
AEW Rampage Results For 2/18/22 Switchblade Jay White vs. Trent Beretta, Adam Cole vs. Ten, and more

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– AEW Commentator Excalibur welcomes the viewer to AEW Rampage Slam Dunk. They are coming to us from Nashville, Tennessee. In addition, Excalibur then introduces his colleagues Taz, Ricky Starks, and Chris Jericho to the broadcast.

Adam Cole vs. Ten of The Dark Order

The match begins with Ten taking Adam Cole down with a shoulder tackle. Cole comes back by attacking the knee of Ten. Ten recovers quickly and hits Cole with a German suplex; Cole is lucky as he looked like he landed on his neck.

Cole takes down Ten again and goes after the knee again. Now, Cole slams Ten’s knee into the ring post, and Cole hits Ten with a neckbreaker.

Ten is back up and hits Cole with a delayed vertical suplex; Ten goes for the count; however, Cole kicks out at two. Cole hits Ten with a Bicycle kick. They head out for their first picture-in-picture commercial break.

We return from the break with Ten taking down Cole with a clothesline and a spinebuster. Ten is going for the full nelson submission, but Cole gets out of it and hits Ten with an enzuigiri. Next, Cole hits Ten with a backstabber. Ten recovers and hits Cole with a magnificent discus lariat.

Cole will try and hit the Panama Sunrise; however, Ten hits him with a spear as Cole is coming down from the rope. Ten goes for the Full Nelson again, but Cole gets out of it. Finally, Ten gets the Full Nelson hold onto Cole. Cole goes into the corner; the referee is caught in the middle allowing Cole to hit Ten with a low blow.

Then Adam Cole nails Ten with a superkick and lays in the Boom. Finally, Cole pins Ten and gets the victory. After the match, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish celebrate his victory as he walks up the ramp.

Winner: Adam Cole

Qualifying Match For Face of the Revolution Ladder Match
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dante Martin

Before the match begins, PowerHouse Hobbs attacks Dante Martin. Finally, the bell rings, and Dante Martin starts aggressively going at Hobbs. Martin sends Hobbs outside of the ring, Martin goes for a top rope maneuver, but Hobbs knocks him off the top rope.

Martin is outside the ropes, and Hobbs hits Martin with a running shoulder tackle, and Hobbs goes flying to the ground. Hobbs goes after Martin on the outside, and Hobbs throws Martin into the ring from the ground. Hobbs throws Martin about ten feet in the air, and he lands hard onto the canvas back first. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial break with Hobbs in control.

We return with Hobbs still in control; Hobbs has Martin in a bear hug. Hobbs throws Martin to the corner. Hobbs hits Martin with a big clothesline.

PowerHouse Hobbs lands a knee on Martin’s sternum. Martin sends Hobbs to the canvas with a big uppercut. Hobbs goes to the outside, and Martin hits Hobbs with a Springboard Tornillo. Martin follows it up by nailing Hobbs with a shotgun dropkick.

Martin goes for the pin, but Hobbs kicks out at two. Martin tries to send Hobbs to the ropes; however, Hobbs is not having it and hits Martin with a massive spinebuster. Hobbs pins Martin and qualifies for the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match.

Winner: PowerHouse Hobbs

– Tony Schiavone is interviewing Jade Cargill, and she asked who was next to face her for the TBS Women’s Championship. Matt Hardy interrupts and challenges her to face The Bunny on next week’s AEW Rampage.

The Professor’s Five Minute Rookie Challenge
Serena Deeb vs. Angelica Risk

The bell rings, and Serena Deeb starts laying some heavy strikes; Deeb watches the clock and pummels Angelica Risk some more. Finally, Deeb hits Risk with a powerbomb and then ends it by making her opponent submit by tap out.

Winner: Serena Deeb

– Mark Henry is interviewing Jay White and Trent Beretta via split-screen. Henry asks White, “why did he try and destroy Trent Beretta.” White says he went through the forbidden door and will he is there as a favor for Adam Cole and The Young Bucks. Beretta says that “he is going to send him back through the door after their match tonight.”

“Switchblade” Jay White vs. Trent Beretta ( w/ Orange Cassidy)

The bell rings, and they start with a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Jay White gets the best of it and controls the match from the start. Trent Beretta gets in two big elbows in on White. Beretta hits White with a couple of punches to the chest.

Beretta goes after White, who is outside the ring. White slams Beretta into the barricade on the outside. The action goes back into the ring. White grabs the ropes, getting the referee to stop Beretta from attacking. White then grabs hold of Beretta and suplex’s him outside the ring. We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break.

Jay White stays in control of the match through the break. Now, Beretta hits White with a half nelson suplex after countering the Blade Runner. Then, Beretta hits White with a rising knee strike; Beretta goes for the pin, but White kicks out. After that, Beretta and White exchange strike back and forth. Next, Trent goes a possible buckle bomb; however, White counters it into the Blade Runner, and he pins Beretta to win.

Winner: Switchblade Jay White

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