
AEW Rampage Results (3/4/22): Sammy Guevara Defends TNT Title, Keith Lee In Action + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for AEW Rampage (3/4/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and our commentary team of Excalibur, Taz and Chris Jericho alongside Powerhouse Hobbs and FTW Champion Ricky Starks welcome us to the show and Sammy Guevara, Andrade and Darby Allin are all already in the ring and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening.

Sammy Guevara (C) vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Darby Allin — TNT Championship

Darby takes down Andrade with a flying arm-drag, then tosses Sammy into the corner where he lands a splash on Andrade, Sammy lands a Code Red, goes for the cover and Darby breaks it up. Darby and Sammy bicker for a second, Darby latches in a headlock, Sammy rolls him into a pin, Darby rolls out and keeps the lock intact, Sammy rolls out and nails Darby with a drop-kick and plays up to the RED-HOT Orlando, Florida crowd. Darby goes up top, Sammy drills him with a flying knee, then a step-up enziguri, goes for a super-plex but Andrade comes up from behind whilst Sammy’s holding Darby in the air and Andrade plants them both with a WILD power-bomb! Andrade goes for the cover on Sammy, the champion kicks out, Andrade turns his attention to Darby and launches him into the ropes. Andrade removed his belt and starts whipping Darby with it, then Sammy, who rolls out of the ring to avoid further damage. Andrade scoops Darby and launches him into the top turn-buckle, then goes outside and fires Sammy face-first into the barricade. Sammy’s tossed by into the ring by Andrade, who starts stomping on the mid-section of the champion before taunting the crowd. Andrade nails Sammy with the Three Amigos as the crowd reins down the ‘Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!’ chants and the third suplex of the bunch sends Sammy directly into the corner. Andrade plants Darby with a urinage, then goes up top and goes for a moonsault onto both Sammy and Darby, they roll out of the way, Andrade lands on his feet and lands a standing moonsault on Sammy! Andrade covers each man but both kick out and all three competitors struggle to their feet as referee Bryce Remsburg begins the 10-count but all three men are able to get back to their feet in time. They start slapping the hell out of each other, Darby and Sammy take out Andrade, Darby sends Sammy out of the ring but Andrade drills Darby with a front-kick. Andrade scoops and slams Darby, goes up top, Darby rushes back to his feet and trips Andrade and starts unloading belt shots onto his back. Sammy gets on the opposite top turnbuckle and flies across the ring and wallops Andrade with the coast-to-coast onto Andrade! The crowd reins down ‘this is awesome!’ chants, both challengers as well as the champion struggle to their feet, Andrade rolls out, Darby dives through the ropes and nails Andrade, Darby gets back in the ring, Sammy rolls him up, Darby rolls him back, Sammy rolls him right back up but Andrade drills Darby with a super-kick, then a suplex onto Sammy, goes for the cover but Darby breaks it up and ‘AEW! AEW! AEW!’ chants echo throughout the arena. Darby sends Andrade down with a double front-kick, Sammy lands the GTH on Andrade, Darby tosses Sammy out of the ring, Darby lands the coffin drop on Andrade and goes for the cover but Sammy comes out of nowhere and breaks it up with a 450′ splash off the top rope and covers Andrade for the 1-2-3 and the win! What a match!

Winner – Sammy Guevara (C)

After the match, Sammy offers his hand to Darby for a handshake but Darby’s having none of it and rolls out of the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Penta Oscuro, PAC and Alex Abrahantes are in the ring. Alex says there’s three of them [The House of Black] and there’s three of them and it’s an eye for an eye and challenge them to a match for Revolution on Sunday. Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews appear on the big screen. They say they’ll get what they wish for, the lights go out and when they come back up, House of Black are in the ring. Alex tells them to stop right there and says he never said the three of them were in the ring…and while House of Black have their monster, so do they…and out comes Erick Redbeard! Erick comes down to the ring and they clear house and House of Black retreat and it appears as if this match is ON for Revolution!

We cut backstage and see Dan Lambert with Scorpio Sky. Lambert congratulates Sammy Guevara on successfully defending his TNT Championship but says it appears as if he’s defending the title against everyone except the ‘true number one contender, Scorpio Sky’. Lambert says he had a thought before he lost his cool about that and remembered back to a saying his mother taught him and that saying would prove good when negotiating with a ‘steaming hot pile of dog sh*t wrestling company’ and he got Scorpio a title match against Sammy next Wednesday night on Dynamite and he’ll bring Paige VanZant to Revolution to sign her AEW deal.

Keith Lee vs. JD Drake

JD chops Keith in the chest and Keith sends him down with a massive chop. Keith sends JD into the corner, JD jumps over, runs himself off the ropes but Keith absolutely wallops him with a shoulder block. JD rolls out of the ring, Keith follows and fires JD to the floor, then into the ring post. Keith rolls in and out of the ring to restart the referee’s count and unloads a double-chop onto JD’s chest before tossing him back in the ring and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and JD’s in control and drills Keith with a lariat, Keith tosses JD into the corner but JD avoids a corner splash and knocks Keith back with a kick and tosses Keith into the opposite corner and dives onto the big man with a cannonball. JD goes up top and nails Keith with a moonsault but Keith launches JD across the ring and kicks out at one! Keith hoists JD up to the top rope, JD dives for a cross-body, Keith catches him and absolutely crushes JD with his finisher for the three-count and the win!

Winner – Keith Lee

After the match, Ryan Nemeth, Peter Avalon and Cezar Bononi rush the ring but Keith quickly dispatches all of them. Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks make their way down to the ring but Orange Cassidy’s music hits and the four men stare each other down from afar and commentary hypes up the Face of The Revolution Ladder Match, in which all four men are set to compete in.

We then see ‘exclusive footage’ from CM Punk’s visit to the AEW medical staff backstage after MJF’s attack on him from this past Wednesday night on Dynamite. Punk tells the medical staff to leave and says sometimes when people get beat down like that, it makes them feel more alive. Punk says MJF might understand that and if he doesn’t, he will Sunday night and he’ll find out that CM Punk is the master and he knows EXACTLY who the f*ck he is! Punk says MJF isn’t ready to see the real CM Punk and at Revolution he’s going to beat him like a dog and he’s going to beat him until his own mother doesn’t recognize him and on March 6th, he’s going to become a monster…because he’s CM Punk and he’s better than you. Punk exits and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and TBS Champion Jade Cargill is backstage with Mark Sterling, who says he struck a deal that disallows Tay Conti to have any physical contact with Jade until 48-hours before Revolution, Jade says ‘nobody cares about that b*tch and her karate sh*t’ Anna Jay comes in and asks what day it is and Tay comes out of nowhere and drills Jade with a front-kick and says Jade has less than 48-hours as champion.

Serena Deeb vs. Leila Gray — Professor’s Five-Minute Challenge

— Leila rolls out of the ring, Serena chases, Leila slides into the ring, Serena can’t quite catch Leila…until she does. Serena sends Leila out of the ring, then quickly back in and drills her with a neck-breaker over the top rope and locks-in a standing guillotine that gets the tap from Leila!

Winner – Serena Deeb

After the match, Serena locks-in The Serenity Lock and Hikaru Shida’s music hits and she’s back! The former AEW Women’s Champion rushes the ring and unloads a bevy of kendo stick shots onto Serena, who retreats.

Backstage, Eddie Kingston is with Tony Schiavone. Eddie says everyone can order the PPV and asks Tony why he’s there. Eddie says nobody wants to talk anymore and while kayfabe may be dead but we don’t have to piss on it’s grave. Eddie says if Jericho wants to doubt him, he’s going to regret it and now he’s going to embarrass Jericho and he’s going to have to suck it up and shake his hand after their match, Sunday night. Eddie and Tony agree to go get some peanut butter pie in catering and we cut back to the ring for our main event of the evening.

Christian Cage vs. Ethan Page — Face of The Revolution Qualifying Match

Page tosses Cage into the corner and unloads a number of strikes and taunts the crowd, Cage dives off the middle rope and lands a cross-body, before going for a cover but Page kicks out. Cage tosses Page to the outside but Page fires Cage into the barricade before taunting the crowd yet again. Page gets Cage back into the ring, tosses him back out and continues his taunting, Cage sneaks back in, rolls Page up but Page is able to lift the shoulders. Page tosses Cage back into the corner and chokes him with a boot to the throat until referee Aubrey Edwards forces the break with a five-count. Cage wallops Page with a kick, lines him up for a spear but Page drills him with a shoulder block, goes for the cover but Cage kicks out at two-and-a-half. Page goes for Ego’s Edge, Cage rolls out and nails Page with a spear, goes for the pin but Page kicks out. Cage goes for The Killswitch, Page slides out and a sends Cage shoulder-first into the turnbuckle post. Page goes for Ego’s Edge but Cage slips off and plants Page with The Killswitch for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Christian Cage (Qualifies For The Face of The Revolution Ladder Match)

After the match, the AEW Tag Team Champions Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus of Jurassic Express come down to the ring to celebrate with Christian but Jurassic Express’ challengers for Revolution, The Young Bucks and reDragon make their way down to the ring. reDragon steal the tag belts and celebrate, The Bucks take them and celebrate but Luchasaurus snatch the titles back and Jungle Boy launches himself over the top rope and takes out both teams and they celebrate as the show goes off-the-air.

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