turnbuckle, follows him up but Cole trips Christian to a knee, slides under him and drills him with a super-kick to the back. Christian rolls to the outside, Cole follows and launches him into the barricade and then over the steel steps. Cole celebrates on the steps and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Cole’s down on the outside, Christian’s on the top turnbuckle and Christian comes crashing down on Cole with a splash but it appears as if Cole may have avoided the worst of it. Both competitors struggle back in the ring but they both beat referee Bryce Remsburg’s 10-count. They struggle to their feet, trade strikes, Christian tosses Cole to the corner and stands on the middle rope whilst delivering a bevy of punches but Cole shoves him off, Christian shoves Cole and hits a sunset flip on Cole into a cover but Cole kicks out. Christian plants Cole with a tornado DDT, goes for another cover but Cole lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Christian goes to the middle rope, Cole jumps up and nails Christian with double knees to the back and goes for the cover but Christian kicks out. Cole stands over Christian but Christian was playing possum and rolls Cole up but Cole kicks out. Christian immediately lifts and plants Cole with a inverted DDT, then goes up top and looks for a splash but Cole slides out, blasts Christian with a super-kick then The Past Shot and goes for the cover but Christian kicks out at two-and-a-half! Both men struggle to their feet, trade heavy strikes and Christian tosses Cole into the middle rope and stands on his back. Christian goes to the middle rope and springboards himself but Cole wallops him with a super-kick whilst Christian’s in mid-air before going for the cover but Christian kicks out! Cole lines Christian up for Panama Sunrise while standing on the middle rope but Christian hits a hurricanrana, goes for the cover but Cole kicks out. Cole drills Christian with a super-kick, looks for Panama Sunrise yet again but Christian ducks, Cole with another kick, then looks for The Boom, Christian rolls him up, Cole kicks out, Christian hits a spear and then a cover but Cole kicks out once again! Christian looks for the Impaler, Cole steps through the ropes and pokes Christian in the eye behind the referee’s back and drills Christian with The Boom and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner – Adam Cole

After the match, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish of reDRagon make their way down and attack Christian but Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus of Jurassic Express make the save. Cole celebrates in the ring and out comes AEW World Champion Adam ‘Hangman’ Page. Cole says he’s not fighting Page unless the title is on the line, Page snatches the mic out of Cole’s hands and smacks Cole in the face and asks Cole if he actually wants a title match. Cole says yes, Page says he’ll do it and it’ll serve as Cole’s punishment. Page says if he’s not mistake, there’s a LIVE episode of Rampage coming up in Texas and tells Cole that they’ll fight next Friday night in Texas on Rampage in a Texas Death Match for the AEW World Championship! Page tells Cole he has one week to get his affairs in order, Cole leaves, Page celebrates with the title inside of the ring and commentary hypes up their match, next week before we cut to a video package highlighting the return of Samoa Joe at this past weekend’s Ring of Honor Supercard XV event. Joe makes his way down to the ring and he’ll make his AEW debut, next.

Samoa Joe vs. Max Caster (with Anthony Bowens) — Owen Hart Cup Qualifying Match

Caster states Joe down and yells at him, Joe tosses him to the mat and unloads strikes. Joe launches Caster to the corner and hits a jumping back-kick. Joe drills Caster with a pair of kicks, then a running elbow and Caster rolls out of the ring and he and Bowens talk strategy but Joe dives through the ropes and shoves Caster into the barricade as the crowd goes ballistic. Joe chases Bowens around the ring and Caster uses the distraction to his advantage and lands some strikes before tossing Joe back into the ring. Caster continues the strikes but Joe knocks Caster to the mat with a shoulder block. Joe puts Caster on the top turnbuckle, scoops him up and plants him with the Muscle Buster for the three-count and the win!

Winner – Samoa Joe

After the match, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt appear on the big-tron. Lethal and Dutt say they won’t rain on Joe’s parade like he did to them last weekend because they respect Joe a lot more than Joe respects them. Lethal says he and Dutt changed their outlook on life, last week and now they do whatever the hell they want. Lethal says Joe now only answers his phone for billionaires and perhaps his first new piece of merch with AEW should say ‘Samoa Joe, The Samoan Bull-Digger’. Dutt says it’s not too late to celebrate Joe’s arrival, Lethal says next week, Joe’s ‘number one student’ will give him a present that he’ll ‘never forget’. The segment ends, commentary runs down the rest of tonight’s card and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley alongside William Regal backstage with Tony Schiavone. Regal says he’s ‘off his nut’ with excitement because this Friday on Rampage, Bryan Danielson will face Trent and Jon Moxley takes on Wheeler Yuta. Regal calls Danielson the ‘perfect wrestler’ and Moxley the ‘hardest man to impress’. Moxley says this Friday on Rampage, we’ll hear the sounds of bone cracking like thunder and a ring full of blood.

Shawn Spears (with MJF) vs. Shawn Dean

MJF joins commentary for this one. Spears with a back-breaker to start before giving ‘The Captain’ a salute and tosses Dawn out of the ring. Spears points out the security alerts for Wardlow signs that surround the ring and Spears kicks a hole in Wardlow’s face on one of the posters. Spears gets Dean back in the ring, lands a kick to the mid-section and then plants him with a neck-breaker before going for the cover but he lifts Dean’s head to stop the count. Spears lifts Dean and we cut to the big-tron and we see that a bunch of security are laid out in the parking lot. Spears drops Dean and looks around for Wardlow but then the big man is shown on the tron and he’s laying out every member of security that comes in his way. Wardlow makes his way down to the stage through the crowd and continues to take out security but the numbers finally catch up to Wardlow and he’s escorted out while MJF yells at him from afar, we cut back to the ring and Dean rolls up Spears and gets the win!

Winner – Shawn Dean

Backstage, we see new Ring of Honor Pure Champion, Wheeler Yuta as well as Chuck Taylor, Trent and Orange Cassidy of Best Friends. Schiavone asks about Yuta and Trent’s matches for this Friday night against Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley, respectively. Chuck interrupts and tells Yuta that while they love him, they helped train him and Chuck points out that Yuta still lives on their couch. Chuck says he knows Yuta wants to be the best wrestler in the world but says there’s no reason that he can’t do that with them. Trent says he doesn’t love Yuta and calls him a scumbag. Trent asks Yuta if he remembers when Danielson beat him, last week then tells Yuta to watch what he does to Danielson this Friday night. Chuck tells Yuta to take notes and says maybe he can learn a thing or two from the guy’s that he’s ‘trying to turn’ his back on. Trent and Yuta shove each other and everyone exits. Sammy Guevara comes down with Tay Conti and they go over their cue cards as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and TBS Champion Jade Cargill makes her way to the entrance ramp alongside Mark Sterling where they meet Tony Schiavone. Jade tells Tony to ‘cut the shit’. Jade says she’s here to formerly introduce the ‘Baddie Section’, Jade says a baddie is a beautiful woman with confidence. Jade calls the crowd slobs, Mark says it was difficult to find good looking people in Boston, Massachusetts but because of Jade’s hard work, she was able to do it. Mark says the one person not allowed in the ‘Baddie Section’ is Marina Shafir. Mark says while Marina may be a badass, she’s no baddie. Jade calls Marina trash and says she’ll only refers to her as number 30. Jade says she’s tired of ‘all these MMA losers’ coming into her ring. Mark says she was concerned about Marina’s fighting background and the fact that she’s referred to as ‘The Problem’. Jade tells Mark to back off and says luckily she’s ‘the problem solver’. Jade and Mark leave and we cut backstage where MJF is livid alongside Shawn Spears. MJF calls Wardlow a scumbag and challenges Shawn Dean to a match, next Wednesday night. We then head back to the ring where it’s time for our next matchup.

The Butcher & The Blade vs. The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) — Tables Match

— A brawl ensues right after the entrances and here we go. Butcher tosses Matt into the barricade and Jeff sends Blade ribs-first into a table. Matt and Jeff wallop Butcher with a double-DDT. Matt and Jeff put Butcher on a table, Matt holds him down, Jeff goes up top and looks for the Swanton Bomb but Blade trips Jeff off the top. Butcher and Blade nail Jeff with a double-slam through a table and Jeff’s eliminated. Butcher and Blade celebrate and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Matt drills Butcher with a steel chair and sets the big man up on a table, goes up top and comes crashing down on top of Butcher with a leg drop and Butcher is eliminated. Butcher continues the attack even after being eliminated, Butcher and Blade set up Matt for a slam through the table but Jeff makes the save and moves the table at the last-second. Matt hits another leg drop on Butcher, Jeff grabs a ladder, Matt hits Butcher with a Twist of Fate, Jeff sets up the ladder, goes up top and plants Blade with a Swanton Bomb through the table for the win!

Winners – The Hardys

After the match, Andrade El Idolo, Jose The Assistant and Private Party come down to the ring but Sting rushes down and the heels retreat. We head backstage and Christian Cage is irritated and walks out on Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus of Jurassic Express. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus challenge Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish of reDRagon to an AEW Tag Team Championship match, next week and we head to a commercial break.

Hikaru Shida vs. Julia Hart (with Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) — Owen Hart Cup Qualifying Match

Hart immediately attacks Shida and tells Pimman and Garrison to leave, which they do. Shida gets on the offensive and plants Hart with a suplex. Shida scoops and slams Hart then hits a running bulldog before going for the cover but Hart kicks out. Shida lifts Hart and plants her with a Falcon Arrow and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner – Hikaru Shida

After the match, Serena Deeb rushes down to the ring with a steel chair in-hand but Shida sends her backpedaling with a kendo stick and we cut backstage where we see Swerve Strickland. Swerve says he had an amazing time at The Grammys this past weekend but says his week prior wasn’t too good with Will Hobbs and Ricky Starks putting him through a table. Swerve says he has some business to handle but Hobbs and Starks attack from out of nowhere. Keith Lee makes the save and fires Hobbs through the wall

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (C) vs. Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) — Ring of Honor and AAA Tag Team Championship

Cash and Matt start this one off. Cash shoved Matt to the mat (ha ha ha) and applies a head-lock. Cash tosses Matt to the outside and Cash steals Matt’s headband. Back in the ring, Cash with a leg sweep then makes a tag to Dax whilst Matt makes the tag to Nick. Dax with a takedown on Nick before locking-in a head-lock. Nick shoots his headband at Dax and Dax shoved it in his trunks and then throws it at Matt. Fax whips Nick around the ring with a bevy of arm-drags but Nick escapes and makes the tag to Matt. Dax makes the tag to Cash, who attacks with a clothesline on both Bucks before locking-in a Sharpshooter on Matt, while Dax does the same to Nick. The Bucks comeback and Matt wallops Cash with a corner kick and goes up top before crashing down on Cash with an elbow drop. Nick locks-in a head-lock on Cash and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and a series of pins ensue but nothing ends the match. Dax plants Matt with a pile-driver and goes for the cover but Matt lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Cash gets tagged-in and drills a freshly-tagged-in Nick with a belly-to-belly, Matt hits Cash with a Frankesteiner, Nick wallops Dax with a punt kick, Matt drills Cash with a spring-board buster, Dax comes back with a brain-buster to Nick on the outside, Cash hits the Gory Special on Matt back in the ring before going for the cover but Matt kicks out! FTR line up Matt for Big Rig, Matt slides out, hits Dax with a low-blow and the Bucks plant Cash with Big Rig, Matt goes for the cover but Cash kicks out at two-and-a-half! Matt and Nick drill Cash with the BTE Trigger, Nick goes for the cover but Cash gets his foot on the bottom rope at two-and-a-half! Matt and Nick celebrate but referee Rick Knox informs them that Cash got his foot on the rope and the match continues as the Bucks are in disbelief. FTR hit simultaneous pile-drivers on both Bucks and they mail Matt with a BTE Trigger and then a pair of kisses before Cash covers Matt and gets the 1-2-3 and the win! What a match!

Winners – FTR (STILL Ring of Honor and AAA Tag Team Champions)

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