
Evil Uno Discusses The Genuine Connection Between Dark Order Members And Hangman Page

Evil Uno talks about his chemistry with Hangman Page and the rest of The Dark Order.

Evil Uno was, at one point, believed to be the leader of The Dark Order. Eventually, Brodie Lee would come in to become the leader of the group but unfortunately, Brodie Lee passed away at the end of 2020. Since then, The Dark Order has rallied around Adam Page.

Speaking with Lucas Charpiot from VL Media, Evil Uno spoke about the relationship Page and the group share. 

“Everything you see on TV is real chemistry. Originally, “Hangman” was one of the Dark Order’s targets, someone that Brodie Lee wanted to recruit,” Uno recalled. “It all started when Brodie Lee was the Exalted. He was supposed to be someone who was losing and unwell in his personal life and they were going to take advantage of that. But, with Brodie Lee’s passing, our group had to change. With his passing, Adam Page really became a friend to all of us off camera. He too had lost a friend and was in a difficult situation in his personal life as well. It was a chemistry that was created between us and the whole Dark Order became stronger after that event. Some time before that, we started appearing on BTE (Being the Elite, the Elite clan’s Youtube show) where we created a comedic chemistry together. “Hangman” was an easy addition because of his natural comedy and his vision of wrestling which is very similar to ours. Since then, we’ve been very close friends. Without him, I don’t know where we would be today. Without us, his path from the Tag Team Championship to the AEW World Championship – which he currently holds – would have been very different as well. I’m very happy that we were able to partner with him. Two years ago, I couldn’t have said he was a friend, he was just someone I knew from work. Two years later, he’s someone I contact often, we talk regularly.”

Uno also spoke about the groups and their comedic chemistry on Being The Elite. Uno says that part of the charm comes from the group’s authentic connection with one another

“Our formula is a bit improvised. We started doing BTE right after the Exalted One came. The goal was to show who each character in the stable was. Me, I was the character who led the group, but who was afraid of his boss. Stu Grayson was my second. John Silver and Alex Reynolds were the guys at the bottom of the ladder. They wanted to do anything to impress Brodie Lee or me, but failed every time. It really just happened naturally. As far as writing is concerned, every week, whether it works or not, we discuss two minutes between us and then we film. It is very rare that we do more than one take for a sequence. There have been exceptions, especially when Brodie Lee was with us. For someone so scary, he was always the first to laugh when making videos. And since his character couldn’t afford to laugh, we had to start the scene again. But right now, it’s written in two minutes. Some special episodes with a lot of editing, like the Christmas one, were written by Alex Reynolds and Adam Page. Even if today it is improvised, there are exceptions. We couldn’t have sung a four-minute song without writing it. For the episode that comes out on Monday, we got together as a group. It is something complex, because we are a group of eight people. With our chemistry, we know exactly what to say and when. When the camera is on, we are not so different from what we are in life,” said Uno.

You can check out the full interview embedded above.

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