
IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/31/22): Jonathan Gresham Faces Kenny King + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (3/31/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and we see a video package showing the past few weeks of confrontations between Josh Alexander and IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Moose. We then see Josh Alexander enter the arena and IMPACT Wrestling EVP Scott D’Amore approaches Josh and tells him that he’s sent Moose home for the evening and says he’s set up a meeting to officially strip Moose of the title since he didn’t sign the contract. Josh tells Scott that he needs to get his hands on Moose and make him pay for what he did to his [Josh] family.

We then cut to the ringside area where our commentary team of Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt welcome us to tonight’s show and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Kenny King

Gresham and King lock-up to start, King knocks Gresham back, Gresham gets control and works over the arm. King sends Moose to the outside, Gresham gets back in, King chases to the outside, Gresham goes back out, King with an eye rake, slides back in and dives onto Gresham through the ropes. They brawl on the outside, King with a suplex then the pair go back in the ring. Gresham with a drop-kick, sends King to the corner and unloads a few chops, King gets hit with a dragon screw then rolls to the outside, Gresham misses a cross-body and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and King’s working over Gresham in the center of the back. King with a kick then a spine-buster before going for the cover but Gresham kicks out. Gresham rolls up King, who rolls out but Gresham lands an elbow and goes for the cover but King kicks out at two. King comes firing back with some shots, then a snap suplex, then a Tiger Driver and a cover but the ROH World Champion lifts the shoulders at two. Gresham comes back, trips King and locks-in a figure-four, Gresham bridges and locks-up King and his shoulders are stuck on the mat for a three-count!

Winner – Jonathan Gresham

After the match, Eddie Edwards comes down and tries to double-team Gresham with King but Rocky Romero comes down and makes the save.

We cut backstage and see Gia Miller with Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machine Guns. Alex says MCMG won their first match against Jay White and Chris Bey but he guesses Jay was never taught simple math. Alex says he and Chris about to beat them again, tonight. Chris says he loves the name Multiverse and tonight, he and Alex will prove why they’re the best tag team to ever step foot on earth. MCMG exit and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Gia Miller’s backstage with Ring of Honor Women’s and Reina de Reinas Champion Deonna Purrazzo. Deonna says she’s changing the game with the ‘Champ Champ Challenge’ and says that she IS the multiverse and she’s here to stay.

Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. Zicky Dice & Johnny Swinger — Chump Chump Challenge

Doc with an uppercut to Zicky to start. Doc plants ‘The Outlandish One’ with a slam then a corner splash. Doc makes the tag to Anderson and they hit the Magic Killer on Zicky and Anderson gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winners – Good Brothers

After the match, Gia Miller’s backstage with Doc and Karl, who say they’re the best tag team on the planet. Doc says they got screwed last week but at Rebellion, they’ll get their titles back. Doc says they’re going to beat the Briscoe Brothers at Multiverse. We then see PCO in the parking lot shouting for JONAH and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and PCO’s still on the hunt for JONAH but JONAH pops up behind PCO and lays him out with a dolly. They brawl throughout the parking lot and the backstage area. JONAH wallops PCO with a sledgehammer, PCO tosses JONAH into a car and exits but comes back with a shovel and starts shoveling gravel on the big man as we cut back to the ringside area where it’s time for our next matchup.

Josh Alexander vs. Madman Fulton

Alexander with a German suplex to start, then an over-head belly-to-belly also lands. Alexander tosses Fulton the outside and the brawl ensues. Alexander gets Fulton back into the ring, sets up the big man for the C4, Fulton slides out but Alexander comes right back with a German suplex followed by a power-bomb before locking-in the ankle lock and Fulton taps!

Winner – Josh Alexander

After the match, Alexander reapplies the ankle lock on Fulton before finally letting go and we head backstage where Mike ‘Speedball’ Bailey is shown with X-Division Champion Trey Miguel. Trey is hesitant about Bailey and Ace Austin’s friendship and says Ace won’t have his [Bailey] back during their match at Rebellion and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Mickie James is show backstage. Mickie calls Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green the ‘Mid-Cardonas’ and says she and Nick Aldis will take care of them at Multiverse. We then see Gia Miller backstage with Matt Cardona. Matt says he’s had a historic IMPACT Wrestling Digital Media Championship title reign. Chelsea Green comes in and says she isn’t the little sister that needs to be saved and says she deserves an opportunity at the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts World Championship. Matt says he and Chelsea will prove to Mickie and Nick at Multiverse who the power couple of professional wrestling truly is.

Jordynne Grace vs. Savannah Evans vs. Havok vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Tenille Dashwood vs. Madison Rayne vs. Rosemary vs. Jessie McKay vs. Alisha vs. Lady Frost — IMPACT Knockouts World Championship Number One Contenders Battle Royal

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts World Champion Tasha Steelz joins Hannifan and Rehwoldt on commentary for this one and here we go. A massive brawl to start, Havok quickly tosses out Alisha, several of the competitors team up on Havok, she fends everyone off and the brawl commences. McKay and Dashwood knock each other over the top rope and onto the apron, they exchange strikes, McKay with a boot to the face and Dashwood is out, Dashwood trios McKay off the apron but Kaleb with a K catches her and puts her back in the ring. Evans tosses out Rayne and McKay, Evans and Grace brawl but end up eliminating each other. Rosemary eats a super-kick from Frost, Shaw blocks a moonsault and nearly tosses Frost out, Rosemary tries to eliminate both Shaw and Frost, they counter but Rosemary does it!

Winner – Rosemary (number one contender for IMPACT Knockouts World Championship)

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Aiden Prince

Brian Myers joins Hannifan and Redhwoldt on commentary for this one. A back-and-forth striking exchange to start. Gujjar knocks Prince to the outside then follows and tosses him back in. Gujjar with some chops to the chest, Prince knocks him back, goes up top and dives down but Gujjar catches and slams him to the mat then goes for the cover but Prince kicks out. Gujjar goes for a corner splash, Prince clocks him with a kick, then lands a few stomps. Prince with a corner boot, Gujjar comes back with a sling-blade then a slam before going up to the middle turnbuckle and drilling Prince with a diving spear for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Bhupinder Gujjar

After the match, Myers gets attacked by W. Morrissey. The big man goes for a power-bomb but Myers slides out and mid able to retreat after some assistance from Prince. Morrissey turns his attention to Prince and plants Price through the announce table with a power-bomb and we see Jay White and Chris Bey of Bullet Club getting prepared for their main event match against the Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machine Guns, later on tonight before heading to a commercial break.

Masha Slamovich vs. Abby Jane

Jane attacks Slamovich from behind, Masha turns around and drills Jane with a suplex then the Snowplow for the three-count!

Winner – Masha Slamovich

Bullet Club (Chris Bey and Jay White) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)

White and Sabin start off our main event of the evening. White sends Sabin to the corner and unloads some strikes, Sabin kicks White back and lands a cross-body then unloads some chops to the chest. White with an eye rake, Sabin with another chop and makes the tag to Shelley. MCMG hit a double-suplex on White, Bey tried to attack but he gets taken out by MCMG as well. Shelley makes the tag back to Sabin, another double-suplex from MCMG, Sabin applies a head-lock, White slides out and hits a DDT, Bey’s tagged-in and drills Sabin with a forearm from the apron over the top rope and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and White has Shelley locked-up, Shelly fights out, White makes the tag to Bey, Shelley makes the tag to Sabin, who takes out both Bey and White, MCMG hit Bey with the Thunder Express, Sabin goes for the cover but Bey lifts the shoulder at two-and-a-half. White tosses both Sabin and Shelley to the outside, Bey dives through the ropes and takes out both members of MCMG. White lays Sabin out with a neck-breaker, Bey goes up top and hits a splash then goes for the cover but Sabin kicks out. A bunch of roll-ups are traded, nothing sticks for a three-count, MCMG toss White out and hit Skull & Bones on Bet, Sabin with the cover but Bey somehow kicks out. White tosses Shelley out, Bey drills Sabin with the Art of Finesse and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winners – Bullet Club

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