
IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/10/22): Josh Alexander Addresses The IMPACT World Title Picture + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (3/10/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and our commentary team of Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt welcome us to tonight’s show and former IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander makes his way down to the ring. Josh says his future in IMPACT was legitimately in question before signing his extension. Josh says while he was pondering his future all he could think about was his son Lucas asking him when he would be able to see his father beat Moose…and on April 23rd, just that will happen when he becomes a two-time IMPACT World Champion at Rebellion. Eddie Edwards interrupts and asks Josh how it feels to have the red carpet rolled out for him and while he’s talking to Lucas, he can explain to him how his father has had everything handed to him. Josh tells Eddie to not mention his son’s name then says he risked everything. Matt Taven interrupts and asks Josh to remind him who the hell he is. Taven runs down his own, as well as Eddie’s accolades…and says the difference between the two of them and Josh, is that they’re title reigns never ended in front of their wives. Josh says at least his title reign didn’t put a company out of business. Josh challenges Honor No More, who all come down, they oblige and attack Josh. Team IMPACT rushes down to make the save, IMPACT EVP Scott D’Amore comes out and says Eddie Edwards will face Rich Swann later on tonight and Willie Mack will take-on Kenny King after the break. D’Amore notes that all members of both Honor No More and Team IMPACT are barred from ringside for both matches and we head to a commercial break.

Willie Mack vs. Kenny King

Mack with control early, King storms back, rakes Mack’s eyes, then a spring-board leg drop lands for King before going for the cover but Mack kicks out. Mack roars back with a slam then goes for a standing moonsault but King rolls out and applies a camel clutch on Mack, who powers out, nails King with a Samoan drop, goes for the cover but King lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half. The pair start unloading heavy strikes onto one another, King goes for a senton, Mack slides out and plants King with a stunner, goes up top and lands a frog splash for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Willie Mack

Backstage Scott D’Amore’s with IMPACT World Champion Moose. D’Amore hands Moose the contact for he [Moose] and Josh Alexander’s title match at Rebellion, D’Amore notes that Josh has already signed the deal and Moose must now follow suit or he’ll be stripped of the world title.

Ace Austin (with Madman Fulton) vs. John Skyler vs. Crazzy Steve

IMPACT X-Division Champion Trey Miguel joins Tom Gannifan and Matt Rehwoldt on commentary for this one. Steve gets control to start, tosses Ace and Skyler to opposite corners and nails both with a running senton. Steve lands a neck-breaker on Ace, then one on Skyler and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break Ace has control on both men, Skyler comes back and lands a power-bomb on Steve then goes for the cover but Steve kicks out. Ace lands a spinning-kick on Skyler, Ace puts Steve on the top rope, looks for a super-plex, Steve knocks Ace off the top, Skyler lands a power-bomb on Steve, Ace leaps off the top turnbuckle with a blockbuster on Steve and Ace gets the three-count!

Winner – Ace Austin

We cut backstage and we see Bhupinder Gujjar, who’s interrupted by Raj Singh who asks Bhupinder why he’s not answering his phone. Larry D comes in and says Raj is no longer with the company then Larry wallops Raj, Bhupinder makes the save but the big man stares down Raj before leaving.

The NEW IMPACT Tag Team Champions Violent By Design are shown celebrating their title win over The Good Brothers from Sacrifice.

Mickie James, Chelsea Green & The IInspiration (Cassie Lee & Jessie McKay) vs. Tasha Steelz, Savannah Evans & The Influece (Madison Rayne & Tenille Dashwood) (with Kaleb with a K)

Lee and Evans start. Lee and McKay double-team Evans, Rayne and Tenille attack Cassie, Savannah lands a Samoan drop on Cassie, then a leg drop and a cover but Lee kicks out. Evans makes the tag to Steelz and the IMPACT Knockouts Champion goes to work. James cheap shots Steelz, Kaleb trips Green off the apron, Green kicks Kaleb in the nether-regions, Mickie uses all of the distractions to hit the Mick-DT on Steelz to get the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners – Mickie James, Chelsea Green & The IInspiration

JONAH’s shown backstage. JONAH credits PCO for their match at Sacrifice but says he broke PCO and showed the world that PCO, is in fact, human.

Jay White, Chris Bey, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows of Bullet Club make their way out. Karl and Doc say they’re feeling a bit lighter since they don’t have the IMPACT Tag Team Titles with them anymore but now they have time to put the locker room on notice and call out The Briscoe Brothers, who they’ll face at WrestleCon’s Multiverse event. Jay says he handled his work at Sacrifice in the form of Alex Shelley, who taught him more than anyone in the business. Jay says Alex wanted to prove himself against the best in the world and he knows Alex wanted a handshake but maybe he can come down to the ring right now and give a ‘too sweet’ to the rightful leader of Bullet Club. Alex makes his way to the ring and say he’s not going to ‘too sweet’ Jay and notes that he knew Jay well before he was Jay White. Alex calls Jay the best in the world and says he thought he was safe from Jay’s verbal jabs but apparently he was wrong. Alex says his sternum hurts but so does his heart because he never got that handshake from Jay, who says Alex doesn’t know The Switchblade. Alex says Jay happened because of him [Alex], Bey interrupts and asks Alex why he’s even out there knowing he’s talking smack in front of the four baddest men in the world. Alex says he’s not alone and out comes Chris Sabin. Chris says this is a Motor City Machine Gun reunion and challenged White and Bey, to which they accept and the match is made official for next week!

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