
AEW Rampage Results 1/14/22 Adam Cole vs. Trent Beretta, Jurassic Express vs. Darko Order, and more

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Adam Cole ( w/ The Young Bucks, ReDragon, and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.) vs. Trent Beretta ( w/ Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, Kris Statlander, and Wheeler Yuta)

The bell rings, and Trent Berreta goes right in on Adam Cole and gets the upper hand with a few strikes. The Superkliq distracts Trent, which allows Cole to yank him down. Cole hits Beretta with three neck breakers. Cole goes for the pin, but Trent kicks out at one. The action goes outside the ring; Cole sends Trent into the barricade as we go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break.

We return with Beretta making a come back; he takes Cole down with a deadlift German suplex. Beretta hits Cole with a swinging DDT, Beretta goes for the pin, but Cole kicks out. Trent hits Cole with an Avalanche Brain Buster. Trent goes for a Fireman’s carry; however, Cole hits Beretta with a backstabber. Trent hits Cole with a half and half; Cole hits the brainbuster. Cole hits Beretta with a Canadian Destroyer; Cole goes for the pin; however, Beretta kicks out.

Cole goes for the Panama City Sunrise; Beretta counters and hits Strong Zero. Cole gets his leg on the rope. We see Matt Jackson and Chuck Taylor fighting. Cole hits Beretta with a low blow while the ref is distracted. Cole then lowers The Boom and pins Beretta for the victory.

Winner: Adam Cole ( w/ The Young Bucks, ReDragon, and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.)

Shawn Spears ( w/ Wardlow) vs. Andrew Everett

The bell rings. Andrew Everett goes right after Shawn Spears, Spears takes Everett with a C4, and Spears beats Everett with a nonchalant pin.

Winner: Shawn Spears ( w/ Wardlow)

– The Acclaimed has a video, and it’s a rap video of them rapping about Darby Allin and Sting.

The Bunny, Penelope Ford, and Nyla Rose ( w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Kris Statlander, Leyla Hirsch, and Red Velvet

Leyla Hirsch tags herself in, and Nyla Rose takes down Hirsch with a slam; as Hirsch gets up, Statlander tags herself in. Statlander hits Rose, Rose tags The Bunny, The Bunny hits the ropes, and Statlander hits her with a quick powerslam. Statlander tags in Red Velvet, Velvet, and Statlander double-team The Bunny. Finally, Leyla Hirsch tags herself in, and she is getting some offense in.

The Bunny pushes Hirsch back, and Statlander asks for the tag; however, Hirsch won’t tag her. Red Velvet tags herself in, and now we see Statlander and Hirsch arguing. Finally, Nyla Rose gets tagged in, and she hits and knocks down Statlander and Hirsch. Rose hits Red Velvet with a shoulder tackle as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break. We return from the break, and Rose hits Velvet with a chokeslam. Rose goes for a senton but misses.

Red Velvet makes the hot tag, and she takes out Penelope Ford, who Nyla just tagged. Ford goes for the cutter, Statlander hits The Bunny with a Blue Thunder Bomb, Statlander is going for a superkick, and Hirsch tags herself back in. Hirsch and Statlander get into each other’s faces; the Bunny pushes Hirsch into Statlander and rolls her up for the pin.

Winners: The Bunny, Penelope Ford, and Nyla Rose ( w/ Vickie Guerrero)

– Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page cut a promo telling Cody Rhodes and Sammy Guevara. Sky tells Rhodes and Guevara that he is going for the TNT Championship.

– Mark Henry interviews The Dark Order and Jurassic Express with Christian Cage. Dark Order tells Jurassic Express to take those titles from them. However, before Christian Cage talks, John Silver and Alex Reynolds begin playing Kazoos. Christian Cage tells them he helped Jurassic Express get the AEW tag-team titles.

The Dark Order’s Alex Reynolds and John Silver ( w/ Evil Uno and Anna Jay) vs. Jurassic Express ( w/ Christian Cage)

Jungle Boy and Alex Reynolds begin things; Reynolds takes down Jungle Boy, and soon after, Jungle Boyu does the same. Jungle Boy tags in Luchasaurus, and Luchasaurus hits Reynolds with a big lariat. Jungle Boy is back in, and he hits a top rope senton.

John Silver gets the hot tag, and he takes out Jungle Boy with a big jump kick. Then, Jungle Boy goes for a tope suicida; however, Silver catches Jungle Boy, and Alex Reynolds hits the tope suicida as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the break, John Silver controls the match. We return, and Luchasaurus gets the hot tag, and he takes out both Reynolds and Silver with multiple lariats and splashes. Luchasaurus chokeslam’s John Silver right on top of his partner Alex Reynolds. Jungle Boy is now in, and Silver tags in Reynolds, Silver, and Reynolds were going for the Doomsday Device, but Jungle Boy stops it from happening.

Now, all four men are in the corner. Silver is going for a suplex on Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus gets back in the ring, and he powerbomb’s John Silver as Silver hits Jungle Boy with a suplex, and all four men are down. Jungle Boy hits Silver with a hurricanrana; he goes into Evil Uno. Jungle Boy hits Reynolds with a Destroyer, Luchasaurus, then pins Reynolds after hitting him with a spear.

Winners: Jurassic Express ( w/ Christian Cage)

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