
AEW Battle of the Belts Results for 1/8/22 AEW Women’s Championship Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Riho

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– AEW Commentator Jim Ross kicks off the show with “It’s Saturday Night, and you know what that means.” Next, Ross welcomes the viewer to Charlotte, North Carolina, for AEW’s Battle of the Belts. Ross then welcomes his colleagues Tony Schiavone and Excalibur.

Interim TNT Championship Match
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes ( w/ Arn Anderson) vs. Sammy Guevara

Before the match begins, AEW’s ring announcer Justin Roberts welcomes David Crockett. Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara shake hands. Sammy and Dustin exchange arm drag takedowns. The two circle around the ring before going at it again. Dustin Rhodes asks for time to catch himself. Guevara hits Rhodes with a dropkick, and Rhodes rolls out of the ring.

Guevara points at Arn like he’s holding a gun. Anderson then flips Guevara the middle finger. Rhodes sends Guevara to the steel steps knee first. Rhodes follows it up by hitting Guevara with a suplex. Referee Aubrey Edwards begins her count, and she gets to nine before Sammy jumps back into the ring.

They head out for their first picture-in-picture commercial break with Rhodes in control. We return with Rhodes hitting Guevara with the powerslam; he follows up with a few strikes. Rhodes goes to hit Guevara with a monkey flip, but Guevara counters, and he takes Rhodes out. They show Daniel Garcia in the crowd. 

Sammy Guevara hits Rhodes with a double springboard dive. Next, Guevara hits Rhodes with an enzuigiri; Rhodes comes back and hits Guevara with the CrossRhodes out of nowhere. Dustin goes for the cover, but Sammy kicks out at two. Now, Rhodes hits Guevara with the Code Red. Rhodes goes for the pin, and Guevara kicks out again. Next, Rhodes goes to the top turnbuckle, but Guevara grabs Rhodes and hits the GTH. Guevara goes for the pin, but Rhodes kicks out.

Fuego Del Sol comes out from underneath the ring and sets up a table. Rhodes hits Guevara with a Canadian Destroyer through the table. Rhodes hits Guevara with two more CrossRhodes, but Rhodes hesitates too long to make his next move, and Sammy counters with a superkick. Rhodes and Guevara exchange pin attempts multiple times, and Sammy eventually holds on long enough to victory.

After the match, Rhodes and Guevara shake hands and hug each other. Rhodes leaves the ring as Guevara celebrates. Next, we see Daniel Garcia get into the ring and Sammy’s face. Sammy slaps him, and the two begin fighting. The referees come to ringside to break it up.

Winner and New Interim TNT Champion: Sammy Guevara

– We return from the commercial break with Tony Schiavone backstage with Sammy Guevara, and Guevara challenges Daniel Garcia to a match at Dynamite this coming Wednesday.

FTW Championship
Ricky Starks ( w/ PowerHouse Hobbs) vs. Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal and Ricky Starks begin things by slapping each other. Sydal gets the advantage; first, Sydal goes after Starks on the outside; however, PowerHouse Hobbs is on the outside and slowing Sydal down by standing beside Starks, trying to gather himself. They head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the break, Starks takes control, and he throws in various strikes and punches. We return from the break with Starks hitting Sydal with a Twisting Uranage. Starks goes to the top rope, Sydal takes Starks down with a Michinoku Driver.

Sydal goes for the pin, but Starks kicks out. Starks goes for a spear; however, Sydal meets him with a lightning spiral. Sydal hits Starks with a Meteora, Sydal goes for the cover, but Starks gets to the ropes. Starks hits Sydal with a spear and finishes it off with the Roshambo.

Starks pins Sydal to get the win. After the match, Starks and Hobbs attack Sydal, but Lee Moriarity comes out to try and save Sydal. Lee gets beaten down until Dante Martin clears the ring. He sends Hobbs out of the ring with a shotgun dropkick.

Winner: Ricky Starks ( w/ PowerHouse Hobbs)

AEW Women’s Championship Match
Riho vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. ( w/ Rebel and Jamie Hayter)

The bell rings, and Riho walks around the ring, and Jamie Hayter grabs the leg of Riho, allowing Baker to attack Riho. Baker hits Riho with a sling blade; the action goes outside, exchanging a few strikes. Jamie Hayter pulls out a table, setting up Riho enough time to hit Baker with a dragon suplex.

They get back into the ring, and Riho nails Baker with a missile dropkick. We head out for the last commercial break of the show, with Baker gaining control. We return with Riho hitting Baker with a double-foot stomp. Riho goes for a quick pin attempt; however, Baker kicks out at two.

Riho hits Baker with a big knee strike in the corner. Riho then puts Baker on the middle rope and hits Baker with the Tiger feint kick. Riho attempts to go for a diving foot stomp; however, Rebel lays on top of Baker, blocking Riho. Riho jumps on top of Rebel. Riho goes for another stomp, but Baker moves and hits Riho with the Air Raid Crash. Baker goes for the Lockjaw, but Riho gets out of it. 

Baker hits Riho with the curb stomp, and Baker goes for the pin; however, Riho kicks out. Rebel and Hayter try to hand the belt to Baker; Rebel gets ejected. We see Hayter on the apron, and she begins to argue with Baker. Riho knocks Baker into Hayter.

Riho nails Baker with the crucifix bomb and then hits her with a Northern Lights suplex. Riho goes for the cover, but Baker kicks out. Baker suddenly puts the Lockjaw on Riho, and Riho taps out. Britt Baker has retained her AEW Women’s Championship.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. ( w/ Rebel and Jamie Hayter)

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