
WWE Raw Results For 2/21/22 Brock Lesnar Speaks, RK-Bro vs Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens and More

The fallout for WWE Elimination Chamber 2022 is set on the 1,500th Episode of Raw.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 2/21/2022 edition of WWE Monday Night Raw. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and on Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– After a video package recapping the events of Elimination Chamber, the show kicks off with Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves welcoming the viewer to WWE Raw.

– Opening the show, Mike Rome introduces the newly crowned WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar, into the ring as he celebrates on the ringside area. Brock Lesnar grabs the microphone to a standing ovation, as he states that it is hot in the building, stating that the new WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World is in South Carolina. Before he continues, Paul Heyman interrupts Lesnar by introducing himself, before being interrupted by Lesnar and being told by the WWE Champion that he does not suck. Heyman follows up that he is the Council of the only World Champion in WWE, Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Heyman reveals that Brock Lesnar will defend the WWE Championship on Madison Square Garden on March 5th against Bobby Lashley, stating that he will not arrive to Wrestlemania as WWE Champion. Brock follows up by stating he can still appreciate him, even though he’s such a dick, and states that he will bring the WWE Championship to SmackDown this Friday.

Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens are interviewed by Kevin Patrick and they state that they have a path to Wrestlemania as the best tag team on Raw. Kevin Owens state that they will beat RK-Bro and they will enter the Raw Tag Team Championship Match and they will challenge The Usos in a Title vs Tile match at Wrestlemania. Owens says that Wrestlemania will be stupendous because of them.

– Miz TV, a segment with Edge, and RK-Bro vs Rollins & Kevin Owens are promoted for later tonight.

Street Profits vs Alpha Academy

Angelo Dawkins & Chad Gable start the match locking up before Dawkins connects a shoulder block on Gable. Dawkins would proceed to tag in Montez Ford before ford connected Gable with a dropkick. Ford would try to continue the offense, but Gable would reverse the move and tag in Otis. Otis would take control of proceedings before tagging in Gable again, but Ford would cause both of them to go to the outside. Ford would attempt a Top rope move before being intercepted by the Raw Tag Team Champions, but Angelo Dawkins would follow up with a Tope con Giro on everyone before the commercial break.

We come back from the break with Otis head-locking Montez Ford before tagging in Chad Gable. Ford would attempt a Sunset Flip, but Gable would intercept and hit a Suplex for a near fall. Gable would try to continue to attack Ford, but Ford would evade to tag in Angelo Dawkins for the hot tag. Street Profits would connect a Blockbuster on Gable for a near fall. Otis would send Dawkins into the barricade before tagging back. He would be lifted by Ford in an attempt of a Bodyslam, but Otis would fall on him and would be pinned with assistance of Chad Gable for the victory of The Academy.

Winners: Alpha Academy

– After the match, Tommasso Ciampa is interviewed before the match and he states that he is here to respect the honor of NXT. He reveals his tag team partner for his match against the Dirty Dogs would be a returning Finn Balor, saying that he will never forget his run in NXT and he wants to start the road to Wrestlemania the best way possible.

Tommasso Ciampa & Finn Balor vs Dirty Dogs (Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode)

The match starts with Robert Roode and Tommaso Ciampa in the ring, who tried to attack Ziggler before being ambushed by Roode. He would put Roode in a headlock before being sent in the corner to allow Ziggler to be tagged in. He would send Ciampa in the corner, before Ciampa evaded and connected Ziggler with a clothesline. Finn Balor would make a surprise tag before Ciampa and Balor sent both of the Dirty Dogs into the outside, before connecting a Tope Con Jiro on both Ziggler and Roode before the commercial break.

We come back from the break with the Dirty Dogs controlling proceedings on Tommaso Ciampa. Ziggler would get Ciampa into a Guillotine before it was reversed into a Lariat from Ciampa, leading to the hot tag for Finn Balor, who hits Roode with a forearm to the face followed by a stomp to the chest. Balor would evade a clotheslien into a Bloody Sunday on Roode for a near fall after Ziggler intervened. Ciampa and Ziggler would be sent to the outside before Roode connected a Spinebuster on Balor for another near fall. Ciampa would be tagged in and Roode would climb to the top rope, but he would be hit with a Knee to the face from Ciampa. Ciampa would attempt the Widow’s Bell, but it would be reversed by Roode before Ciampa gets a sunset flip on Roode for the pinfall victory.

Winners: Finn Balor & Tommasso Ciampa

– We get a rundown of the matches announced for Wrestlemania, including Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar, Becky Lynch vs Bianca Belair, and Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey.

– We come back from the commercial break with a new edition of Miz TV, hosted by The Miz. He recapped what happened in his match against Rey Mysterio, while he discusses that he tried to compare himself to Rey Mysterio. He also states that the fans need Rey to be successful, stating that the fans are not to be trusted.

Before he gets to introduce his tag team partner, Rey Mysterio & Dominik interrupt by stating that no one in the locker rooms stands him and that The Miz should give his tag team partner his Wrestlemania spot to someone that deserves it. He questions Rey Mysterio if he deserved to win the match and if Dominik deserved his contract, which would lead to Dominik stating that he would do anything to keep his spot in WWE.

The Miz would go ahead and challenge The Mysterios to a match against him and his mystery Tag Team partner at Wrestlemania. Miz would go ahead and introduce his Tag Team partner, who turns out to be none other than Logan Paul. Upon the revelation, Dominik accepts the challenge. Logan Paul and The Miz would proceed and attack The Mysterios, leading to The Miz to connect a Skull-Crushing finale on Rey Mysterio and Logan Paul connecting his own Skull-Crushing Finale on Dominik.

– The Alpha Academy are interviewed backstage about the Tag Team Match for tonight, stating that University of South Carolina sucks. He continues to say that no matter who the Tag Team match between Seth & Owens vs RK-Bro, they will still walkout as Tag Team Champions from their title defense.

– We get a video package stating that VEER IS COMING!

Rhea Ripley vs Nikki A.S.H.

The match starts with Nikki A.S.H. slapping Ripley, before Ripley connected A.S.H. with a headbutt. She goes and tosses Nikki around before connecting a Standing Suplex on Nikki A.S.H. before she rolls to the outside. Ripley would proceed and slam Nikki’s head to the announcer’s table. Nikki A.S.H. would proceed to ambush Ripley before Ripley got Nikki A.S.H. with the Riptide for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

– There was an update on Bobby Lashley that he did travel to the United States and is being checked out for the Concussion Protocol. He’s scheduled to wrestle in March 5th at Madison Square Garden, but he will be replaced if he is not cleared.

– We get a highlight package of The Undertaker becoming the first inductee of the Class of 2022 of the WWE Hall of Fame, followed by an ovation from the South Carolina crowd. It is revealed that tickets for SmackDown and the 2022 Hall of Fame go on sale on February 22, 2022.

WWE United States Championship Match

Damian Priest (c) vs Shelton Benjamin (w/ Cedric Alexander)

The start of the match consists of Shelton Benjamin attacking Damian Priest, which would be stopped by a punch from the United States Champion. Priest would attempt a chokeslam before being sent onto the outside by Benjamin, which would be followed by a kick from Cedric Alexander.

Benjamin would connect a Side Slam on Priest for a near fall. Priest would run the ropes with a sidekick and would punch Alexander out of the ring, but would be hit a knee to the head from Benjamin. Shelton Benjamin would connect a T-Bone Suplex for a near fall. Shelton would continue with the offense, but Priest would catch him with a chokeslam, followed by The Reckoning for the pinfall victory.

Winner and still United States Champion: Damian Priest

– After the match, Damian Priest challenges for anyone with World Championship caliber to face him next week for the United States Championship. Finn Balor comes out to the ramp and challenges Priest for next week.

– We get a recap from last week’s segment involving Dana Brooke and Reggie, which would be followed by the new 24/7 Champion, Reggie, coming out to the ring before the commercial break. After the commercial break, Reggie brings out Dana Brooke to the ring to explain his actions from the previous week. He explains that he was being supportive of her Championship reign, specifying that he saw an opportunity and he took advantage of it. He apologizes and brings out a referee for a match for the 24/7 Championship.

24/7 Championship Match

Reggie (c) vs Dana Brooke

Dana Brooke would attempt two pinfalls, but Reggie would kick out twice. On the third pinfall attempt, Dana Brooke would kiss Reggie, planting his shoulders on the mat for the pinfall win and regaining the 24/7 Championship. After the match, Tamina and Akira Tozawa would run to the ring and chase Reggie and Dana Brooke to end the segment.

Winner and New 24/7 Champion: Dana Brooke

– A recap of the Women’s Elimination Chamber match is shown, showcasing Bianca Belair winning the match. Belair would make her way to the ring before the commercial break.

Coming back from the commercial break, Belair states that she is ready to repeat what she did on the previous year’s Wrestlemania in Dallas. She proceeds to give props to her opponents in the Elimination Chamber match, but she proceeds that she has been working to come back to this spot. She says that she will prove why Wrestlemania cannot be spelled without EST.

After these words from Belair, Becky Lynch interrupts to congratulate Bianca Belair for her win. She proceeds to say that Bianca main evented Wrestlemania because Lynch did it first, but Belair refutes by correctly stating that she did it better. Lynch would bring back to light the 26 seconds, but Belair stated that she went back into the lien to make it back to the front and earn her spot instead of being the victim. Lynch would blame Belair for causing the fans to hate her, which led to her hating Bianca Belair because she is the victim of the story. Belair would refute by stating that she would make her the victim, before Doudrop interrupts to set up their match.

Bianca Belair vs Doudrop

The match starts up with Doudrop and Belair locking up before the two scrap in the corner, before Bianca putting Doudrop in a headlock. Belair would do a leapfrog before Doudrop got Belair with a cradle for a near fall. Bianca would continue to control the match by sending Doudrop to the ring corners before being hit with multiple forearms in the turnbuckle. Belair and Doudrop would continue to exchange strikes before Belair attempted a KOD, only for Doudrop to go to the apron and connect Belair with a headbutt. Belair would proceed to kick Doudrop out of the ring before hitting a cross body on Doudrop. After taunting Becky Lynch on ringside, Belair would be rushed with a running cross body from Doudrop before the commercial break.

After coming back from the break, Doudrop would have Belair in a modified Sleeper before tossing Belair to the ring post. After attempting a running Senton, Belair would counter with a Spinebuster and a Cartwheel-Running Moonsault to the back of Doudrop. Belair would attempt a Suplex, but Doudrop would evade. After Doudrop went for the Vader Bomb, but it would be reversed by Belair to a Powerbomb, which would be followed by an KOD for the decisive pinfall victory. After the match, Becky would stand on top of the announcer’s table to taunt Belair after her victory.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– After the commercial break, Edge comes out to the ring to a thunderous ovation, stating that the smell of Wrestlemania is in the air. He talks about his multiple experiences regarding Wrestlemania, including stating that the TLC 2 stole the show on Wrestlemania 17, including wishing D-Von Dudley a speedy recovery, his match against Undertaker in Wrestlemania 24, his pre-retirement match on Wrestlemania 27, and Main Eventing Wrestlemania last year. He continues to say that he does everything to make every Wrestlemania phenomenal, continuing to say that Wrestlemania needs Edge. He asks for someone in the locker room to step up, and that he will be waiting.

RK-Bro (Randy Orton & Riddle) vs Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens

As Seth Rollins serenaded the crowd, The main event of the show began with Riddle taking down Owens before being hit with a shoulder tackle. Owens would proceed to take down Riddle before connecting a running Senton followed by multiple kicks. Rollins would be tagged into the match and would connect Riddle with a Slingslade before being thrown by Riddle to the other side of the ring. Randy Orton would be tagged in before tagging Riddle back in with an Assisted Bro-derek. Rollins would proceed to punch Orton in the face before being thrown out of the ring. Orton would attempt a Back-Drop on the announcer’s table on Rollins, bot Owens would end up taking the Back-Drop instead, whilst Rollins connected with a Tope Suicida on Orton before the final commercial break of the show.

We come back from the break with Kevin Owens stomping on Orton for a near fall. Owens would connect a headlock before being hit with another Back-Drop, leading with the hot tag for Riddle. Riddle would connect a stand-up kick, followed by a forearm strike, continued by Saito Suplex and a Senton for a near fall. Riddle would climb to the top rope, but Owens would intercept before Rollins connected with a double stomp for a near fall. Owens would hit Riddle with a Brainbuster into his knee, followed by a Swanton Bomb and a Frog Splash from Rollins for a near fall. After a failed attempt to control Riddle, Orton would be tagged in and would hit multiple bodyslams on Rollins and Owens before hitting Owens with an Elevated DDT. He would attempt an RKO, but he would be intercepted by Rollins, before he got tagged out by Riddle. Afterwards, Rollins would hit a Curb Stomp on Orton on the outside, which would be followed by Riddle hitting a Floating Bro on Owens. After Owens would be tagged out by Rollins, Riddle attempted an RKO. Unfortunately for the Original Bro, he would be caught into a Buckle Bomb, followed by a Stunner from Kevin Owens, with Rollins providing the final touch with a Curb Stomp for the pinfall victory. The Tag Team Championship Match is now a Tripe Threat, pitting Champions, the Alpha Academy, against RK-Bro and the team of Seth Rollins & Kevin Ownes in two weeks time.

Winners: Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens

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