
AEW Revolution Results (3/6/22): Adam Page Defends AEW World Title Against Adam Cole + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for AEW Revolution (3/6/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

Buy-In Pre-Show (YouTube, 7:00 p.m, ET/4:00 p.m. PT)

The Buy-In pre-show is underway and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening!

Leyla Hirsch vs. Kris Statlander

Hirsch with a takedown right off the bell, then an arm-drag and looks for an arm-bar. Statlander powers out, Hirsch with another takedown and unloads some shots. Statlander gets to her feet and they start exchanging heavy strikes, Statlander gets the better of the exchange, tosses Hirsch into the corner and drills her with a running knee. Both roll to the apron, Hirsch has a knee blocked, Statlander goes for a slam, Hirsch slides out and blasts her with a jump-kick and then a hurricanrana off the apron that sends them both spilling to the outside! Hirsch gets the fight back into the ring, hits a German suplex, goes for the cover but Statlander kicks out. Hirsch works for an arm-bar, gets it, Statlander struggles to break the hold but rolls herself to the ropes and gets her leg on the lower rope to force the break. Statlander comes back and tosses Hirsch over the top rope, both competitors go up top, Statlander has Hirsch on her shoulders and they both go crashing to the mat with a front-slam, Statlander scoops and slams Hirsch one more time, goes for the cover but Hirsch kicks out! Hirsch rolls out of the ring, Statlander follows and Hirsch sneakily grabs a metal pipe from under the ring and wallops Statlander with it behind the referee’s back. Hirsch rushes back into the ring and lands a spring-board moonsault and gets the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Leyla Hirsch

We then see a video package hyping up the Dog Collar Match between CM Punk and MJF, set for later on tonight.

Tony Schiavone’s in the ring and introduces the return of former AEW World Champion Kenny Omega! Omega’s music hits but Don Callis makes his way to the ring. Callis gets in the ring and asks if they were expecting somebody else. Callis says he and Omega gave them the greatest world title run in the history of the business. Callis runs down Omega’s run from last year whilst being AEW World Champion then he promotes tonight’s card and says he fully expects The Young Bucks and Adam Cole to walk-out of tonight’s show with gold wrapped around their waist. Callis says if Omega was here, he’d be main eventing the show and winning his second AEW World Title but Cole will be a ‘fantastic transitional champion’ up until Omega takes his rightful place as AEW World Champion because there’s only one diamond in this business and it’s ‘Kenny BAH GAWD Omega’.

We see a video package highlighting tonight’s match between former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson.

HOOK vs. QT Marshall

QT taunts HOOK, who gets with a takedown, locks-in a choke but QT crawls to the ropes and grabs them to force a break. QT with a kick to the mid-section, throws HOOK off the ropes but HOOK tosses QT out of the ring and plays up to the crowd. QT tells HOOK to come follow him on the outside, HOOK makes QT get back in the tiny, QT gouges HOOK in the eyes and tosses him to the outside. QT follows him out but eats a snap-suplex from HOOK, who tosses QT back into the ring. QT grabs HOOK’s trunks and sends him face-first into the bottom turnbuckle. HOOK plants QT with a Northern Lights Suplex, bridges QT for the cover but QT kicks out. QT with momentum now and nails HOOK with a suplex, goes up top but HOOK trips him up and nails QT with an overhead slam. QT shoves him back, looks for the The Diamond Cutter, HOOK slides out and locks-in Red Rum that forces the tap from QT!

Winner – HOOK

A video package is shown hyping tonight’s AEW World Championship match between champion Adam ‘Hangman’ Page and challenger Adam Cole.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Penta Oscuro, PAC & Erick Redbeard

Penta and Matthews start this one off. Matthews tosses Penta off the ropes, Penta takes down Matthews with a hurricanrana, goes for a super-kick, Matthews catches it, rolls Penta up, he kicks out, Penta rolls him back, Matthews kicks out and both flip up and stare each other down and they get a pop from the crowd for the fast-paced offense. King and Redbeard are tagged-in and here we go! Massive shoulder blocks from both behemoths, neither can get the upper-hand, they exchange forearms, Malakai and Matthews take out Penta and PAC on the apron and they spill to the outside and brawl. Redbeard tosses King to the outside, nails him with a sliding drop-kick, then he takes out Malakai and PAC, then drills King with a diving cross-body that sends the Orlando, Florida crowd into a frenzy. Back on the inside, King tosses a tagged-in Penta to the corner and delivers a diving senton, goes for the cover but Penta kicks out. Malakai’s tagged-in, nails Penta with a kick, goes for another cover, Penta kicks out and Malakai makes the tag to Matthews. Penta shoves King off the apron, tries to dive across the ring to his corner for a tag, Matthews grabs his leg, Penta kicks him off and makes the tag to PAC but he gets caught in a DDT from Matthews. King’s tagged-in by Matthews and unloads a chop onto the chest of PAC before making the tag to Malakai, who immediately gets PAC in a head scissors. Malakai wallops PAC with a kick then makes the tag to Matthews, who lands a kick, goes for the cover but PAC lifts the shoulders at two. Matthews and Malakai double-team PAC but PAC slides out and makes the tag to Penta. Oscuro takes out King, sends him to the outside, and hits Matthews with a destroyer after flipping off of Malakai, goes for the cover but Matthews kicks out and the crowd reins down the ‘The is awesome!’ chants. Penta goes for the package pile-driver on Matthews, who rolls out, Penta makes the tag to Redbeard, who nails Matthews with a flying senton over the top rope. Redbeard nails Malakai with the cutter, Matthews takes the big man out with a meteora, PAC tags himself in and takes out Malakai with a poisonrana, both big men are tagged back-in, King plants Redbeard with The Death Valley Driver and all six men are down inside of the ring. PAC wipes out Matthews on the outside with a dive over the top rope, Penta plants Malakai with a pile-driver on the apron, tosses him back into the ring, goes for the cover but Malakai isn’t the legal man, Matthews is. Matthews sneaks in and stomps Penta, goes for the cover but PAC breaks it up. Redbeard’s tagged-in, Malakai and Matthews with the double team, Malakai gets the mist in the eyes, King lands a pile-driver, Malakai covers and it’s all over! What a match!

Winners – House of Black

Main Card (Pay-Per-View, 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT)

Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston

Kingston drops Jericho on his head in the corner. Kingston unloads strikes into Jericho in the corner, Jericho shoves him and then to the outside. Back in the ring, Jericho wallops Kingston with a right hand, Kingston with a pile-driver then a cover but Jericho kicks out. Jericho puts Kingston on the top rope, unloads some shots then tosses Kingston off the top. Jericho unhooks the top turnbuckle padding, they both go to the apron and Jericho nails Kingston with a suplex to the outside. Jericho tosses Kingston back into the ring, lands a German suplex, then The Lion Tamer, goes for the cover but Kingston kicks out. Kingston tosses Jericho to the ropes, Jericho rolls him up, Kingston kicks out but locks-in The Walls but Kingston rolls to and grabs the bottom rope to force the break. Kingston with a suplex and blasts Jericho with The Judas Effect, goes for the cover but Jericho lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half. Jericho drills Kingston with The Codebreaker, goes for the cover but Kingston kicks out, runs towards Jericho and eats another Codebreaker. Jericho tells Kingston to get up, goes for The Judas Effect, Kingston counters and locks-in an inverted arm-bar and choke combination and Jericho taps!

Winner – Eddie Kingston

After the match, Jericho refuses to shake Kingston’s hand like they agreed to before the match and Jericho makes his way out.

Jurrassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) (C) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. reDRagon (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish)

KOR and Jungle Boy start this one off. KOR lands a front-kick, Jungle boy flips him back and works over his left arm. Fish is tagged in, slams down Jungle Boy and makes the tag to Nick. Jungle Boy runs the ropes and drags Nick down to the mat. Luchasaurus’ tagged-in, teases a dive over the top rope but Jungle Boy comes flying over the top rope and lays out reDRagon and The Bucks. Fish and Luchasaurus are legal and in the ring, Luchasaurus makes the tag to Jungle Boy, Fish gets control and tags-in Matt, who lands a neck-breaker on Jungle Boy, goes for the cover and KOR breaks it up, self tags-in, covers Jungle Boy and Nick breaks it up. KOR makes the tag to Fish, who’s tossed out, Jungle Boy gets taken out by The Bucks, Luchasaurus is sent out of the ring, Matt and Nick are double-teaming Jungle Bog back in the ring, Matt goes for the cover but KOR forces the break, Jungle Boy rolls Matt up, KOR breaks that up too, he and Matt argue, Jungle Boy tosses Matt over the top rope, KOR misses a kick on Jungle Boy and knocks Matt off the apron, Luchasaurus comes in and takes everyone out, drills The Bucks with a super-kick to each, goes for a choke-slam on Nick, Matt makes the save, Luchasaurus sends Matt out of the ring and Nick drills the big man with a destroyer. The Bucks are back in the ring but Luchasaurus plants them with a double choke-slam, Fish and KOR get in the ring, Luchasaurus takes them out, Matt comes back in, gets slammed, Luchasaurus goes for the cover, Matt kicks out, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy with a Doomsday Device on Matt, Jungle Boy goes for the cover but Matt kicks out at two-and-a-half. Jungle Boy goes for a knee, Fish trips him, holds Jungle Boy up for a super-kick but Jungle Boy ducks and Matt drills Fish with the kick. reDRagon and The Bucks brawl inside the ring, Luchasaurus attacks, Fish and Matt have a striking exchange, Jungle Boy comes in but they all super-kick each other and they’re all down inside of the ring as the crowd pours in ‘AEW! AEW! AEW!’ chants, KOR drills Jungle Boy with a kick, Fish with a suplex, KOR locks-in a leg-lock, Nick and Luchasaurus break it up and then go at it. Luchasaurus with a choke-slam on Nick, KOR attacks Luchasaurus, locks-in a guillotine, Jungle Boy with a 450′ splash onto KOR, goes for the cover but Nick lands a 450′ splash to break it up! Jungle Boy and KOR are in the ring, Matt grabs the titles and tries to hit Jungle Boy with it, KOR grabs the title and and knocks Matt with it, Fish drills Jungle Boy with a super-kick, goes for the cover but Luchasaurus breaks it up. The Bucks drag Luchasaurus to the outside, KOR hoists Fish up, The Bucks drill him with a double super-kick, then a Super Kick Party, goes for the cover but KOR breaks it up! Matt tosses KOR out, Jungle Bou with a German suplex on Luchasaurus nails KOR, Fish and Nick on the outside with a dive over the top rope, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus nail Matt with a flip/power-bomb combo for the 1-2-3 and the win! What a match!

Winners – Jurrassic Express (C)

Keith Lee vs. Wardlow vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks vs. Christian Cage vs. Orange Cassidy — Face of The Revolution Ladder Match

— Lee, Wardlow and Hobbs toss everyone else out and stare each other down in the ring but everyone quickly comes back in and the brawls ensue. Starks sends Cassidy into the barricade then sneaks back in the ring, brings, sets up and climbs a ladder but Cassidy comes back in and tosses him up. Cassidy slowly climbs the ladder, Cage takes him out, Lee pops up behind Cage, Starks attacks Lee, Lee takes out both Cage and Starks with a cross-body, Cassidy goes up top, looks for the hurricanrana, Lee catches him and launches him into both Cage and Starks. Lee climbs the ladder, Wardlow interrupts, Lee willingly climbs back down, tosses the ladder out, Hobbs slides back in the ring and blasts Lee and Wardlow with the ladder. Starks comes back in and the Team Taz members stare each other down, race to climb the ladder but Cassidy shoves the ladder down and both Hobbs and Starks are sent flying to the canvas. Cassidy’s head is stuck in the ladder, Lee and Wardlow lift it, Cassidy flips and ends up on top of the bridged ladder to a massive pop from the crowd but ends up falling (man parts first) into one of the rings of the ladder. Hobbs comes back, takes out Wardlow, tosses the ladder into Lee, grabs Cassidy and launches himself and Cassidy off of the cornered ladder onto the mat with a super-plex. Hobbs thinks spine-buster onto a running Cage but Cage slides out and spears Hobbs into the aforementioned cornered ladder. Cage sets up a ladder, Starks moves it and launches himself off of the top turnbuckle and through the ladder with a spear onto Cage. Starks climbs, Wardlow comes in and knocks Starks off, Hobbs, Cassidy and Starks all come back in, Wardlow climbs, Hobbs follows, Lee sets up another ladder and also climbs. Cassidy, Starks and Cage also climb, Cassidy’s sent off, so is Starks and Lee, Wardlow and Hobbs each have one hand on the ring and stare each other down, they both go flying off the top. Lee, Hobbs and Wardlow are in the ring, Lee tosses Cassidy onto Starks and Cage in the outside, Lee’s sent out by Hobbs, Wardlow tosses out Hobbs then goes to the outside and the three hossses start brawling on the stage. Hobbs and Wardlow double-team Lee with back-and-forth strikes, they grab another ladder but each rip it in half. Hobbs hits Wardlow with the ladder, then nails Lee with it, then another shot to Wardlow. Lee and Hobbs fight next to the announce table but Wardlow comes back and sends them both off the stage. Back in the ring Cage sets up a ladder, Starks with a low-blow, Starks climbs the ladder, Wardlow comes back in, Danhausen comes out of nowhere and puts a curse on Starks. Cage climbs, Starks shoves him off, Wardlow power-bombs Cage, Starks climbs, Wardlow leaps onto the bridged ladder and power-bombs Starks into the ladder and Wardlow climbs the ladder and retrieves the ring for the win!

Winner – Wardlow

Tony Schiavone’s on the stage and introduces AEW’s newest acquisition Swerve Strickland! Strickland says he could go on and on about all of the talent in AEW but all he really has to say, is that he has a question to ask. Who’s house? And the Orlando crowd reins in ‘SWERVE’S HOUSE!’ chants.

Jade Cargill (C) (with Mark Sterling) vs. Tay Conti (with Anna Jay) — TBS Championship

Jade kisses Tay then tosses her off the ropes, Tay rolls Jade up, Jade rolls her back, Tay rolls into an arm-bar attempt but Jade powers out and sends Tay face-first into the mat then drills her with a pump kick to the back of the head. Tay with a swinging DDT then goes for the cover but the champion kicks out. Jade rolls out of the ring to recover, Tay goes up top and wipes out Mark Sterling either a dive. Jade launches Anna Jay with a kick into the barricade, Tay with a roll up back in the ring, Jade kicks out, Jade with a roll, Tay kicks out, Anna hits Jade with a chair, Tay with the roll up but the champion kicks out! Tay with a super-kick, then looks for the Tay-KO, Jade counters into The Eye of The Storm, goes for the cover but Tay lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half! Jade goes up top, plants Tay with a frog splash, goes for the cover but Tay rolls out of the ring, nails Jade with a kick on the outside, she tosses Jade back into the ring, goes for the cover but Jade kicks out. Tay goes up top, Jade shoves her face-first into the top of the ring post, then plants her with her finisher for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Jade Cargill

CM Punk vs. MJF — Dog Collar Match

Punk tosses MJF over the top rope and chokes MJF with the chain, MJF rakes the chain across Punk’s head and he’s already opened up. MJF grabs a mic and taunts Punk but Punk starts whipping MJF with the chain and nails him with a leg sweep using the chain. Punk goes up top and comes diving down with a forearm across the face of MJF. Punk wraps the chain around MJF’s neck and nails him with a bulldog. Punk wraps the chain around MJF’s right hand and drives the knee into into several times. MJF goes for the GTS, MJF takes his eyes and wraps the chain around Punk’s neck and looks for the sleeper. Referee Paul Turner lifts Punk’s arm but Punk lifts himself up and avoids being finished. MJF locks-in The Salt of The Earth, MJF rolls out and locks-up The Anaconda Vise, MJF rolls Punk back into a pin attempt and forces the break. Punk nails MJF with The Shining Wizard that sends MJF out of the ring. Punk grabs the chain and sends MJF flying into the steel steps and now MJF is also busted open. Punk wraps the chain around his own knee and goes for a running knee onto a seated MJF but MJF avoids and Punk goes knee-first into the steps. Punk tosses MJF back into the ring, looks for the GTS but his knee gives out, MJF clubs at the knee with the chain, MJF rakes the eyes, looks for the pile-driver on the apron but Punk reverses and plants MJF with the pile-driver onto the apron. Punk goes up top, wraps the chain around his own elbow, looks for the diving elbow-drop but MJF slides out, goes for the cover but Punk kicks out at two-and-a-half. MJF retrieves a bag and dumps out thumbtacks in the middle of the ring, Punk looks for the brain-buster on the tacks, MJF counters into a suplex, Punk avoids, eats an elbow from MJF, Punk knocks MJF down with a roundhouse kick. Punk drags MJF to the corner, goes up top and looks for the Pepsi Plunge but MJF trips Punk up. MJF goes back up top and plants Punk with a super-plex onto the tacks goes for the pin but Punk kicks out. Wardlow makes his way down to the ring, and can’t find the diamond ring, Punk uses the distraction and nails MJF with the GTS onto the tacks, Wardlow gives Punk a look then he finds the diamond ring. Wardlow puts the ring on the apron for Punk, who puts the ring on, MJF spits on Punk, who wallops MJF with the ring and gets the three-count for the win!

Winner – CM Punk

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D (C) (with Jamie Hayter & Rebel) vs. Thunder Rosa — AEW Women’s Champion

Both competitors tangle up to start, Rosa with a head-lock drag, Baker with the head scissors, then a suplex, goes for the cover but Rosa kicks out. Rosa with a back-breaker, then a knee to the back of Baker’s head. The champion comes firing back and unloads kicks to a downed Rosa in the corner. Baker wraps Rosa’s legs on the bottom rope and stomps on her face. Rosa just gets pissed off and unloads strikes onto Baker but the champion sends her face-first into the mat. Rosa comes roaring back and lays Baker out with a slam, then a back suplex, goes for the cover but Baker kicks out. Baker drops Rosa on her head with a back pile-driver, then a cover but Rosa’s able to kick out. Baker slams Rosa again, goes for another cover but Rosa kicks out yet again. Rosa sends Baker into the corner with a drop-kick, puts her on the top rope and nails her with a super-plex then catches her on her shoulders and sends her crashing to the canvas with a drop, then a running clothesline, goes for the cover but Baker lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half. Baker with a clubbing forearm to Rosa then a side-slam, goes for the cover but Rosa kicks out at two. Both struggle to their knees and unload elbows and forearms, Rosa rolls Baker up, Baker kicks out and rolls into The Lockjaw, Rosa rolls out, goes up top, Baker follows and Baker plants Rosa with a flying back-body drop, goes for the cover but Rosa kicks out at two-and-a-half! Baker with an elbow, Rosa with one of her own, Baker sends Rosa into the corner, Rosa rolls her up, Baker slides out, Rosa catches her, goes for the pile-driver, Baker flips out and nails Rosa with one of her own, goes for the cover but Rosa kicks out. Rosa plants Baker with a pile-driver, Rebel distracts referee Paul Turner, Rosa knocks Rebel off the apron, Baker rolls Rosa up, Rosa rolls her back but they break. Baker wallops Rosa with a right hand, then a kick to the face, Rebel’s working an injury over to distract the referee, Hayter tosses Baker the title, Baker drills Rosa with it, goes for the cover but Rosa kicks out! Baker starts unloading elbows to the back of Rosa’s head, goes for The Lockjaw, Rosa slides to the ropes and shoves herself back and goes for The Lockjaw herself, lays into Baker with some elbows, Rosa rolls into the rear-naked choke, Baker taps but Rebel distracts the referee again and Rosa drills Rebel with a spear through the ropes, Rosa drills Hayter with a running clothesline on the outside and Baker plants Rosa with a stomp for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. (C)

Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley

They lock up and then go shooting out of the ring through the middle rope. Back in the ring, they lock up again, go face-to-face, Moxley sends Bryan to the mat, he rolls out to regroup and gets back in. They start unloading chips on one another, Moxley sends Bryan crashing to the mat with a chop to the chest, they brawl, Moxley sends Bryan into the corner and unloads stomps, then a kick to the chest, Bryan sends Moxley down with a kick, Moxley looks for a back-body drop, Bryan flips back and lands on his feet and locks-in a guillotine, Moxley powers out and sends Bryan crashing to the outside with a toss over the top rope. Moxley follows him out and they start brawling on the outside and take each other out with a slam. Both men are busted open after sending one another into the barricade and steps, they start unloading strikes whilst in the center of the ring, Bryan with a flying knee and both men are out in the middle of the ring. They struggle to their feet, both go up top, Bryan plants Moxley with a diving back-body drop, goes for the cover but Moxley kicks out. Bryan locks in The Cattle Mutilation but Moxley rolls to the ropes and gets a foot on the bottom rope to force the break by referee Bryce Remsburg. Bryan reapplies the lock, Moxley rolls out and unloads elbows to the neck and locks-in the sleeper hold and transitions to an arm-bar, Bryan escapes and locks-in the cross-face and Moxley drags himself to the ropes and forces the break. They start unloading kicks into each other, Moxley stomps on Bryan’s neck and latches onto the neck, Bryan rolls into a pin, Moxley rolls back the other way, Bryan lands a German suplex, goes for the cover but Moxley kicks out! Bryan with his patented stomps to the chest, rolls Moxley into a triangle-choke, lays in some elbows onto the top of Moxley’s head, Moxley’s struggling to escape, he fades, Bryan lands some more elbows, now some punches, Moxley rolls forward, bounces off of the ropes, presses Bryan’s shoulders to the mat and gets the win!

Winner – Jon Moxley

After the match, Bryan shoves Remsburg, Bryan and Moxley start brawling, AEW officials come down to break it up and William Regal makes his way down to the ring! Regal slaps both Bryan and Moxley and tells them to get their sh*t together. Regal makes them shake hands and then tells Bryan leave, he follows Bryan and Moxley’s music hits.

Tony Schiavone’s on the stage and hypes up this coming Wednesday’s episode of AEW Dynamite, which will feature TNT Champion Sammy Guevara defending his title against Scorpio Sky as well as Leyla Hirsch against Thunder Rosa to determine the number one contender for the AEW Women’s Championship. The following Wednesday’s Dynamite will feature the winner of next week’s match between Guevara and Sky defending the TNT Title against tonight’s Face of The Revolution Ladder Match winner Wardlow.

Sting, Darby Allin & Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Hardy, Andrade El Idolo & Isiah Kassidy (with Marq Queen, Jose The Assistant, The Butcher & The Blade)

Darby sends Andrade to the outside with a clothesline, everyone starts brawling on the outside, Sting and Darby double-team Jose and bail him with a garbage can then a chair. Andrade tosses Guevara into the barricade, Sammy and Darby take out Andrade with a double-slam. Sting launches the garbage can at Andrade, Guevara takes out Kassidy with a cutter, Andrade sends Darby face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Hardy and Andrade double-team Guevara, Hardy nails Guevara with the Twist of Fate, goes for the cover but Sting breaks it up. Guevara launches Hardy into the crowd, Kassidy and Queen toss silly string on the outside, Sting wallops Hardy with a chair then launches him into the barricade. Butcher and Blade double-team Darby, toss him into the barricade. Kassidy’s on the stage but gets launched off of it with a Spanish Fly from Guevara. Sting and Hardy brawl into the crowd above a bunch of tables. Darby and Andrade start brawling up to them and Sting hurls himself off of the balcony and through all of the tables! Back in the ring, Darby and Hardy are going at it, Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, Darby counters and sends a chair flying into Matt’s face and then launches himself with a Scorpion Death Drop and then the Coffin Drop for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners – Sting, Darby Allin & Sammy Guevara

Adam ‘Hangman’ Page (C) vs. Adam Cole — AEW World Championship

They lock-up to start, Page unloads a few chops to the chest of Cole, Cole fires back with some elbows and Page sends Cole to the mat with another thunderous chop. Cole rolls to the outside but the champion follows him out with a dive through the ropes and takes out Cole. Page launches Cole into the barricade, then a boot to the mouth connects for the champion. Cole comes roaring back and tosses Page to the apron before tossing him into the steel steps. Cole tosses the champion back into the ring and works over the arm. Cole nails Page with a back-breaker, Page slaps Cole but Cole trips him up with a low kick, looks for the Panama Sunrise, Page slides out and lands a super-kick and plants Cole with a slam. On the outside tosses Cole into the ring post then goes up too and nails the challenger with a moonsault. Page gets Coke back into the ring and looks for the Buckshot Lariat but Cole rolls back outside and clocks a chasing Page with a super-kick. Page comes back with a Liger Bomb, tosses Cole back into the ring, goes for the cover but Cole kicks out. Cole comes back with a slam, tunes up the band as an homage to Shawn Michaels but Page counters with The Deadeye. Both men struggle to their feet and then exchange strikes, Cole rolls down his knee-pad, Page stops him and slaps him, Cole hits a pump kick, Page with an elbow, Cole rolls into a cross-face but Page slides to the ropes and forces the break. Page fights back and looks for the Buckshot Lariat but Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish of reDRagon come down and distract the referee. Cole nails Page with a super-kick, then hits the Panama Sunrise on the outside, Cole tosses Page back into the ring, goes for the cover but Page kicks out at two-and-a-half! reDRagon distract again, Cole low-blows Page, hits another Panama Sunrise and nails the champion with The Boom, goes for another cover but Page somehow kicks out yet again! Page kips up and nails Cole with a clothesline, then sets up another Buckshot Lariat attempt, Cole counters with a super-kick, then some strikes, reDRagon sets up a table but Page ends up planting Cole with The Deadeye through it! Dark Order come rushing down to even the odds, Page nails Cole with the Buckshot Lariat, goes for the cover but Cole gets his hand on the bottom rope to force the break! Cole escapes a submission attempt, gets up, turns around, Page drills him with a super-kick, The Boom and the Buckshot Lariat for the 1-2-3 and the win! What a main event!

Winner – Adam ‘Hangman’ Page (C)

After the match Page extends his hand to Cole and they shake hands as the show goes off-the-air.

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