Uh Oh: Mark Hunt Explodes on ‘Sh*t Company’ UFC Over Brock Lesnar

Mark Hunt isn’t happy, to say the least.

Mark Hunt is mad as hell. He’s been mad ever since Brock Lesnar failed both of his drug tests ahead of their bout at UFC 200. Ever since then, it was like an elaborate layout of falling dominoes. It seemed as if the universe was just trying to piss Hunt off with each new piece of information that was released. Hunt decided he wanted half of Lesnar’s purse, but then changed his mind after stewing on it and demanded every cent that the “jacked white boy” would make or he walks. Well, turns out the UFC isn’t even going to fine Lesnar. All of this led to the curse-filled crescendo that went down yesterday on the MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani.   

“That’s corrupt shi-t, man. These motherf-ckers should be penalized hard. Dirty, scummy, cheating scum. That’s how that monkey won his world title. He didn’t do it by doing it clean. He did it by cheating, just like the rest of these cheaters,” Hunt said. You cant say that the man is a liar, his last three opponents now have popped for performance enhancing drugs.

 The Super Samoan seemed like he was just waiting, daring someone to ask him about the doping fiasco. He popped off when prompted with pretty much every naughty word in existence. 

“F-ck the UFC, you’re sh-t. You motherfuckers don’t look after nobody,” Hunt yelled. “We’ll let this f-cking white piece of sh-t f-cking sticking needles in his ass and say oh, let’s cheat all the way to the fucking bank! Let’s give him f-cking millions of dollars and not worry about this motherfucker, you know, f-ck that and f-ck your sh-t company.”   

Hunt reiterated the he’d “go and work somewhere else” and suing the UFC could be an option. In this new age of free agency, I’m sure Hunt’s cinder block fists and famous walk-off knockouts would find a great home anywhere. Who knows, maybe Nobuhiko Sakakibara or Scott Coker could hook up with a good lawyer, or a contact.   

Watch the entire episode of the MMA Hour here.

By Justin Golightly

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